Friday, October 14, 2011

British Banks Face Collapse

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Sunday October 9, 2011

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the recent credit downgrade of 12 major British bank, including Royal Bank of Scotland, is just a precursor to the possible collapse of the entire British financial structure.

Royal bank of Scotland, along with UBS of Switzerland, have been fingered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Court of Settlements (ICS located in Belgium) for violating the terms of the Basel II European Union capitalization requirements in regards to derivative trading.

Both Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS have TRILLIONS of dollar-denominated counterfeit derivatives tied to an attempt to suppress the price of gold and silver.

We can now divulge a direct tie in between the Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS of Switzerland, Bank of America and J. P. Morgan Chase.

At this hour, the IMF and the International Court of Settlements have frozen the proprietary trading accounts of both the Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS of Switzerland.

P.S. The IMF and ICS proprietary trading freeze on both RBS and UBS coincides with a desperate attempt by the British Chancellor of the Exchequer to bail out the derivative holdings of these bankrupt British banks.

Just last Friday the British Chancellor of the Exchequer ordered the printing of billions of pound sterling with all this currency directed to bail out Royal Bank of Scotland.

Yes, folks, the derivative meltdown has begun!

P.P.S. Word is out that there is no real division between France and Germany. Over this weekend German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy discussed keeping the structure of the European Union, but simultaneously opening the door to end the EURO currency as a unit of exchange.

Word is out that both the French and the Germans have ordered their banks to print billions of francs and marks, then abolish the EURO and then back the francs and marks with gold.

This will allow France and Germany to write off the EURO derivative debt tied to Greece and other European Union nations like Spain and Portugal.

The question, folks, is: Guess who is then holding the bag, none other than British owned J. P. Morgan.

P.P.P.S. We want to continue to encourage total revolutionary mode in America, not only to occupy Wall Street, but also occupy the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media centers and then, of course, occupy Washington D.C. itself.

Do not be fooled by bank stooge, alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro. He is a former CIA asset who worked for George Herbert Walker Bush in Indonesia in the 1980s.

Obama is totally controlled by criminal banking interests with his bag man being none other than the Mayor of Chicago, Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emmanuel.

Message to Republican House majority leader Eric Cantor: Cease and desist!

Cantor has criticized the Occupy Wall Street movement. Guess who the biggest financial contributor to Eric Cantor is: None other than the criminal banking interests, like J. P. Morgan Chase that have destroyed the U.S. economy.

Israeli Mossad agent Cantor talks to J. P. Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon on a daily basis to get his marching orders.

Message to Republican presidential candidate, member of the church of satanic of latter days saints, Mitt Romney: Cease and desist, and shut up!

Romney is completely controlled by Bank of America, Citibank, J. P. Morgan Chase and Mellon Bank of New York. Romney's former company, Bain Capital, participated with the aforementioned banks in massive criminal derivative trading for over fifteen (15) years! Romney, who likes to make jokes about year 2000 duly elected president Albert Gore Jr., actually corresponds with his 'handler' CIA mafia godfather George Herbert Walker Bush on a weekly basis.

Soon the joke will be on you, punk Romney. I hear Current TV is going to expose your financial derivative double dealing involving none other than Royal Bank of Scotland. It is obvious, folks, we don't need these bank dicks in charge of the United States

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bye, BYE, Romney. Will not miss any of you.