Monday, April 9, 2012

Timing of the Event - Drake's opinion

Timing of the Event - Drake's opinion

In the next 30 to 45 days. And it can not be stopped.

Listen to the interview from around 99 to 102 minute mark:


Anonymous said...

All about the BAR

Anonymous said...

Dinar News:

At the CBI/IRAQ banksite,, there are in the process of loading the new rates!

All the exchange rates except the USD/IQD have been removed replaced by dashes "----"

Go and take a look!!

Anonymous said...

I will post again since you did not post my comment the last time. On the alerts tab on it said that these arrests would happen in April. 45 Days from now takes us near the end of May. When that time approaches is he going to move it back to July?

Anonymous said...

If you read before freedom reigns did not put that date there!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To be fair, the April date was created by whoever came up with the Alert - these same people are supposedly not connected to FreedomReigns. So their announcement that the arrests will be in April can't be blamed on Drake since he has no affiliation with them. His "30-45 days" comments is the first time he's brought up a timeline, however vague.

It seems simple enough: we should all wait 45 days now, and if nothing happens, the word that Drake is just another hoaxer should be spread all over the internet. Of course, he'll probably start hemming and hawing and will come up with some excuse as to why the arrests haven't happened, and people will still believe him because they WANT it to be true. It's sad and infuriating the way certain people will use others' desperation for whatever reason.

Dan said...

Some good things with Drake's comments and actions, as the Notification of Sovereignty to the Hague Court was just in October, have to be considered as Coordinating Internationally arrests of 10,000's of people has to be done properly within days.
Maybe the Sovereignty paperwork of how we can do it should be posted publicly, or the Notification of the States and the united States of America should be posted so we can start handing copies out to local government agencies and NOT just assume this is a TOTAL FRAUD!
Just word from an internet talk show is no different than a Fictional Story online!
When July 4th comes around and Drake is still talking that the actions are still to come then there is a problem.
Obama's people are threatening Sheriff Joe Arapio for discrimination and racism, but in some other states they are pushing to have the Sheriff just a watch dog to notify others to take the actions, irregardless of what the state Constitution's or U.S. Constitution says.
If We The People wait TOO LONG then Obama will declare Martial Law publicly and Declare HIS Dictatorship!
Obama is Preparing for Civil War II, which is those that are declaring their Sovereignty against those that believe the Government in which WE Sovereign's ARE THE TERRORISTS!
"The massive U.S. Department of Homeland Security contract with ATK Inc., to produce 450,000,000 (yes, 450 MILLION) rounds of very special .40 caliber S&W pistol ammunition, specifies that the cartridges be loaded with the costly, personal defense (anti-personnel) projectile known as Federal HST. The technology of the "HST" is, effectively, that of the Winchester "Ranger-T" product and the much-reviled Winchester "Black Talon."
Maybe We The People should notify ATK Inc. that THE UNITED STATES, INC. does NOT have funding to pay for the ammunition as it will be placed on We The People with a HIGHER Debt!

Anonymous said...

i dont know Drake, but the people in Pennsylvania who "took notes" after his talk about how to act in court are friends of mine and the events did happen as Drake has said,my state has also followed suit but we still need more people to step up. this will only happen if we actualy get up and make it happen. we are on the verge of something big, dont let it slip away because we cant believe that it could happen. go to to find out which states still need to file. it only takes a handfull of signatures to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

Drakes interview with David was not in any way, manner, shape or form considered landmark. Drake does not know what is taking place on planet earth in this very momentous timeline with the ascension process. It is not about the government and constitutional common law. That idea is only a very short stepping stone to bring people forward. This period is a benevolent galactic agenda of the highest order. Drake is putting out faction 2 information and part of a disgruntled crowd and is way too cavalier in his manner to pretend to understand what he does not know and evidently does not know about faction 3.

Drake sounds like a decoy, though he is aware of a 'few' things, he does not tell you very much at all in the way of what is occurring, just a lot of yada yada yada, because he does not know and is only repeating information that has been around for some time. David seems to be rather impressed because he was 'qualified'.for an interview as if David is the only one to bring news that has already been around and nothing new.. Drake has only a small piece of the puzzle and he still lives in a little box and cannot really help anyone understand anything except to be mysterious as someone who knows that really doesn't..

David is rather naive to put this guy up as some authority figure about this timeline and while David has to continue doing commerce, he has to keep his popularity propped up to sell himself for his own survival issues and cannot tell the truth while doing it. It's just news it is not the truth.

In spite of the abundant amount of information David does deliver, he is still uncertain about what is taking place on the grandest of scales unimaginable, because he needs to get other people to tell him what he cannot figure out on his own. He knows things certainly and has good information, though, he has not been able to tie it together to tell anyone else what is happening in the ascension timeline, in order to prepare anyone for what is about to take place like never before.

Duality is ending - and he cannot explain the consequences of what that means. You cannot tell the truth and do commerce at the same time, because no one will pay you money if you piss them off with the truth. That is what the truth does, because it is foreign to most people who are unfamiliar since everyone has been involved in living a total and complete lie from hell on earth while speaking a fiction language out of the side of their mouths and are not yet prepared for what they do not want to know and are in denial of.

The truth about the Human Being. It is a scary proposition indeed and the very reason why the galactics are holding back, because not many are ready for that truth.

Intellectual left brain news information is not the truth, it's just news. Everyone is in for a tremendous surprise of what they are about to be faced with. Themselves, and they aren't going to like it one bit, because they do not understand the magnitude of what they are dealing with in order to admit to themselves they are living a lie. That is the truth most everyone is rejecting the responsibility for, which is keeping them from progress and why it remains groundhog day on prison planet earth.

Anonymous said...

At this point in time, it would be wise to remain neutral about what Fulford, Wilcock and Drake have to say in regards to the financial progress in this country as well as the world. Until we see actual proof with our very own eyes in our own reality, we cannot bank on the words/ claims given.

We are all aware that we have been lied to for years. This very awareness should not be the reason we doubt information. Give everything a chance and seek to perceive issues and topics from all possible angles before making a conclusive opinion. We all know changes of some sort are taking place; change is precisely the only thing in the universe that is constant.

Keep your intentions righteous, keep your spirits optimistic and continue to visualize the world we all want. What you think about, you bring about.