Sunday, May 27, 2012

Our Galactic Family Of Light Beyond The Solar Eclipse 23 May 2012

Dear Ones,

Let us begin with your personal new earth -- for the recent solar eclipse shifted your world dramatically.

Many of you want to know the fine points of this shift: Will there be more earthquakes? Will governments topple? Will friends disappear? Such questions are premature. You are shell-shocked, so allow yourself to rest a bit.

Even though you have successfully maneuvered past energy waves, this last wave, this solar eclipse, was beyond anything you have experienced. Your physical being was scrambled.

Before this solar eclipse, you maintained two parts of your being in a somewhat parallel fashion.

The Old Age you and the New Age you worked in unison to decipher the shifts. Even though you may have been a bit fuzzy after some energy bursts, you returned to your day-to-day life with little interruption.

This last solar eclipse changed your cellular/DNA structure to the extent that those of you who are Lightworker advance team members are probably having difficulties focussing in your Old Age life. It is not that you do not wish to work or care for your children, but those activities are not necessarily that important now. Or you may experience dull headaches and similar minor ailments. Your Old Age life seems repetitive and tiresome -- not fearful -- just dull.

You are letting go or have let go of your earth fears. Even though you will likely feel some anxiety for a time, you are no longer that concerned with issues that were of great importance in your Old Age life.

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