Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It’s the One Pissed off American again.

It’s the One Pissed off American again.

I want this RV for my family and all the Vet’s who are getting F’d.  I am so pissed off with all this bull shit on the delays of the RV, prosperity packages, and debt relief.  Yes, I can say bull shit!!  Sorry Zap, you’re not allowed since your last writing.

I had multiple phone calls from friends all around the USA and they have been telling me the stories … like “O Factor” being arrested the other day.  Now they tried and “O Factor” has put up his pawns – the Secret Service and supposedly 800 militant warriors to prevent the arrest.  The good guys were to remove “O Factor” from the big house because he is not the president of the USA, he has never been but a Corporate CEO who is imitating the USA President. Go F***ing figure!!!

I did not understand that statement so I asked my friend had to school me.  Here is what he said, back in the past when Lincoln was president, he was the Constitutional President.  He was also the last Constitutional President we had.  I said you nuts.  My friend said, when the south walked out of congress they suspended the Constitution.  OK, I will bite.  He proceeded to explain, the Constitution is a contract which sits between the States & Federal government which defines what each party is to do.  So when the South walked out, the contract was broken and all positions were suspended in time.  OK why does that matter?  He said each State is an independent government.  The states can operate on their own.  What makes up the USA is the Union of States which form a common government to watch over our borders, commerce of free trade, and other stuff. 

But I said what about the guys in office today, are they real?  He said no, because when Lincoln called congress back to order he did so under Military Rule not Constitutional Law.  He said the only ones to reconvene a congress again were the executives from the States or today Governors.  The President does not have that authority and he was not sitting president at the time Congress reconvened, remember he had no contract to be president. So Lincoln and his closes friends used the Lieber Coders General Order 100 to take full advantage of the people and screw us.  Just like the guys today! F***
Lincoln also started the civil war per my friend because he caused the first false flag by blocking the Charleston harbor preventing any commerce to take place which provoked the South in attacking the north.  That sucks!  He also said the North was taxing the shit out of the south on their Cotton and sticking the money in their own pockets. Thieving bastards!!!!  Doesn’t that sound familiar?  This is just Bull shit!!!  Ain’t that right Zap!!

So, Lincoln was not president at time he declared war on the South and started Executive Orders.  Shit, I figured this one out, Executive Orders are nothing more than a Military order.  And it gets worse, like having a rash on the under parts, it’s by the president who is a foreign agent acting on the land we call United States of America as our Constitutional President.  He elaborated (big word) that all the current office holders in government (past to present) from President down through Congress are illegitimate Government representatives.

Other words, Bastards!!

They are referred to as Private Contractors or Actors who are foreign agents operating on our soil.  Boy, that is a lot to understand but we got to.  I wish he would just say, they aren’t supposed to be in that job cause they are not qualified since we aren’t under the Constitution but those Military General Order 100 that allows any jack ass of the street including Chicago to be president.  I got that!

OK, how do we fix this?  We fire all the foreign agents and place people, us good Americans back in charge he said, it’s in the Declaration of Independence that tells us this.  We have un-a-lien-able rights which cannot be taken away and we give consent (looked up, limited power in our behalf) to really work in our behalf.  So we really need true elected government servants.  He said servants, not lords, masters, dictators, but servants like in the rich man’s house who cleans, washes my britches and cuts the grass.   He said we are the rich man and the land we live on including that big house is OURS.  Shit, ain’t that a surprise.  The “O factor” thinks all this shit is his. Well just kiss my ass.

So you people who are supporting, protecting or serving the “O Factor”, stop it, he ain’t the President.  My friend told me that he meet the Republic President of the Constitution of 1789 and reminded me of the Bill of Rights of 1791.  This dude he said is smart, wise, ugly, tall, but gives two shits about us and not those foreign agents in DC.  He said this dude wants to make USA the shining image it was once again.  Even getting anyone who wants to work a job that makes a difference.

To you Pentagon Brass-ohs, you know them by their hairy legged shirt wearing Bastards that fell down on the job, probably because they are too busy being politicians instead of the great military we us’ed to have in my dad’s day.  So you agency cats and those Brass-ohs need to tell those Secret Service shitheads to stand down, step aside and let those Brass-ohs do something right for the first time.  Oh, by the way, get rid of Dempsey while you are at it, he just a ground pounder that never really serviced in war but kiss ass all the way to the top.  So, fire him too!!  Dam, we just need to turn this around right now.
If you took a survey, most of America wants this entire administration gone!  If you really tell the people about the original republic and all the things we the people have under the republic, they would say YES!

Come on agency cats and Brass-ohs, clean out my big house by taking out the trash!!  We need the money to flow to fix our country, our families, our vets, put food on the table, fresh water in the glass, get the homeless off the streets into some shelters and take care of our widows and orphans.  Its basic and we have kicked that can way too many times in the wrong direction.

One Pissed off American that had enough, again


Anonymous said...

Everyone join liberty alliance and make a change common law jury can rid the bastards once and for all

Anonymous said...

You Betcha! Now when are you going to get off your lazy ass and head up to D.C. and clean house? I'm sure Drake and his militia will help you out. Now get going!

Anonymous said...

We live in a Prison Planet. We are Slaves. They feed off our emotions. One week we all hear the RV will be within hours, just to be disappointed once again.

Anonymous said...