Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dinar/Dong RV explanation by Judge Dale

Friday, May 18, 2012 9:13 AM
A Very Interesting Read A new banking system is ready, NOTE... The US Treasury bank system (resurrected) to go online. A list of those banks should be made available during announcements following the 'collapse' of the Federal Reserve System. Also, a 'planned' interim governing body will step forward, and also be announced in the U.S. IF you are tired of all the guru's info and you are confused as to what is and what isn't .This email I received may help you. It is from a retired judge. Enjoy!
INTERNET GURU'S - BASIL III COMPLIANT    Remember the old PROVERB: 'Knowledge is power?'  Well all of you Dinarians need to 'power-up' and understand a few things that these Internet Guru's obviously do not! The RV [re-value] isn't just about Iraq and the Dinar or Vietnam and the Dong.

The RV is an international matter, which does NOT necessitate, require or focus upon Maliki or Shabbi's permission or the United Nations approval or acknowledgment.

For those of you who do not research history, government, law and politics:  The Puppet Master pulls the strings and call the shots of the Criminal Cabal and have been in control of the United States Corporation since 1913. 'Those who do not know their past are condemned to repeat it.' George Santayana.

The Chinese have NO designs on World Domination and still they are responsible for championing the RV internationally. Seventy-one Countries opposed the RV because it meant the destruction of their FIAT based currency and government. All of those Countries are United Nations members. Now isn't that curious?

The balance of the 194 Countries who are not United Nations members, voted in favor of the RV because they are tired of selling their goods and services internationally in exchange for worthless paper [or] script, a/k/a FIAT currency!  The RV is all about forcing all Countries who wish to trade internationally, to make their currency [asset backed] or BASIL III compliant!

BASIL III means currency guaranteed by gold, silver or some other measurable asset accountability: [e.g.] NO MORE Bonded Promissory Notes drawn against government issued birth certificates [or] currency backed by counterfeit Liens [or] Bonds simply created out of thin air, which is the reason why the Euro is on the verge of collapsing right now!

You all know about America's NATIONAL DEBT and heard the arguments about how our government leaders have squandered the labor and assets of future generations for centuries to come! Now here's the truth about that argument: America is a FIAT or debt based government and economy, and in order to stabilize a FIAT system, it is necessary to PERPETUATE DEBT and never pay it off! Hence, the reason why Congress refuses to be held to a balanced budget and the reason for our military involvement in so many foreign wars! Even a high tax structure helps to perpetuate debt,  Especially when 100% of your tax dollars are exported out of the United States!

And I bet you thought your taxes ran the government and wars were all about stopping Communist aggression! In the minds of our government leaders: 'War and taxes are good for business!' Spoken like a true sociopath! Debt represents a negative number and in America, debt is perpetuated with the use of promissory notes called: 'Federal Reserve Notes.' The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor is it a Reserve. It is a privately owned foreign corporation and is also known by the name: The Bank of International Settlements. The Federal Reserve Corporation is owned and controlled by a group of Sabbatean Bankers based in Israel.

The NATIONAL DEBT is a trick bookkeeping entry, which does not involve any real assets because a real asset entry would immediately cancel the debt. Under the Uniform Commercial Code(UCC), promissory notes such as a Federal Reserve Note, is defined as a: 'Negotiable Debt Instrument' and so the National Debt of America is based entirely upon these negotiable debt instruments. In retrospect, America's National Debt can be canceled at any time with an asset bookkeeping entry and the payment of one dollar of solid gold or silver!

A positive cancels a negative, even when the negative is in the trillions. It's basic Algebra!  I sent this to a friend of mine and he questioned my math because he is old school and my math didn't make sense to him! So I wrote back to him with this example and explanation:  IF you add -1 and +1 what is the sum? The answer is 0 because each cancels out the other. Now if you add -34,000 and +1 what is the sum? The answer is still [0] because each cancels out the other. Here's the trick: -I can be broken up into -35,000 pieces or more but when all those pieces are glued back together, you still have nothing more than the original +1. In Mathematics, 0 = 0 and anything less than 0 is still 0. Algebra on the other hand, dissects that result and theorizes the possibility of negative numbers having values. The National Debt represents negative numbers that appear to have values! The Federal Reserves bookkeeping system conceals this simple truth, which is also known as 'debt slavery' and to complete their circle of fraud and slavery, the American public must be trained to believe that 'Federal Reserve Notes' have real value! This was accomplished by and through forced public education! Our government officials concluded that under these conditions the American public could be taught to believe anything we choose and our Licenses and Diplomas are proof of their success!  PS/ Don't look in Fort Knox for that gold dollar because there isn't any gold there! America's gold was embezzled by previous federal government leaders during their planned Great Depression of 1933, however one dollar of any currency that is BASIL III Compliant can cancel the American National Debt and this is why the United Nations membership is so vehemently opposed to the international re-value of currency. Many member Countries have attempted to instigate WWIII in the middle east and Asia, in an attempt to head off the RV. [e.g.] The tsunami in Japan was created by the detonation of an underwater A-bomb. Japan's political structure is in revolt and the new faction supports the RV and desires to sever Japan's alliance with the United Nations. This new FIAT based government for the United States is the real reason why Franklin Roosevelt, issued a Presidential Order in 1933, that directed all American citizens to surrender their gold during the Great Depression and why under the Federal Banking Act, the Constitutional control of America's currency and the US Mint was surrendered to the Federal Reserve Board and why under the Federal Coinage Act, it became unlawful for American citizens to own solid gold and silver and why all American coins are now plated with mixed alloys and filled with charcoal. Only jewelers can own solid gold, if related to his trade and numismatists are permitted to collect and trade Silver Certificates; solid gold and silver, but the moment they offer any of these in payment of a Federal debt; they have committed a Federal Crime! BASIL III shall eliminate the debt based strangle hold over America and shall cause all of the Federal Reserve Notes that our politicians and industrial leaders have stolen and or accumulated to instantly become as worthless as used paper. Imagine Bill Gates and Mitt Romney being as poor as you and me! The Iraqi Dinar and the Vietnam Dong have received the greatest amount of attention by and from currency speculators because both currencies have the greatest potential to generate huge dividends with the international RV. Both of these currencies had previously been devalued by the World Bank; the IMF and CBI by virtue of the international influence wheeled by the United States Corporation (government)!The devaluation of currency is a military strategy designed to defeat a Country economically while attacking them physically. Iraqi Dinar's were previously worth 3.22 US prior to their devaluation but I'm not certain what the Dong was worth prior to its devaluation. Iraqi History: When the new government for Iraq was installed and approved by the United Nations around 16 months ago, the very first action by the Iraqi government was to petition the United Nations to be released from Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and request permission to freely Contract with other Countries once again. The United Nations agreed to both requests pending the submission and approval of a repayment plan for Kuwait and repayment of all other debts Iraq has accumulated during their occupation and reconstruction. Iraq submitted a plan, which was approved and the Bankruptcy was released and Iraq's first new Contract was with the Soviets, to supply Russia with ten trillion dollars worth of crude over the next five years!  All of the internal politics about Iraq that these Internet Guru's have been writing about has no bearing on the worldwide RV. Their recent comments and Intel about Iraq's Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and their repayment plan holding up the RV is old news and incorrect news. This is all Cabal propaganda and rhetoric being used to transfer attention from the Cabal to Iraq, while the Cabal re-groups and grabs at straws to block the RV and save their thousand year plan for World Domination!  None of this mis-direction will do the Cabal any good but does explain what the RV delay is really all about!   The WHITE HATS have a different plan and schedule in mind, which first involves the collapse of the FIAT governments by and through the international RV; the mass arrests of Cabal members for crimes against humanity; the installation of temporary governments and lastly the release of technology that has been withheld from us under the guise of TOP SECRET! This technology will destroy the oil industries strangle hold on all Countries foreign and domestic and will eliminate their lies and arguments to drill more oil wells in environmentally dangerous and protected venues.  PS/ Oil wells never go dry because Mother Earth methodically refills them as crude is pumped out! Wells can be pumped out faster than the Earth can refill them but they will all eventually be refilled just the same!  The WHITE HATS plan requires that the international RV occur first because the BASIL III compliance regulation will cause the eventual collapse the worlds FIAT governments and cancel their worthless counterfeit currency. So if you're eagerly waiting for the RV to occur, be comforted by the fact that 194 Countries are just as eager for the RV as you! Keep in mind that the Cabals mercenaries are not patriotic souls and do not work for free! If the Cabal cannot hire or pay for their mercenaries, who is left to protect them?  Speculation about the Dinar and Dong have caused most of these Internet Guru's to concentrate only on these two international currencies, absent any real knowledge or understanding about the RV. Their Internet Blog; member following and their personal ignorance, make them an easy mark for disinformation agents who frequently feed them useless Intel about the internal politics of Iraq and Vietnam. Have you ever witnessed any of these Internet Guru's discuss any of the historic; political; monetary or international facts or details I have just elaborated on?  Since the world wide RV is certain to collapse all FIAT based governments, why would any of these Internet Guru's ever recommend setting up any kind of bank account or trust at any of the Federal Reserve Banks? If they had any real intellect, these Guru's, should be recommending off-shore accounts in safe foreign venues. I believe one of these Guru's, actually used the term FDIC insured. For those of you who don't know, the FDIC went Bankrupt around 2006 and not one deposit entered into any Federal Reserve Bank has been insured after that date!  I even recall reading about some Guru recommending a special non-taxable, non-interest bearing, secured account created by Congress, called: 'Tag Accounts.'  Well, isn't that special because when the Federal Reserve and the United States FIAT government collapses; so does the monetary system and their regulatory laws called Statutes! i.e. Statues are actually corporate regulations and NOT law! They can only be enforced against sub-corporations, which is why all of our names are all spelled out in capital letters! Still these people who claim to be Internet Guru's continue to offer other investors such irresponsible and ruminant counsel ! Worse still is the fact that there actually are Dinarians in our society who are prepared to blindly follow their stolid advice and risk losing it all!  The only positive comment I can write about these Internet Gurus is that they do perpetuate the American dream and daily bring a small ray of hope into the lives of a people and culture who certainly deserve something better.
Blessings, Judge Dale, retired __,_._,_


Anonymous said...

Why is the RV happening?
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” Franklin D. Roosevelt.
We all know that. Another thing we know is the life of a democracy is about 200 years. What we apparently do not know is that the Powers That Be (PTB) are smarter than us. They have gone to great lengths to dumb us down so as to insure that very status. Do you seriously think they did not know the life of a democracy when they instituted it? Democracy and fiat money go hand in hand. Fiat money also has a shelf life. They knew it when they instituted it. It would behoove you to give them credit for their brains.
So, let’s say that those proclaiming a worldwide reset of currency to asset backed currency are correct. When that happens some countries will make out like a bandit. Others will get reamed. We must draw our attention to those who stand to get reamed. They will not take their reaming lying down. An incentive must be offered to get the poorer countries to take the reaming “lying down”. What, oh what, could that incentive be?
And so enters the IQD. Could it be that someone from the PTB whispered in the poorer countries’ ear, “Buy a bunch of IQD for dirt cheap?”
“What good will that be, the exchange rate to our revalued currency will be zip.”
“True, but you will be able to exchange your IQD for (revalued, asset backed) US Dollars and buy US products.” Not to mention keeping the US Dollar the reserve currency of the world. (Just an afterthought.)
The revaluation of the IQD is NOVOCAIN! It’s a pain killer. A spoon full of honey helps the medicine go down.
“Well, how do we know that the IQD will revalue?”
“Look at the Kuwait Dinar. It revalued after the war didn’t it?”
The Kuwait Dinar revaluation was a demonstration! It was done to “sell” the IQD revaluation.
Given that a democracy and its fiat currency have a limited life, if you are smart, will you not end them on your terms rather than letting them peter out on their own? The PTB well realize their time and their fiat currency have expired. They are attempting to get out while “the getting is good”. And they knew it 20 years ago when they started the Kuwait war.
Given the above is true, who has their hand on the button? It’s damn sure not Iraq.
That's my opinion anyway, Prof Jim

Ghost said...

Thanks Judge Dale i appreciate your explanation

Anonymous said...

Great explanation. Only one question... when the Fed Reserve and the US FIAT government collapses and paper money is worthless, and then the Iraq Dinar RV's, how do we Dinarians turn those numbers on the screen into usable currency?

Anonymous said...

We have all been played for fools (myself included). "Judge DALE" is a hoax. All of the online articles that are fraudulently attributed to "Judge DALE" are also hoaxes. The people behind the hoax have already admitted it (and they would certainly know).

The real author of the online LEGAL articles that are fraudulently attributed to "Judge DALE" is actually "Rodney DALE Class", an amateur legal theorist with barely a high school education who was NEVER a judge anywhere at anytime. (The online author of those few NON-LEGAL articles that are fraudulently attributed to "Judge DALE", the so-called "DINAR forgeries", is a different fraudulent impersonator, but who was likewise NEVER a real judge either). Despite never going to college or to law school and despite never actually becoming a real lawyer or a real judge, "Rodney DALE Class" simply made-up an entire amateur belief system about the law and the legal system that he presumes to "teach" to hundreds of other devoted amateur legal theorists. But, he is NOT the driving force behind the "Judge DALE Hoax".

The people who are actually behind the "Judge DALE Hoax" are professional hoaxers. They do nothing but create fake documents (their specialty) that they use exclusively in connection with internet hoaxes. Their pattern in creating hoaxes is always the same. They themselves actually create a fake document (their specialty) that reflects something shocking (and always false). But then, they fraudulently attribute their fake documents (that they themselves created) to a "governmental insider" who can NEVER be contacted to disprove the accuracy of the claims contained in their fake documents.

In this particular case, the people behind the "Judge DALE Hoax" decided to peddle "Rodney DALE Class'" (shocking and false) amateur belief system about the law and the legal system to the American through a series of fake documents that they themselves actually created (their specialty), but which they fraudulently told the American people were written by a government insider, a "retired federal judge", named, "Judge DALE" (using Rodney DALE Class' middle name, "DALE", as an inside joke). The claims that these forgeries make about the law and the legal system are also shocking and false. Also, because "Judge DALE" does not actually exist, the claims that these hoaxers make in the "Judge DALE forgeries can NEVER be disproven. Among the forgeries that these people fraudulently attributed to this fake "retired federal judge" named "Judge DALE" include: "Lawfully Yours"; "The Matrix And The US Constitution" and "The Great American Adventure: Secrets Of America". Almost all of the online LEGAL articles that are attributed to "Judge DALE' are actually mere re-prints of "section 5" of the "Great American Adventure" under different names (ex: "Retired Federal Judge Spills The Beans"; "Retired Federal Judge Turns Whistle Blower"; "Legal Advice From A Retired Federal Judge", etc.).

The people behind the "Judge DALE Hoax" have nothing but hatred and contempt for the American people. They not only lie to the American people about the true identity and true legal qualifications of the real author of their forgeries, they also lie to the American people about the true status of the law and the legal system itself (in order to make it shocking). Lying to the American people about their law and their legal system is an act of treason and should be treated accordingly.

Reach whatever legal conclusions that you wish to reach about the law and the legal system. That is your absolute right as an American. But, do not base your conclusion on a pathetic internet hoax. Do not get played for a fool. Do not get duped. Do not get "Judge DALE-ed".