Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tolec Update 10-4-12…”UFO War in the Pacific? (again?)”…No

Tolec Update 10-4-12…”UFO War in the Pacific? (again?)”…No, No, No, No, No, No, No!!!

Posted on by kauilapele

Once again, as in September (see this KP blog post) a mention of a potential anti-UFO operation has come up (apparently referring to this 10-2-12 John Kettler post), Tolec tells us that this is again a false flag attempt. Here is what Tolec said.
ANSWER: Again, no, no, no. There is not a UFO war going on against the U.S {and/or China} Navy off of the coast of California. Again, look below at the cite regarding the Cabal / Illuminati attempt to hold power, “…the last card is the alien card… we’re going to have to build space based weapons… against the aliens… and it will all be a lie“, “…the last card will be the extraterrestrial threat.” Do you see those words, “… it will all be a lie.”
And now, look at the source of this material dated October 2, 2012, and the words they use, “…the U.S Air Force has entered the fray launching a bunch of payloads… space based weapons… formed the payloads launched.” Really. Is there not a pattern here? Does any of this look familiar? Decide for yourselves.

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