Wednesday, April 17, 2013



     We live in a Matrix version society in America in 2013 where truth is myth and lies are reality according to our Big Brother Government in Wash., D.C. I received an intelligence briefing yesterday on the Boston Bomb Massacre. So many pieces conveniently all on line for it before it happened! I smell a rat but why bother to elaborate in Matrix controlled America with controlled press, controlled TV, controlled politicians, etc.? To misquote Napoleon Bonaparte, "Truth is a myth commonly agreed upon by man." For those not knowing the actual quote, his real quote was, "History is a myth commonly agreed upon by man!" Of course Lenin who established Communism in prior Czarist Russia stated it well, "Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth to the people!"

     America is in a dark ages today of censorship and lying propaganda to replace reporting of key pertinent facts to important issues and telling the truth instead of mass government generated lies to fool those incapable or else unwilling to think for themselves. Many people want to be lied to so they have the excuse to evade what the truth and reality is in America today. The Banker's Love Letter To You posted on Nesara News April 12, 2013 stated bluntly, "We (the illuminiati bankers) sent 56,000 factories overseas." I suppose that deserves at least a good yawn before going back to mental sleep in America. I through the Omni Law can likely bring back most or all of these factories back to America or else new factories to replace them to be set up in America. Can the politicians do this? Or let's ask the really honest question. Do they even want to bring back these lost factories back to America being bought off by corrupt interests or else they do not want good things for the future of the American people? Or if they are as dumb as they pretend to be before you the American people, then why on earth do you elect such idiots to Wash., D.C. to decide your future for you? 
     I studied military intelligent records that you never saw. Every war from World War I through 2013 have all been set up by banker intrigue. I might make one exception. I think that President Ronald Reagan made one honest military short action war for America for reasons of national defense instead of banker intrigue and manipulation of events to get the war going. I refer to the invasion of Grenada in 1983. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I know why this invasion was necessary to protect the American people from a far bigger military threat later on if it had not been done then. But as a general rule, Henry Ford was probably right when he said was it, "Arrest the 50 biggest bankers and all wars would stop!" Henry Ford was on the side of the people and told you much of the secret to how to boom the American economy. "The market of the nation consists of the wages of the working people." That didn't mean welfare recipients for life, massive federal spending stimulus programs, etc., but a sound economy based upon the people working and with full employment wages rise to fair levels while profits for business remain good enough to afford paying the people the good wages a sound economy can afford to pay without being unsound or unfair to people and business at the same time. The old socialist and Communist pitch line is, "We are going to soak the fat boys and make you all rich." Real economics does not work that way. That Marxist formula is usually the fastest road to bankruptcy of a nation as it removes investment money from those with the brains and guts to gamble on the national economy by investing in its future. I love free enterprise for booming a national economy. Just back it up with a sound money, fair commercial laws as business cannot operate in anarchy instead of a sound national market, let the brains of the people be tapped and utilized for inventions that create the new industries of the nation, let the mineral resources be used fairly to maximize the economic growth of the nation, and have fair trade agreements with other nations (does not have to mean the exact same as "free trade" which Karl Marx said to use to bankrupt the capitalist nations and collapse the world into  Communism as engineered ruthless price war would bankrupt the capitalist economies across the world). Banks serving the monetary needs of free enterprise can be good. Banks in conspiracy to inflate and deflate the currency of a nation to serve the speculative ends of big banking interests should not be tolerated as this is the game plan that makes big wars, depressions, and other disasters for mankind profitable for these big criminal banker syndicates to engineer on you and ruin your future with in your nation.  
       Please let the slaves rattle their chains now to prove how free they really are in America today! Our Banker's Love Letter to You posted on Nesara News on Friday, April 12, 2013 told you the blunt truth and it passed right over your heads as you didn't hear what it said to you. "The transfer of wealth from you to us in the modern era began in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This gave us the right to create your money as a loan at interest." Once they had the sucker system set up, then engineer the wars that would force you into large national debt and your federal taxes would pay back the bankers for the counterfeit money they created from thin air through federal reserve money to finance your war for you that they set up for you to kill off your youth and make you and your future generations their financial slaves for life. You approve of their tax system and ever growing taxes in America? You shouldn't! They are sucking out of you the financial blood of America because you let con artist bankers and their front the bought off politicians turn your monetary system into the greatest con game invented in human history as Thomas Edison once denounced it when explaining to the American people how the con monetary system worked.This was designed to steal nearly everything owned in America away from you and turn over to the banking interests of America and the world nearly all you had earned and possessed in life.
     And our banker with his Banker's Love Letter To You laughs at you mocking you when he bluntly tells you the truth, "Also in 1913 we had the government create the Internal Revenue Service because we needed the income tax to pay for the interest on the debt and for all the wars we wanted you to fight for our benefit." Are you not glad that you spent all your life working to make the bankers rich instead of you? And those of you in business. You are maybe worth 10% as much as you should be because the bankers stole away from you nearly all your profit in business by banker bookkeeping where they transferred the purchasing power of money from you to them because they owned Wash., D.C. lock, stock, and barrel. You and the American workers were both disenfranchised from the true benefits and prosperity that an honestly run free enterprise would have given to all of labor and all of legitimate business if these financial parasites and bloodsuckers had not tricked you into accepting this system of total swindle of you using Wash., D.C. as their front. By the way, everything in federal law is usually pure con! I have the legislature records for the states then. The federal income tax which previously had been ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court as being unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution was never passed in 1913. They didn't get the state votes needed so their Rockefeller front declared it passed and the rest is history as they say! And the Federal Reserve Act was passed as a statute act whereas a constitutional amendment would have been required to make it valid law for America as it overturned the legal requirements of the U.S. Constitution for what was defined under law as "legal tender" meaning legal money in America.       
      Now you Americans are playing in a ball field that is a bit more sophisticated than you realize. Your simplistic answer sounding good but is naive is say, "Let's quick abolish the Federal Reserve and all the problems of America are solved!" Sounds good but sucker logic where you sucker yourself instead of you being conned by your bloodsucker banking enemies called the big central bankers of America and Europe.     
     Fast pass the Omni Law posted on my national website of . First move smart and sound! But slam the brakes. Let me and other economists on your side use the Omni Law authority to keep the Federal Reserve intact for a little while at least. We will with tongue in cheek go along with the Washington lie that the Federal Reserve is lawful which it is not and that the Internal Revenue Service is lawful which it is not. I can show you how by pretending that Wash., D.C. did not mass lie to you since 1913 on recover for you up to $1,000 trillion dollars owed to you and swindled from you by these sharp boys who were miles higher than you in thinking capacity because they hired the smartest brains from your Ivy League colleges how to set up this astronomical swindle of you and your family in America for generations since 1913 on. When the Omni Law is passed, I will bring out the legal angle I have hidden from both you and the big swindle boys called the central bankers. I can show how they under current claims of law owe you up to maybe and likely even $1,000 trillion of dollars. Because you lacked the self-confidence in your own brains is why I had to let out which I hated to do as I love my privacy that my mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American time up to her time. You know damn well that I have the brains to financially skin them alive and you don't have the foggiest idea how to get back the vast fortune swindled from you and owed to you by the biggest con artists in human history as Thomas Edison called them years ago. Pass my Omni Law and I will recover all I can for you. After all, Wash., D.C. has no loyalty to you the American people is why they will never recover this money swindled from you using Wash., D.C. as the front for the biggest con artists in human history. For services rendered, I will charge a 15% finder's fee for all money recovered for you. My money is not for me but really for you. I know the smart industries that need to be reestablished in America or else established for the first time in America. This creates the industries, jobs, well, vast prosperity, etc. America needs. Money has to be held aside for what gives America a great future!
      If I am going to do this, I am going to do it right and not a screw-up job if left to your naive notions of reality and what works or not. Our national credit is going to remain good and intact. All national debts paid off! I assume plenty of money left over. Pay off all state debts so long as money covers. This already will help skyrocket your wages on jobs and profits for business in America. But we don't stop here. If we can acquire super great wealth producer assets abroad financed with your stolen money, we may take ownership rather than sale off the smart assets as I think the Rothschilds, etc. liked to go for smart assets and not dumb ones! I wouldn't be surprised that this would not provide us with enough income to pay for all federal government expenses and all state governments as soon as these assets can pay us the expected income. Sorry if I take the chains off of you and you don't have to pay income tax again in America maybe for many years and maybe for ever! Income surplus after this and I guess we just send you these income checks to all legal American citizens 18 years of age or older. And if we still have giant amounts of money left and trying to figure out what to do with it, we will send you settlement checks of maybe huge money but we will require all money we release to you this way has to be backed  with real assets as we won't tolerate hot air assets or counterfeit money be the basis for such a release of money to you.
     Now are you still going to hold it against me that I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist who was personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century? Will you still hold it against me that a very prestigious international organization once wrote me up as "The Einstein Of American Economics" saying that this was some economists had said of me after hearing me and seeing what I said? If you want a professional and knows how to do the above right, I am the one you need. Pass the Omni Law and stop the million and one excuses why you can't back it and now in America. The people get united and we will storm the nation getting it passed like lightning once the politicians see the American people are taking back control of America and now! Stop being cheapskates with me and back me right with what finances you can so we storm America like a lightning political campaign and win in America in 2013. Why wait until 2014 when we can win in 2013 if America suddenly stands up as a united nation to reclaim America back for the American people?   
      Stop being so mad at me for wanting to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America. A 1987 national economic study concluded it cost you the American workers an estimated one trillion dollars a year to have outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. And cost American business an estimated one trillion dollars a year in a smaller national market to sell to by having outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. Outlawing God from America is not a smart move, does not bless the national economy, and when a nation loses its moral values, economic studies show that this leads to economic decay and later likely eventual national collapse of the economy. Without moral values, you have no glue to hold the national economy and culture together. Then the meltdown of the economy and nation begins as we are witnessing in America in 2013 and unless we turn things around, America will end up collapsing because nothing holds it together to be a nation or race anymore. This is a repeated pattern in history. America is the first nation in history to change to a non-religious government. Not a smart move as events are showing! 
     I did something no economist had ever done before. I hated doing it but forced myself to sacrifice my own self-interests and work I guess at least 30 different professional fields in order to have an intimate insight into national economics no other economist in the world has. I found powerful answers here not taught by any of the economists as they did not know these practical answers. I found a much smarter way to run social security, etc. so you get more retirement money than you would ever get from Wash., D.C. and help mass build up the American economy at the same time. I found by my surprise the secret Communist program how to nationalize all industry in America by a secret approach no one realized they were doing in America. Their answer stinks for America, so when the Omni Law is passed, I will tell you of their program to end free enterprise in America forever. Also, an economic policy that Wash., D.C. was pushing as law that would logically lead to the bankruptcy of the entire American economy before it was over.
     You want this for America, accept me on my terms as I am not sold that you know enough about national economics to tell me how to do this and right for America. I respect brains and will be surrounded with brilliant people in economics, etc. as I have to make sense to other brilliant people or else I will not push what does not make sense to other brilliant people also. I take like a fish to water with other brilliant people and we always fast merge into a united think tank. We understand each other well and we will become your united team loyal to the American people contrary to Wash., D.C. at this time. This will all be done under the Omni Law. I refuse to play games and will be made the temporary Economic Czar of America as I won't let politicians sabotage the one chance of the American people to strengthen out and boom the American economy again. You people have the talent, national resources, etc. but you need leadership where it counts so America can fast get back on its feet and be One Nation Under God again when all the dust settles. When the economy booms, you will be happy! I will agree to do this maybe one elected term under the Omni Law, but my pet project is building my Camelot Project which will become the greatest research and development center seen in human history. This is where my heart is at. I will do one term to help the American people out as someone who can has to help the American people with the right answers now. Then I do what I want to and the brilliant of America and abroad will gather at our Camelot as they will love what they are allowed to do there to benefit mankind on earth. I am a fanatical believer in God-given rights of mankind and freedom for the people of a nation. You want a dictator. Go to Obama who only knows voodoo economics from deepest Africa or equivalent. He will utterly ruin America if allowed to. You want a team leader. I am that. I say an army is a team all pulling together for victory and if victory is won, all deserve credit for the victory or victories won. When a leader truly represents all that is gifted and noble in a people, then we become a  national team and the victories won will be ours, not mine. I am your team leader if you want that for America. You want a dictator and unqualified to seriously lead you, go to Obama. He will ruin America forever because he does not believe in you the American people nor in the principles that America was founded upon as a nation when it started on the right track but then went the wrong way. This  leads us now to this 2013 where 11 states now have more people on welfare than those with jobs in the same state, 56,000 factories official figure have in a short time left America and plan never to return being driven away by Washington policy, and foreign nuclear powers losing all respect for America are planning right now how to nuclear attack America and annihilate America when they do. The Obama leadership is clever rhetoric but not delivered results for America. Read my Omni Law at my website, pass it, and America will be reborn in the spirit and principles of 1776 that America was originally founded upon but has since abandoned as the basis for America today. 
     We have products offered on our website including our Romanian line which among other things is designed to turn around anti-aging in the human body. We didn't know it at first, but the testimonials coming back show us that our HIgh Grade but especially our Premium Anti-Aging Nutritional Supplements are restoring the sex drive of married couples and making them having a great time in marriage again! Modesty holds us back from telling how sensational and how great are the reports we are hearing from those now using this! Well, our products were to help finance our drive to pass the Omni Law in America. I think we have got some winners especially in this Romanian line we have now nationally released. Maybe God saw we got the right products to help fast finance our Omni Law drive.    
      So that there is no misunderstanding, I went to several of the best schools in America. I know what quality education is and I want all students to have high quality education in their schools. It is educational policy, not raising wages, which  is the secret to greatly upgrading the quality education for all students in America. I have no problem with paying teachers well, but even the best of teachers under a bad educational policy system cannot do justice to make their students reach their God-given potential by the educational system they learn under in the nation. When the Omni Law is passed, I want all students to be potentially geniuses because our school system will be so good as to enable the students to reach their God-given potential level for brains and talent in life. A people brilliantly educated will help skyrocket the American economy to heights Wash., D.C. never dreamed of possible! I know the people are far more gifted than our system will allow them to be at this time. I believe in the extraordinary potential of even the ordinary man or woman in American society. I follow in the belief of my Savior Jesus Christ who also believed in the extraordinary potential of the ordinary man or woman in society. His Apostles were all ordinary men in background, but proved to be great leaders for Christianity once given the chance to show their God-given potential what they could really be. I believe in you the people which Wash., D.C. no longer believes in as their laws and policies say you now live under a nanny state of Wash., D.C. and are to be treated as immature and irresponsible as little children who never grew up into adults in America. 
     Keep a copy of this report with you and don't lose it! Make copies and help push this nationally with any and all sources you can think of! My website is   My email is . My mailing address for finances to advance the Omni Law is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and say "For Omni Law." For legal reasons, we will treat such financial backing as loans, not donations. When the Omni Law is passed, I have such large sums owed me by the federal government as will easily pay off any money received as this time. Also, if needed, I get the 15% finders fee mentioned above, it automatically can pay off anything sent our way at this time. Just to make the game more interesting. We get the 15% finders fee as I anticipate we will, we will so long as funds there which should be, pay you 10 times more than what you loaned us and we will then call it a "patriot's reward" for those who wanted to save America. Also, with income tax likely abolished then, you would get to keep the principal returned and 10 times reward with it and not pay a dime of tax on it!
     I have said enough. Pass the Omni Law and the Dark Ages Of America In Economics, Education, Moral Values, Etc. Is Over In America!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the one the evil and corrupt love to hate because he is on your side, the American people, and cannot be bought off or threatened to make him change sides! I have already received many threats because I am on the side of the American people. God gave me plenty of guts so I am not going to fail you through fear or bribery. I will give you my best loyalty and effort. Beyond that is up to God! I am an honest leader in a highly dishonest America! Back me if you care about America or your future in America!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your posts are way too long and people will not read them as they are busy and/or not interested in reading a book to get info. If you can please make your point short and sweet more people might read your articles. Also, who are you really? Is the Omni Law even in congress to be passed? If so, what is the bill number? If your Omni Law is really that great I would love to push it but give me/us a reason to believe in it.