Friday, February 7, 2014

Ron Paul -- Exposed


Anonymous said...

So what is your point? The Kennedy family is one of the 13 families that make up the illuminati. And JFK was assassinated by the cabal for working against them. There are good apples and bad apples in every family. Ron Paul may be within a secret society but he has been working to liberate the people of the planet. He is in the category of the good apple. Know the difference before you start smearing someones good name and character.

Noe said...

Christ said: for his works you will know him, Ron Paul anyway has good works as the initiative to audit the FED, than after several years, now is giving some good results !, anyway we are followers of Ron Paul in these good initiatives (not in the bad if he could have but we do not know), H.R. 24 ‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Passes in House Published by The West Wire at September 17, 2014

Unknown said...

Anyone that has the brains to first READ all of the Congressional listing of NESARA and what happened to it's originator AFTER he was sent to prison on false govt charges will know how it has been fought by big money liars and those fearful of losing their free rides and kickbacks. Roy