Saturday, October 8, 2011

US protests spread to 847 cities

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

US protests spread to 847 cities
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 8-Oct-2011 12:12:13
Anti-corruption protests in the US, which started from the Wall Street in New York, have now spread to 847 cities across the country, US activists report.
The "Occupy Wall Street" movement started its demonstrations about four weeks ago and it has continued gatherings until now.

As of Friday morning, the website "Occupy Together," a hub for nationwide events in solidarity with "Occupy Wall Street" reported gatherings in 847 cities, Democracy Now reported.
On Thursday, activists kicked off the "October 2011" protest by occupying Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC.
Demonstrators protest against corporatism, unemployment, poverty and social inequality among other things.
They blame Wall Street practices and corporate influence on White House policies for the deepening US economic crisis.
"We need to stop investing in privatization. We need to start worrying about the 99 percent of the population. We need to start investing our money into social welfare programs,” one protester said.
The members of the Occupy Wall Street movement have vowed to stay out through winter.
Protesters use the slogan "We are the 99 percent” to call attention to the fact that they are not part of the one percent of Americans in possession of the nation's wealth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

source is :
For the complete transcript, podcast, and for additional reports on Occupy Wall Street on Democracy Now!, visit​tags/​occupy_wall_street
this, from: