Saturday, October 8, 2011


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 8-Oct-2011 19:26:13
Occupy Wall Street is confirmed a Bogus Controlled Movement
*** This is up because they kept gutting my blog "An Ancient and Occult Genetic Code", which is horrific. It fit perfectly with the previous two blogs tonight. It explains their secret societies and passing on their "secret knowledge" that we thought was just superstition, but in fact, is real, That is why they don't want it up here, so go to the link and read and then reread about the Windsors on the previous two blogs. Remember, what they know and can use, so can we. They do not want us to have that knowledge, its been their advantage for thousands of years.... passing it on generation to generation. I can imagine what we can do if we had that knowledge and they fear us big time.
Vatic Note: As many of you saw from one of our recent blogs, we saw and provided a video that proved conclusively this "Occupy Wall Street" was a controlled and handled action by the bankers manager, George Soros. They even stage played the confrontation on the bridge with chalk signs telling the police where to stand and the gutting archives of police calls right before this happened for about two days becuase they were doing the practices and could not let the public know so the archives had to go. It was a fascinating presentation and well documented.
Then the final proof were the demands and especially no call for the fed reserve to be audited, or disband or relieved of duty and the functions to be given over to our Treasury dept, and no call to have all wall street bankers removed from treasury, and instead, they had A DEMAND SAYING THEY WANT TO PAY THE ROTHSCHILDS 1 BILLION DOLLARS TO BUY THE FED RES after spending years denying the fed res was not private. Why pay them??? When we can just do away with them. That was the demand that sealed it for me that the bankers were running the whole show. The Hegelian Dialect. They create the crisis, we react, they provide the solution.
Further, here is the scam on that one.... Rothschild, once the financial structure is globalized will be doing away with the fed and central banks in Europe because all functions will be centralized in Switzerland at Rothschilds BIS bank which is the "bankers bank". What a scam! That is when I knew the entire movement was controlled. Add to that the MSM reporting about them when they totally ignored the teaparty's million man march that was huge.... in DC. The only time they cover something like that is when their owners, the bankers, tell them to.
Read this below, its great and just adds more evidence of the movement being taken over or initiated by Soros in the first place. Also the new rhetoric is in line with what these bankers did in Russia and in Nazi Germany using the socialist banner which took away from the libertarians who had joined the movement. Remember how this works, the bankers conduct the revolution, finance it, make it into a socialist state, then move it into communism, and finally a despotism run by Fascists where the corporations control the government and everything is done by them paid for by the taxpayers which includes their outrageous profits earned through non competitive bids and criminal theft.
We are left with crumbling infrastructure etc, and they have slaves, paid for work "... according to their ability and paid according to their needs" (in other words, "slaves") and also includes the end of private ownership and replaced with state ownership of all land. Hmmm, wonder who benefits from that? Which is BS. THEY HAVE NO FRIGGEN IMAGINATION. They do the same thing over and over again and expect different results, like us accepting it on their say so.....which is the definition of insanity. They think we don't read history and will buy this garbage. They are brilliant in execution and planning but suck on originality and creativity. They have none. LOL Everything they do, they get caught. They are going down, I just feel it. Something is amiss in their whole program and they can't see it. That is good to know. There are going to be a lot of public servants who will pay for their betrayal.
Evil Occupies Wall Street, October 07, 2011 – by Staff Report, The Daily Bell

A vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert ...
What rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
– The Second Coming/WB Yeats

Dominant Social Theme: There is to be a worldwide revolution on October 15th! Be there or be square.
Free-Market Analysis: Today, we hear the heavy tread of the "rough beast" and we see for ourselves the progress of a cold-blooded anti-freedom movement rising in front of our disbelieving eyes.
What proximate cause drives this revelation? On October 15th there is to be a "worldwide demonstration for global change." Just like that. (And by the way, Oct. 15th is the day of Wall Street's second largest meltdown ever, in 2008). We wonder if the US State department knows about this. Along with the CIA, the State dept. has supported numerous "youth movements" via AYM worldwide.
The announcement of this global protest comes to us courtesy of, and while there is seemingly no direct connection between "15October" and Occupy Wall Street, somehow we're sure there is. The 15October site carries examples of stickers and posters. One poster reads "Legally camp on Wall Street and remain together to be strong."
Yes, increasingly, this seems a virulent, deliberate, calculated operation. The 15October rhetoric is deliberately internationalist. "United for Global Change." Say what? Did we miss something? When did these demos morph into an international movement for "global change" and a "better place to live for all." What the hell does that mean? (VN: It means a one world order, thats what it means, LOL)

8 comments: said...

Sounds like misinformation to me.

deacon said...

seawitch again, just as bogus as sorcha faal

Anonymous said...

I don't believe a WORD of it. This is a genuine movement and everyone in America will see it in a week or so. The Oathkeepers are joining the OCCUPY THE FED movement at ALL the Federal Reserves. Vets and others are occupying D.C. with STOP THE MACHINE and over 1100 cities are participating in the Occupy Wall Street protest. THIS IS BIG AND EACH OF US SHOULD JOIN SO THESE CREEPS CAN "VISUALIZE" THEIR OPPOSITION - once and for all!

Anonymous said... ..novel... ..Early Eugenics Movement ..
..Palestinian-Israeli History..
.. Project Blue Beam's Real Mission? ... ..A Black Nobility Bloodline, Part 1 of 5...
..The Windsor wealth .. ..Controlled Movement.. ..this is the link.. ..For More..

Anonymous said...

source is : ..For More..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like misinformation up to me as well.

I am sure they are trying to undermine and infiltrate the movement, but it is up to us, the people, to prevent that and not fall for those dirty tricks. As long as we are aware of that things will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Misinformation indeed, as an Occupy activist, this is lies. The movement is completely organic and wholesome, we have a TRUE democratic process, where the people come out and we hear from EVERYONE and we do not agree, unless WE ALL agree. Have you not noticed all the media attention is negative and paints it as a bunch of hippies and anarchist students that are stupid and lazy?? This is so far from the truth, I encourage everyone of you to attend a general assembly meeting and see what its all about. Its a very positive movement that has address some serious problems in this country, like the Federal Reserve, corruption, greed, citizens united, the banks and slew of other issues that desperately need attention. I encourage all of you to check out the websites and forum, engage in discussion and see what is really going on, its a wonderful thing and the people from young to old, poor to upper middle class and everybody in between are there and involved. Check out the website:
We Are the 99%, Join Us!

Anonymous said...

The occupy movement is much needed. Peaceful protest is the key. I will watch this site closely for it seems to have disinformation.