Friday, June 22, 2012



BY GLR MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan 
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR

Dear ones, in regards to the arrest of the cabal and your sovereignty it seems you have a dilemma and we have noticed the following statement keeps popping up for you: "...what remains is to issue the legal warrants for their (THE CABAL) detainment."
We, The Bringers of the Dawn and the Family of Light give you a universal decree to finish the battle for freedom you have been fighting for so long. We so love you and we are watching over you! We are here now very close, so many of us watching what you will do! The whole universe is talking today about EARTH! You your very, very important! What you are about to do has never been done! We want you to handle the URGENT situation on EARTH NOW before we have too! We are here on an urgent mission because the planet is going to heave and buckle if you do not ACT NOW! 
THE earth will ascend regardless, however you can make her labor and your transition easy if you apply the balm of healing to her! Do what feels right in your hearts! We abide under the great law that says do no harm! We ask you to do the same! Love all beings even the ones who are playing the dark roles. Use wisdom and compassion for all life! LOVE does win in the end and there is nothing to fear! Here is a gift written for you to use if you will! We give it to you on this wonderful Earth day June 20, 2012:
We the people of EARTH move now for (this) cause in unanimous agreement and issue the following ORDER AND DECREE:
The Sentient People of EARTH
All Living Beings Comprising THE CRIMINAL CABAL
June 20, 2012 
By Sentient Decree and under the divine order of law, We the living people, beneficiaries of EARTH hereby ORDER the immediate arrest of all those who have caused destruction on and to this planet EARTH and to billions of it's beings. We have assembled as the republic of EARTH and come now for the purpose of issuing final and correct justice by this DIVINE ORDER.
As common GRANTORs of the EARTH TRUST we hereby ORDER that immediate arrest warrants be issued for All Living Beings Comprising THE CRIMINAL CABAL and that these warrants be served and executed AT ONCE by the responsible fiduciary-trustees and co-trustees to bring an end to the controlling commercial tyranny perpetrated wrongfully and by deceit under the threat of deadly force against the sentient beings of EARTH! 
We the people ARE THE INHERITORS OF EARTH and today June 20, 2012 we stand together and present this universal claim of right to the EARTH and our lives and future forevermore! 
Take heed that the harmful corporate 3D Matrix stops today! 
On this glorious day it has been decided that the destruction of EARTH and its people is the highest priority in this galaxy and in the universe and today the harm stops! We have all come here to this planet together and by loving intention to ensure this!
NOTICE: Any attempt to stop this lawful action will be dealt with accordingly and swiftly on all levels by beings of supreme technology and power and measured out under the order of divine justice! 
If you surrender wholly and completely and change your hearts today, June 20, 2012, the people of EARTH and it's loving and powerful watchers will have mercy on you and allow you to be a part of NEW EARTH! 
If you do not stop today, by tomorrow you will be extracted from this plane returned to PRIME CREATOR, your being will be dismantled, distinguished from existence, and then reassembled into light! 
We are the Sovereign Sentient beings of planet EARTH with all natural rights intact and this VIBRATIONAL ORDER goes out to beings of light on Earth and to all galaxies surrounding it! 
Furthermore it is decreed that on June 21, 2012 the darkness both physical and non-physical that has controlled this planet and it's people meets its final demise!
Now true justice is executed! 
Glory, Glory to all those who live upon the EARTH! Peace and goodwill to all! Hallelujah for the Kingdoms of this world have come to an END!
The end of the age is at hand even as summer is nigh! In the great year of 2012 and in the winter, time shall be no more!
We now act in UNITY and by decree and begin preparing the way clearing out all negative entities from this realm.
We the people of EARTH have learned that we ourselves are Gods we shall see the kingdom of Heaven!
Decreed before the great witnesses, bound and sealed in all realms for surety, The PEOPLE OF EARTH have spoken and written FOR TIME ETERNAL!
CHANNELED BY MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan 6-20-2012
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR


Anonymous said...

Yes, Let's get This Party Started!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, nothing happened. And the bad news is, nothing will happen. Allow me to share this great video with you

I know people wont like to hear this, but this is the way it is. And "our hero" Drake is a fraud imo. Why? We now know his full name, how he looks and we can dream the sound of his voice. HE says he is a Vietnam Veteran. In his own words:

"My military service includes nuclear weapons, very high security clearances, and Vietnam. Most of the "incidents" from this time forward, I was involved in at some level, major, minor, and local. I started in the field of information in the late nineties and progressed from that time forward. I use a portion of the old cold war spy network, people in several sensitive positions, and those who agree to pass along info no one else gets. There are several contact avenues that also offer info, military, political and citizen eyes. In all, an extreme information highway."

Well now, how many people are out there who has this kind of background? Not that many. If you are, unlike Drake, completely unknown, and you scream outlout you won't pay taxes anymore and stuff like that, the government will find you even in the middle of the rainforest on the other side of the world.

But Drake is still out there? I would arrest him and get all the information needed to find the people inside the pentagon who are planning this if i were the president...Sorry, I hope it ll happen but it won't. You gotta save urselves.

Anonymous said...

Who ever you are it is evident that you don't have a clue. It is people just like you that always bring about negative vibrations. Why don't you just go back under the rock that you were under & wait until it is all over. If my guess is right you are not enlightened & is probably with the other side. The Light has WON and not a single shot will have to be fired!!! The Victory is Ours. The dark Days Are Over & people like you may never Ascend.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2.

I have been listening to Drake and company for a very long time. What are you doing to try and help our AMERICAN CORPORATION. If you do not beleive in Drake, do not listen to his blog or radio show. Your are one of the people like in the days of Noah when God instructed Noah to build an ark because it was going to rain and they laughed at him,& they did not beleive. The rain started and then they were knocking on the door & could not get in because the door was locked. Here you are again, you do not beleive. My husband and I listen and what Drake has to say and try to inform the people. Some will listen and some will not. Lord have mercy on you soul.

Anonymous said...

True i am nog enlightened. To be honest i dont believe in enlightment and stuff like that. Not my kinda thing. But you say the ligth has won. Therefore i am happy for you. All i see is more war, more poverty, more government, more freedom that is stolen, more GM food, more sickness, more jobless people and so on and so on.

Where is the victory in that? Explain please.

I think the answer will be there is no victory at this moment. But it will be here soon. The magic words in posts like these are Soon, just around the corner, somewhere this year, close and more like that.

Sorry. I ll cheer and have a drink when people like Bush Jr + SR, Obama, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Cheney, Netanyahu and so on are behind bars. ON top of that there will be no more monsanto, FED, AIPAC en stuff like NDAA is to be found in the garbage can.

Till then..nothing changed. I think YOU ARE the one missing the point.

Anonymous said...

Not only, this didn't happen as related to the dates given, but the information given by, Miss smiley face, in the video on Drakes web site, doesn't appear to have happened either, in regard to the times given. So I would dismiss information given with dates and believe it when you see it. Nothing is written in stone because everything operates in a field of potential, which is ever changing. The potential for something to happen tomorrow could change in a couple of hours and kick the can down the road; just look at congress, they are masters at it. Not that it matters. There is nothing that congress does that is good for the people. Remember, back when they were saying that if they don't kick the can down the road, to keep the government funded, that the government would have to shut down? I said that would be wonderful, maybe there is a God. Hide that damned can so they can't find it and kick it down the road.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous #2. When you are left behind & have no food, water or power think about what you have said. There is such thing as patience, Drake and company is trying to work for the good of the people for FREEDOM. These people have a big load on their shoulders. Do you have faith & if not go join the dark cabal. Try to be positive.

Anonymous said...

It will change for the better when we learn it is up to us as individuals to resist. Drake, Turner and the rest are having a ball. They in there minds have acquired there 15 mn. of fame.
Be a army of one. Resist, have no fear. That's what the scum on the street with badges feed on. If we don't start resisting NOW they will soon be raping our wives and daughters. Wait a minute they are doing that already. Waiting for a leader is what got us the good guys where we are today. Be a army of one. Fight for the idea of many. donot be afraid. Fighting for what you believe is a sacrament.

Anonymous said...

"Cant we all just get Along?" ..... Rodney King ( april 2 1965 - June 17 2012)

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Drake and Cobra fans should use some common sense and logic. I am listening to their broadcasts as well. Drake endorsed a video saying the 21st is the time limit. Nothing happened. Nobody can prove that Cobra is telling the truth either and him asking for money is not exactly improving his credibility. All they achieved was more time. This has nothing to do with being negative. Use your brains for gods sake! Ascension doesn't mean you have to turn the part between your ears off!