Thursday, February 6, 2014

GOOD Intel Stuff

Hi guys, thought was quite interesting...something poof(& cobra) always have said...


02/06/2014 1:13pm

Thousands of fraudsters have been caught in the 'sting' net and will be prosecuted. Bankers, politicians, pretty much anyone connected with trying to set themselves up, and others, to greedily game this worldwide CRV in their favor. They have been caught "red handed" and WILL face criminal consequences.

And yes, the common people will still be entitled to the contract rate when the final curtain blows wide open.

Most people don't do the research (online) to really know the TRUTH, and I'm not allowed to give a link here (unfortunately) to show you my higher sources for this truth intel. Recaps doesn't allow to reveal this, which would ultimately be a Godsend of revelation for our confused masses.

This "sting operation" is the main reason for the delay my friends, and all the more better for us! The scum are being taken out of the big picture to benefit the new system being put into place. No more "business as usual"! Out with the old- in with the new!

Keep your eyes on your TV. Soon the controlled media will have to bust open to reveal what's going on in the real world! Expect many many more to be "leaving"….it's ALL good. It's almost done!


jc2013 said...

great news freedom from this financial nightmare can not wait

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not the consolidation, SDR system JC iCollins has just written about, nvolving the Brics, IMP, BIS cuz if it is it will still all be the same old BS. But here's to hoping.

Anonymous said...

prove it public announcement on Monday pre emtively on the emergency broadcast network would prove it