Monday, February 24, 2014

Save Your Life. Jam That Drone!

Over the past half-century or more, probably over a thousand Americans have been murdered by stealthy assassins within the CIA, the FBI, the U.S. Army Special Forces, the Navy Seals, and secret undocumented murder teams, hired and paid under the table with our tax funds. Obviously, the drone assassination program will seek to murder journalists and activists, just as U.S. Federal agencies, through indigenous clients, have been murdering journalists and activists in Central America since the 1950s. Therefore, you might want to save the technical information presented following this report, because this information lays the general groundwork for a populist movement of technical activists to create devices that confuse drones and robot soldiers. 
      PRES. OBAMA:
  "I have two words for you: Predator Drones. You will never see it
   coming!  . . . You think I'm joking?!"

    This is a ghastly threat to the American people, declaring that they
  can be assassinated stealthily from the sky, merely at the whim of
  murderers in our federal government who have already perpetrated the
  drone slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians in foreign countries,
  most of whom were women and children, and all of whom were not
  even identifiable by the sky snipers, much less charged with a crime,
  much less tried and convicted of even the mildest crime. These sky
  drone snipers cavalierly slaughter strangers on the ground via a video
  screen thousands of miles away.
    Well now, this terroristic program of sky assassinating uncharged,
  unconvicted victims is being extended to Americans. Obama's threat
  is clear: If you are Disliked, you can be Assassinated by "Predator*
  Drones. A predator sneak attacks its helpless unsuspecting victims.
    Any journalist who ignores his moral imperative to alert Americans
  to this Hitler-level program of mass murder in America deserves to
  turn in his credentials and allow someone to take over his job of
  opposing Naziism. Millions were slaughtered by Hitler because
  journalists failed to alert the people before the cost of their courage
  was measured in blood.
    You know that drone assassins will target the growing multitude of
  activists and journalists who are now opposing the iron fist of tyranny
  which is abruptly smashing down on all of us. What, then, will you do
  to protect millions of imperiled Americans exercising their right to
  speak and assemble against tyranny here at home? 
    President Oh-Bomb-us has proclaimed his vow to bomb us -- you and
  me -- if we cry out in our growing state of suffering under tyranny. 
    Journalists, professional and amateur, we must quickly alert the
  citizenry, and alert small TV, radio, and print news media . . . or else
  we will be bombed from the skies for speaking as free Americans. 
        Let US Get Fired Up, or Get Fired Upon!

   Having worked in electronics for most of my career, I know that drones must be controlled by a radio signal transmitted from afar, a signal which has become greatly weakened by air absorption losses when it is received by the drone overhead. Therefore, the person on the ground can transmit a jamming radio signal which will drown out that weak controlling radio signal being received by the drone.
   According to this man's statement, a GPS jammer transmits a radio signal of a specific frequency, and that might make it ineffective, since the GPS jammer's frequency may be different from the frequency of the signal which is controlling the drone, or the murderers could be transmitting multiplexed signal frequencies, such that if one of their frequencies becomes jammed by the defender on the ground, one or more of the other frequencies in the mulitplexed frequency array will be intelligibly received by the drone. So, common sense tells me that the best jamming signal would be a signal comprised of many different frequencies, all blended together.
   Such is the case with the white noise generator. Transmitting a signal of white electromagnetic noise to a drone would be like pouring a bottle of ink over a page of text. The weak output signal from the white noise generator would have to be fed into a suitable voltage-to- power amplifier and the output of the power amplifier would have to be connected to a suitable transmitting antenna. The defender on the ground has a great advantage over the faraway murderer who is radio-signaling the drone. The defender's close proximity to the drone is the advantage because the defender's jamming signal will remain strong through the short transmission distance between him and the drone, and hence, the weak signal from far away can be easily drowned out.
    Instead of a white noise generator, a frequency sweep generator can be used, which transmits a signal that nearly instantaneously repeats its sweep through a broad range of frequencies. The frequency range through which it sweeps must extend to frequencies high enough to equal the frequency of the drone controller's signal.
  It is a matter of life and death that many of us promptly download information from sources such as YouTube, before the murderers take it down or before they shut down the Internet.

Time is of the essence. Get Fired Up, or Get Fired Upon!

  The law-breaking mass murderers who have usurped our government may say that this is illegal. The Jews in Nazi Germany were told that gun ownership is illegal, and their obedience to that law is what allowed the mass murderers to accomplish their mission of mass extermination.
Yes, the duplicitous mass murderers who condemn weapons of mass destruction are always the ones who wield the weapons of mass destruction, such as gas chambers and drones. Therefore, we adopt the determinedly fierce slogan of the Jewish Defense League: NEVER AGAIN!
  This video shows the basic principle, that a person on the ground can transmit a radio signal, either focused or omni-directional, that is powerful enough to drown out a weak intelligible signal coming from some distance away, such as from that GPS satellite out in space. This video is not the specific plan that we want, but it gives you the basic concept that we want.

   Since it is a matter of life and death, this project takes a very high priority in one's personal agenda. Go to YouTube and search
  White Noise Generator.
The following video demonstrates the use of the solderless breadboard, a term for an electronic circuit foundation matrix facilitating the arrangement and connection of electronic components into a unified complex of circuits which can be disconnected and reconnected, thus avoiding the laborious process of soldering wires and components together. These are all electronic and electrical components that I have at home, and which you can purchase online. You need no experience to build a circuit on a solderless breadboard. You can build this circuit or find other white noise generator circuit schematics in books and on the Internet, from which you can build alternative circuit designs of white noise generators.

   Building the white noise generator would be preferable to buying one when the government murderers outlaw the sale of white noise generators. So, cultivate the build-it strategy. For now, though, seek to buy a suitable white noise generator.
  The second phase of your project is to buy or build a suitable power amplifier with a suitable transmitting antenna, so that a strong enough white noise generator output signal can be transmitted from the ground to jam the drone overhead. Go to YouTube and search
  Power Amplifier Transmitter, and also search the words
  Transmitting,  Transmitter Antenna.
Again, cultivate the build-it strategy, in case the government murderers outlaw the sale of power amplifiers, but also seek to buy a suitable power amplifier and antenna.
   You have seen those remotely controlled toy cars and toy airplanes.
That would be an area of interest from which to get some ideas.
Although such transmitters would not be suitable, their antennas might be suitable.

   After studying remotely controlled toy cars and airplanes, YouTube and search engines will be your best channels for information and guidance. 

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