Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Oct-2011 14:39:25

Breaking Astral News:
The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11
Steve's Numerological Proof.
How the Huge Changes of Gaia and Humanity will occur in the "No-Time" at the Stargate 11.11.11.
by Dr. Georgi Stankov, October 12, 2011, Copyright 2011
The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11 - Stankov`s Universal Law Press
* NOTE: Stand by for upcoming history making information next!


Anonymous said...

....part1/2.. .......source is: ..for more..
Saturday, July 09, 2011 Open Letter by Dr. Georgi Stankov. ....... Why should any enlightened human being, who is fully aware of the actual situation on earth, ask for an official Disclosure Act by the dark ones in the world governments on the existence of aliens on earth, thus publicly admitting that some of these dark aliens from the Orion Empire, being the actual co-creators of Homo Sapiens, have pitilessly enslaved present-day humanity for more than 13 000 years, by instiga-ting endless wars, calamities, epidemic diseases, oppressions of human freedom, insidious criminal acts, such as the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, while keeping their existence on earth secret by numerous dumping-down practices? To ask the dark ones to admit their darkness in order to liberate oneself from their influence is the most stupid attitude that humans have unfortunately embraced for millennia with respect to their Controllers, thus only deepening their perennial enslavement. It is precisely this tactics that the dark ones have always employed while subjugating humanity to their insidious plans. This is the greatest delusion, which humanity can display at this time when the social and material structures of the current World Order are crumbling with an exponential speed and the dark ones are in a total disarray, and poignantly aware of their helplessness. No sovereign being should ever come to the perverse idea that he/she needs an official acknowledgement by his/her master that he/she has been enslaved for eons of time and now has become a free person by the gracious benevolence of this same oppressor. The individual freedom of man can only be achieved by living to it. ....
...............Comet Elenin is in the news and the minds of the world community since it was first discovered by the Russian amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010, through remote control of the International Scientific Optical Network's robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico,
When I predicted in my last interview with you, that the financial collapse will take place in late September and October, I explicitly stressed that only after this, the true End Time of Relevations and Jubilations (not Tribulations) of humanity will begin. This will be the final period of preparation for Ascension. All facts must come on the table. I told you that you must bear in mind the two pivotal dates, 11.11.11 and 12.12.12, which mark the last two star portals, opening the road to Ascension for earth and mankind. The 11.11.11 portal will be the beginning of the official Ascension process for humanity. As I have written on many occasions, it will be triggered by the First Wave of Ascended human Masters.

Anonymous said...

.....part2.... Now I can give you new and more precise information on how these dramatic and breath-taking events will unfold in detail in the course of this fall. This information I am receiving continuously from the causal worlds, with which I stay in an open telepathic contact since 1992. The first brand-new information is the role, which the Comet Elenin will play, in the coming crucial events. Contrary to the current confusion in the mass media and Internet, deliberately instigated by the dark ones, Comet Elenin is a mother-ship of the Galactic Federation and is heading towards earth, to support the begin of human Ascension. .......It is not the purpose of this mother-ship of the Galactic Federation, to cause natural catastrophes on earth, but to help the split of the two timelines of earth in the End Times. As I have written in my last book, earth will ultimately split in an ascended earth (A) and a degraded, catastrophic earth (B) in the three days of stasis around December 21, 2012, when a huge photon tsunami from the central sun of the galaxy, will flood upon earth and transport the ascended earth to the 5th dimension (see also the ongoing scenario). This process will actually begin with a full force on the 16th of October 2011, when Elenin will reach the closest distance to earth. The influence of Elenin can only be understood in conjunction with the energetic transformation of earth that is going on since 01.01.01, when the crystalline 144-grid of earth started to be renewed. After the Fall of Atlantis and the full conquest of this planet by the Dark forces from the Orion Empire, the earth was put under quarantine from the rest of the galaxy, as not to intoxicate the other civilisations with its negative energies. ....After the final decision was taken in the early 90s in the highest realms of Cosmic Providence that earth and humanity will ascend in December 2012, and that earth will not be destroyed, the regeneration of the crystalline 144-grid was initiated on the 1st of January, 2000. Each year, a new star portal is opened at the specific numerological dates: 2.2.2, 3.3.3... 11.11.11, and 12.12.12. Each portal corresponds to the building of about 8.5% of the earth's crystalline 144-grid. On 11,11.11, the grid will be completed by about 93%. .... During the time between October 16 and November 11, the veil between 3d-space-time of earth and the high frequency realms of the souls, defined as 5th and higher dimensions, will become very thin, for a short period of time. During this time, Elenin and the other cosmic forces that manage the Ascension of our planet, will establish numerous interdimensional portals on many places on earth. These portals will remain throughout the next year, when mass Ascension of humanity is scheduled to take place in December 2012 ...