Saturday, February 22, 2014

The World Stands and Says: "NO MORE!"

List of political protests world wide. .... a work inprogress!

The World Stands and Says: "NO MORE!"

Many people are feeling a pause, like the quiet before the storm.  The huge intake of breath that is held in anticipation, with a quickening of the pulse that is the prelude to the adrenaline rush.  It feels as if the world is sitting on the blade of a knife, waiting for the slightest flicker of air to ever so gently brush against it and waft it over the edge of Change.  Many many people stand watching intently to see which way the breeze will blow....

And there are many people who feel the pause like a deadening emptiness that threatens to swallow them whole.  They fear, they doubt, they moan.  To believe in the coming winds of Change is to open themselves to the frigid hazard of being let down again, to have freedom yanked away in icy disdain.... to even hope is too much effort at the end of a very long day. 

Society drills us with the admonishment that we are not worthy nor capable of freedom.  Religion and politics teaches us from birth that the only way forward is to be good boys and girls and to listen to our leaders so as to not be punished.  The media surrounds us with propaganda that perpetuates the stereotype of "Normal", and indoctrinates our peers to judge and bully all those in their groups to toe the line, be good, follow the leader, do not question.

But many many many people ARE questioning.  They have awoken to the reality of this Matrix like system that controls the populous with fashion, friends, fear, frenzy, factional faith and fornication.  They are SEEING the real world and the real world problems and the real world answers and they are standing up and saying "NO MORE!!"   At this moment there are literally millions upon millions of people all over this blue planet who are standing up and demanding Truth and Freedom.

One of the things I am told over and over again, is that people are not waking up or not waking up fast enough.  Many rage that "Nothing is Happening", even though it is happening right in front of their eyes.  Many stomp because "IT" isn't happening the way they want it to happen  nor is "IT" following the carefully well thought out schedule that they had arranged.   "Nothing is Happening" has become a litany for those that have no wish to accept that it IS happening.

People ARE waking up.  People are not just waking up, they are standing up and they are standing in their power and saying "NO MORE!!"  The people on this planet are taking up the mantle of NOW and are demanding the truth and demanding their freedom.

No, the Main Stream Media- especially in North America and in Western Europe - are not reporting what is going on all over the world.  Oh, they will tell you about those events that they cannot NOT talk about- like what is happening in the Ukraine and in Thailand and Venezuela. Just as they did not report on Occupy until is was blatantly obvious that they were not reporting on it.  But for the most part, the media is keeping the truth of what is going on very quiet.  The reports are there.... you just have to look for them.   It is the same in the world of politics and finance, the truth is getting out to the people and is being laid transparently on the ground for them to see.... BUT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT!!!   This is why I began Transpicuous News Updates, so that I could publish daily listings of important pieces of news for people to see.

No, the world is NOT sleeping any more.  The alarm clock has gone off, and it's time to get up!

As I said earlier today,  "If you want CHANGE then you must be the CHANGE you wish to SEE.  Does that mean you have to go out and protest?  That you have to burn cars and throw rotten eggs and scream and yell?   NO it doesn't.   But it DOES mean that you need to take some responsibility for those changes that you want to happen.  It DOES mean that you need to be involved- in whatever way resonates with you- to CREATE CHANGE."  

People in North America are under a heavy blanket of  "See nothing, hear nothing, do nothing".... Yet all around them the world is being taken back by those who are STANDING in their BEing.

The World Is Awake!

Don't believe me?   I have spent the past few days compiling this list that shows just how awake the world has become and how many people are Standing Right NOW.

This Is a list of countries that where people are telling the governments "NO MORE".  This is a work in process as it is no where near complete, but I felt compelled to get it out there for people to see RIGHT NOW.  You will see that many of these places are the most highly controlled military states on the planet... and yet, the people RISE and STAND.

YOU are not alone!  All these people in ALL these "nations" are standing right beside you.  They are BEing the CHANGE.

Please Share this list and make it viral.  Let the people know that they are not alone and that people are standing with them. This list will be available as a separate page on RTS so that it can be easily sent as a link and can be continuously updated.

This is not about fear.  It is about Standing Together.  It is about kNOWing that NOW is the Time to BE the CHANGE.

Love D

With Spirals of Light

1 comment:

YouMa said...

Now is the time to unequivocally use your breath very consciously to attain and maintain equilibrium and centeredness during any and all times.

Through conscious breathing, using the emotions of Love and Appreciation as a rock-solid foundation, we line up with who we really are, with our Source from which we BE.

1. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your top teeth. Keep it there throughout the breathing process for alignment with Source.

2. To the count of 3 breath in and then on the count of 4 begin to breath out. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Continue to breath out until the count of 8 is reached. Begin to breath in on 1 and on 4 begin to breath out. Do this with Love and Appreciation for All That Is and who you are.

3. This type of conscious breathing will bring about calm and connection. Do it often and teach anyone who wants to know this process.

NOW is when we no longer allow our attention to focus on that which we DO NOT want. We thank anything which comes into our awareness and if it does not resonate with what feels good, we thank it for this service of allowing us to identify what we DO NOT want; and begin to place our attention on that which we DO want. Allow ourselves to FEEL the good feelings of already having what we want. Do this often, imagine and pretend. The Universe will respond. Love is the answer for any question or any problem. :-)