Saturday, May 26, 2012

This could possibly be the best advice for America.

 Make it a point to listen to this.......Oh so true 
This could possibly be the best advice for America.


This clip features Dennis Prager on a panel at the University of Denver . You’ll recognize the other panelists, but disregard them, they do not speak; this is about Prager. And he is about the future of this nation. This is worth the few minutes it takes to watch, then pass on. Click the link below.

 Hit here


Anonymous said...

UGH.. Yay for the republicans .. is that the message in that? Sounds like this guy is promoting war... I'm not suckered in by him and no I won't pass that on for someone else to listen to the BS.
Political divisions is a big part of whats wrong with this nation and the world and this guy just seems to promote more of it. Divide and conquer.. when are people gonna wake up to their schemes?

siriusvoid said...

A load of crap mixed with some important truths.
Does a good job of distancing 'Imperial America' from old school facism while giving a nod and a wink to many of its values and functions.. Free Market My A**!
'Laissez Faire' spells DANGER in Any language!
A clear warning is given about the modern Socialist mindset and some of the dangers inherent in Socialist politics.
The stuff about the American system of weak, non interventional govt needs to be shouted from our streets and rooftops before the Bill of Rights is completely destroyed here. But the 'Good Ole Boy' back room political 'fix' and American foreign adventurism is NOT OK..
Ron Paul at least cares enough about this to address the border issue and to place what's not American on the other side of it - leaving it alone, while keeping and cultivating American value(s) within our borders.
Both false systems deployed under the guise of (what's left of) the Democrat and Republican Parties of today's America - the Fabian Socialist (Marxist/Technocratic) vs. National Socialist (Hitlers and Mussalini's Facistic, 'capitalistic' police state model) are heinous distortions of what it means to be a decent citizen and human being in a free land... Who's life can be lived completely commited to GOD from whom it derives, and who respects (loves) others as Self..
So tired of the warring mindsets.. These Red State (pill) vs. Blue State (pill) mental constraints which we are forced to confront every day. We citizen/slaves are completely stifled, confused and kept down by these and other false dichotomies, endlessly supplied by those who wish to ensnare us and to siphon our GOD ordained, freely given wealth and energies...
Harmony will re-appear in all our lives when we as a people move beyond such insane (self) sabotage...
Once we can eliminate the religious politics and politically tainted spiritual dogmas entirely we can become (finally) who we really are... It seems we HUMANS have indeed forgotten what it means to truly BE.. and what always and already Divinely ordained Freedom really IS.

Anonymous said...

Prager is pro military and pro occupation in Iraq - are you seriously supporting this man? What he is saying is racist and self righteous. I find his ideals completely in opposition to the sentiment of Galactic Channelings you post - that of acceptance and unconditional love. Your posts are conflicting to say the least. K

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but this man(Prager) is also another military sociopath
he has some good points mixed in with pure murderous intentions He is
an indication of the problem.

Anonymous said...

I totally agreed with the above comments. Now; how can we help others see what is going on behind the curtain of deception?