Friday, July 6, 2012

The Pentagon wants this information to go viral

Maine Republic Email Alert               No.146
. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth.” John 18:33 //  David E. Robinson, Publisher

“. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself  for battle?” I Corinthians  14:8


The Pentagon wants this information to go viral


Wikipedia states:

The Burning of Washington in 1814
was an armed conflict during the War of
1812 between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America.
On August 24, 1814, led by General Robert Ross, a British force occupied Washington, D.C. and set fire to many public buildings following the American defeat at the Battle of Bladensburg.
The facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House and U.S. Capitol, were largely destroyed.[3]
The British commander’s orders to burn only public buildings and strict British discipline among its troops are credited with preserving the city’s private buildings.
This was the only time since the Revolutionary War that a foreign power captured and occupied the United States capital.[4]

Background information
Many have already heard of the abnormally large number of arrests and resignations of officials in banking, money funds, investment houses, insurance companies, and governments throughout the world that have taken place since September 2011.
What Americans have not known is that a huge operation is about to take place in the United States. In order to comprehend why we have heard nothing of this event, we must understand that the major newspaper and television media is very tightly controlled by the dark cabal or Illuminati. It is the Illuminati who intend to establish the New World Order by killing off huge segments of the planet’s population and enslaving the rest.

These are the persons who will be arrested and removed to a location where they can perpetuate no more harm, and for their protection before being brought to trial
Before you stop reading and refuse to take 3 hours of your time to listen to the audio listed below, you need to consider: Do I want to know what is about to happen?  Do I as a parent, minister, news reporter, teacher, or citizen want to remain ignorant of what is ready to take place that will impact every phase of my life and that of my family and community?
Much preparation is and has taken place behind the scenes to prepare for the forthcoming mass arrests of top officials of corporations and government.
As you will hear on the audio, the Pentagon had already drawn up The Plan for such an event by around 1979.  The legal preparation is in place. Extremely detailed planning has the goal of disrupting the general public and the activities that make up our lives as little as possible. However there will be a few days—hopefully not weeks—in which services may be disrupted.
During the actual mass arrests, a period of up to 72 hours (3 days) will involve the closing of our borders and the shutting off of satellites. This will be required to prevent escape of those to be arrested.
This is the period for which we need to be prepared. We will be given 24 hours notice in advance.
In order to prepare the American people, the Pentagon recently asked a former Vietnam veteran who has been involved in the legal preparations to go on the radio and internet and explain what is about to happen. This veteran is going by the name of ‘Drake’.
The below YouTube is an interview of Drake by David Wilcock, who also has high level insider information.

In the interview, Drake will explain the legal preparation done by average citizens in a majority of the states that allows this event to take place in accordance with our nation’s founding documents.  This event will remove the major obstacles to a far better life for all Americans and eventually for all on the planet.
You owe it to yourself, your family, and to those to whom you minister to listen carefully to all three hours of valuable information.  People who have no idea what has really been going on in America will be shocked and angry to hear all that has been done to them. As many of us as possible can greatly alleviate this shock by letting them know of this event and that the end result will be a much better world for all.
The Pentagon is also asking that all of us help to publicize the information we hear on this audio. Public panic will prolong the procedure and violence of any kind will do the same. We the people need to be in the know and to peacefully assist in any way we can—spreading the word being a major avenue of assistance. The goal is that this event is peaceful, with no violence.
Please send the URL below to all you know and to your local media. Ministers, you have access to large numbers of people. We are speaking of the resurrection of our nation. I beg of you to listen and help prepare your congre- gations.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - David Wilcock’s website here you may find a series of very important and explosive articles mentioned in the interview.  These articles offer you an excellent background for what is about to happen.

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011                                     1

Drake’s website

The Original 13th Amendment
Mentioned in the interview

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension. office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

Quoted from the Senate Journal via
The TONA Research Committe:

The Corporation of the USA is also mentioned in the interview.


Anonymous said...

John: As far as Iam concerned,the pentagon is our enemy by virtue of the traitors in command positions! If they truly want this to go viral,let's see it on BS official letterhead! This is just another BS attempt to make us look more foolish by following the hearsay of some unknown person that is getting to be absolute insanity for anyone to take this crap for truth!
I say it's time for the so called positive Military to stand up and give the troops orders to arrest these criminals now! Enuf mind games!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me?
One document sent to the Hague says
united states
Then the original 13th amendment says United States
and the corporation is

Are they creating a new country within a country.

Seems like it.
It is possible and allowed.
Just like Federal has a zone on top of the same territory as a State,
maybe a united states will have the same territorial boundaries as the United States and the UNITED STATES and all share the same territorial boundaries but the supremecy of each would have to be decided so that one cannot have jursidictional control over the other once it's distinguished which is which.

Anonymous said...

Ab-uve it's shown

This veteran is going by the name of ‘Drake’.

Drake said in audio Drake was his real name.

Hoo wuld 'go by the name of' if it's the real name?

Anonymous said...

It's time for the Pentagon to speak for themselves. Drake has lost credibility and needs to recoup it.

Man up....answer for your last 'VIRAL' post Drake.

It leaves one wondering....what do you have to hide?

Anonymous said...

OBVIOUSLY....none of the posters has ever been involved in a "tactical operation" for if you had, you would KNOW that things are FLUID....and can change at the drop of a dime!

Instead of continuing to BASH Drake, the Pentagon, and this intricate process begin to do YOUR PART within YOUR COMMUNITY and STATE by "educating" your family, neighbors, friends about the "truth" of the United States!

This process can begin in two ways:
1.) WATCH the documentary, THRIVE with all of them (2 plus hours long);

2.) Pick up the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin - READ IT and learn the TRUTH!

After you have done both of these, you may be LESS PRONE to CONTINUE TO CREATE FEAR by posting negative comments about men who are doing their DAMN BEST for our freedoms!

PLEASE for the LOVE OF THIS COUNTRY - EDUCATE YOURSELF instead of wanting to be SPOON FED info/intel/the latest and greatest.....this isn't a VIDEO GAME or WAR Clip you are watching on the BOOB-TUBE! This is real life and therefore, DO NOT EXPECT a Blow-by-Blow account of what is GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT!

PS: Also pick up the book and read it, THE ART OF WAR!

Dan said...

So Drake wants "We The People" to have patience, but the PLAN has been around for about 33 years.
We have gone thru 6 presidents, several terrorist attacks, several Military actions, and Thousands of Americans dying.
We are to Continue to PAY our Taxes therefore supporting the Cabal.
We are to Wait till Possibly November to see if we can elect another President in and therefore then Arrest no one.
Maybe if the Constitution and many laws of the land have been Violated by our government officials and the US Military has NOT taken any action then they themselves are a Co-Conspirator!

Anonymous said...

RE:Mr Condensending: I have read the books and done four years of research to the best of my ability! Common sense and logic still plays a big part in any Military action,I believe the top commanders have been put in a very difficult position to give their loyality to the enemy,rather than the constition. Listening to the arrogant video of paneta telling Issa thet he defaults to the UN for orders or direction baded on past performances of these treasonous SOB's! It's traitors like this guy and the majority of Washington DC who think themselves above any law no matter what country.We have total communist/Nazi control of our government. Therefore,they piss on our flag as Obama loved to do with his gorilla wife,beast bitch.They are a disgrace to the human race and most certainly this US of A.This piece of trash is a mere image of what his puppet masters leave in the toilet everyday!He should have been srrested three years ago,I had him pegged as the enemy in 2008.His name was the first major white flag!His disregard for our flag and the most beautiful inspirational song the starspangled banner,he wanted to change,commie muslim,once a muslim always a muslim,he hasn't fooled me and many others,he is a enemy combantant and should be put in chains asap!He's a murder,thief,stolen billions,given millionsand secrets to the enemy.Treason is the charge and the ultimate penalty is too good for this fake bastard,literally!

Anonymous said...

The following definitely need to be on the thug list:obama aka davis aka barry soetoro nancy zombie pelosi,ben the counterfeiter bernanke,joe biteme,kofi annan hillary rotten clinton, billybob clinton,tim the tax cheat geitner,spooky dude george soros, debbie blabbermouth wasserman schultz, david axleturd,valerie jarrett,anita dung, present and past seiu associates,present and past acorn associates,james hoffa jr, muslim brotherhood members,van jones, code pink associates,move on associates,chris piss on my leg mathews,1st dingbat moochle obama,scary harry reid.

Anonymous said...

Add the injustice czar eric holder to the list + past and present propaganda czars gibbs and carney