Monday, April 1, 2013

$27.5 TRILLION Belongs to America – America’s Dirty Little Secret

$27.5 TRILLION Belongs to America – America’s Dirty Little Secret

February 19, 2013

IntroductionTHE DIRTY LITTLE SECRET OF AMERICA – So  Republicans tell us all that the USA is $16 Trillion Dollars in debt but President Obama has no problem with spending the country to oblivion.  I have a dirty little secret for everyone that is getting this message from The Trumpet Online.  President Ronald Reagan arranged for the USA to have enough excess that no taxes would ever be needed and our country would be subservient to NO ONE.  I have known about this for over 20 years and even participated in some of the process while living in California.  America is supposedly in a recession but it is all caused by greed and corruption as never before in the history of our country.  If our government would release the funds that exist our nation could achieve prosperity as never before and taxes could be lowered along the way.  The following article is the last chapter that can be found in an online book about these facts dating back to Ronald Reagan.  The corruption involves Presidents from Bush Senior up until Barack Obama.  They have all been accessories to crimes that should have gotten them all impeached and imprisoned.  Here is the last chapter:
(The whole book can be found at this site –

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