Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Health - How Disease Begins

How Disease Begins

When most people are in the company of others (like at a party),
they talk about things like sports, politics, hobbies, their kids, movies, the weather or the (ouch!) stock market.

Me? Invariably, I end up talking about farting, burping and pooping.
I can't escape it!
When people learn that I'm the author of Great Taste No Pain, undoubtedly someone will pull me aside at some point to tell "their story."
I once had a first-time acquaintance describe her feces to me in such detail that I'm surprised she didn't give it a name.
That's OK. I'm happy to hear pooping stories if it means I can help someone.
But when the subject of probiotics comes up, people are generally very confused.
You see, most people know deep down that their diet affects their health, but they're in the dark about "this whole probiotic thing" as it was once put to me.
Here's a perfect example. When I was at a housewarming party recently, I was asked this question by a friend of a friend:
"I don't have any digestive problems. Do I still need probiotics?"
I told this guy, "Yes. Probiotics are about as necessary as air."
Here's why:
No symptoms does not mean no problems
Even if you don't feel symptoms of a digestive problem, that doesn't mean that there isn't trouble brewing.
Because our typical western diet is loaded with processed, chemicalized, drug-laced, acid forming foods that wreak havoc on your intestinal flora and allow harmful bacteria to flourish. Constantly.
But while many people eating this way have digestive problems, some don't feel a thing... even while eating the exact same foods.
Instead, their gut wall may be leaking toxins and undigested proteins into the bloodstream that come out as something seemingly unrelated like headaches, muscle and joint pains, skin problems, allergies or asthma.
Or worse, a serious disease (like cancer or diverticulitis) might be quietly manifesting, and when it rears its ugly head, it will seem to have come "out of

Nothing could be farther from the truth! Disease NEVER comes out of nowhere--it is created from poor dietary habits and external toxins.
And when you don't have a hefty population of beneficial bacteria in your body to eliminate toxins, keep dangerous bacteria in check and make your gut wall strong, your body is ripe for sickness and disease...
...Even though no symptoms are felt ahead of time.
It's "in the air"
In addition, even if you're the picture of health, there are pathogens all around you -- in the air, on other people, in your food or water -- that can make you extremely sick if you don't have enough beneficial bacteria to surround them and fight them off.  This is why one person can get sick and 5 others don't, even though they were all exposed to the same conditions, the same germs, the same viruses.
So probiotic supplementing is important.
Tick-tock, tick-tock
And there's one "condition" that ALL of us face every single day...
That darn biological clock.
As you age, your digestive enzyme production decreases, making it more difficult to break down your foods.
So probiotic supplementing is important.
Plus, as we all age, there is a natural decline in our population of friendly bacteria such as the Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium species, and a concurrent increase in harmful bacteria.
Talk about a double whammy.
People over age 60 have 1/1000 of the beneficial bacteria that they had when they were younger.  This is why older people develop constipation, IBS and colon cancer, even when they never had a single apparent problem throughout their lives.
So probiotic supplementing is important.
As you age, your immune system also takes a hit because of your body's decreased ability to assimilate and utilize nutrients from your food.
So probiotic supplementing is important.
Medications (which are common in the older population) also upset the balance of your intestinal flora, and lead to an increasingly weak immune system.
So you can clearly see that you don't need to be sick to need probiotics.
Probiotics are not just something to take because you're sick -- they're essential to take if you want to BE well and healthy and STAY that way.
Super Shield probiotic formula, with its 13 medical grade strains of the world's most researched and proven helpful bacteria will help ensure that your population of beneficial bacteria is plentiful and strong. See why it's so strong here.
The formula is of such high-quality and so strong, that our formulator literally thought we were joking when we told them what we wanted in it. They had never seen a probiotic supplement with so many research-grade strains.
And the best part is it's available for about half what other companies would charge if they had products with this much in it.  Half.
Don't wait to get sick before you start taking care of your insides. Especially when it's so easy to do!
Taking Super Shield daily can help support you in feeling great long into your golden years.
Get it here now.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: 78 yr old no longer has disabling diarrhea thanks to Super Shield.
Dear Sherry,
I was constipated for 4 years due to dependence on pain meds for a back injury. Then I had surgery and got off the pain meds. I am 78 years old and because of all the medication I was taking I developed diarrhea that was almost disabling.
To make a long story short I have been on Super Shield for 5 weeks and my life has been turned around. I am regular and controlled and don't have to worry about where the nearest bath room is.
I am in your debt. I kid you not.
Richard M.
PPS: A medical-grade fish oil like VitalMega-3 can help fight high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as keep your joints feeling good, reducing chronic inflammation.
Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.

PPPS: Check out the expanding database of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.  Over 4,000 case studies, and miracle-like success stories.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/
and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are:
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/nl/10/04_06/04_01_10.asp

* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!

(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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