Thursday, February 20, 2014

U.S. economy on schedule to crash March 4, 2014

U.S. economy on schedule to crash March 4, 2014

America’s fall will take global economies with it

Those wild and crazy Mayans put down their marker that the end of the world would occur on Dec. 21, 2012 — about two months from now. There is, of course, some small chance that they might be right. On the other hand, there is a very large probability that the real end of the world will occur around March 4, 2014.

The doomsday clock will ring then because the U.S. economy may fully crash around that date which will, in turn, bring down all world economies and all hope of any recovery for the foreseeable future — certainly over the course of most of our lifetimes.

Interest rates will skyrocket, businesses will fail, unemployment will go to record levels, material and food shortages will be rampant, and there could be major social unrest.

Any wishful thinking that America is in a “recovery” and that “things are getting better” is an illusion.

The problem is not Medicare, which won’t quit on us for another six or seven years. Nor is it Social Security, which will not be fully bankrupt for another 15 years or so. The crisis is much more immediate and much more serious.

The central problem is that America is the bank of the world. What this means, simply, is that the dollar is the world’s currency (often termed the “reserve currency”).

Throughout the world nearly all traded goods, oil, major commodities, real estate, etc. are denominated in dollars. The world needs dollars, and the U.S. provides them and provides confidence that the dollar is the “safest” currency in the world. Countries get dollars by trading with us on attractive terms, which enables Americans to live very well. Countries support this system and cover their risk by investing in dollars through T-bill auctions and other mechanisms, which enables us to run budget deficits — up to a point.

The central issue is confidence in America, and the world is losing confidence quickly. At a certain point, soon, the United States will reach a level of deficit spending and debt at which the countries of the world will lose faith in America and begin to withdraw their investments. Many leading economists and bankers think another trillion dollars or so may do it.

A run on the banks will start suddenly, build quickly and snowball. At that point, we will need to finance our own deficit, and we will not be able to do so. We will raise bond rates to re-attract foreign investment, interest rates will go up, and businesses will fail. Unemployment will skyrocket.

The rest of the world will fully crash along with us. Europe will continue to decline, and the euro will not replace the dollar. Russia will see a collapse in oil prices as market demand softens, and Russia will collapse along with it.
China will find nowhere to export and also will collapse. The Russian and Chinese governments, which see all this coming and have been stockpiling gold to hedge against such a dollar collapse, will find that you cannot eat gold.

There will be uprisings — think of the streets in Spain and Greece today — everywhere. Technological advances that traditionally drive productivity increases and economic growth will not be able to keep up with this collapse.

When might this all happen? Paul Volker indicates we might face a mess like this in the next year and a half.

David Walker, former U.S. comptroller, i.e., the former chief accountant of the U.S. government, has suggested similar time frames for economic catastrophe. 

Most agree that the budget sequestration approach won’t work from either economic or political perspectives, and mindless across-the-board cuts in spending will only exacerbate a mess. The Federal Reserve’s third round of quantitative easing, in which they print money to buy their own bonds in order to goose economic and employment numbers, means they are floating their own debt, a good formula for sudden hyperinflation.

The next 'president' will have about six months to fix this problem before it is too late. He must be fully prepared, able and willing to work with Congress and move quickly and decisively.

During the 'election' (better pray there IS a REAL and HONEST one and NOT the continued  rigged 'elections' of the past 60 years, all fraudulent by the DC mob)the most important question to ask is, "Who understands all this and is prepared to prevent it?" Everything else is noise.

Grady Means is a businessman, former assistant to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and former economist at the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.


Anonymous said...

There will not be any crash on March 4th nor during any time of 2014. The next crash will be between Sept - Oct 2015. How serve is not known other than it will be more severe than the 2008 crash.

Dan said...

Will the employers write pay checks after March 4th even when they know that the banks are closed, yet the executives gave themselves advances beforehand to hold them for at least a month?
Will the employers claim they paid the employees pay checks even when they knew they were FRAUDULENT, so there will be major rioting everywhere?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This scenario has been around awhile. I was at an economic conference in Indonesia in 2000 and this was being touted then with the Chinese currency being the obvious replacement. With Australia and Canada already nominated as future reserve currencies, I fail to see how the fall of the US dollar which is fiat money and worthless anyway will affect the entire world. America is not the centre of the world, just as it is not the world's policeman and watchdog. The dramatic rise of BRICS which now comprises over 140 countries. The petro dollar is dead with BRICS countries now trading in their own currencies. It was always going to happen if the US dollar ceased being the reserve currency, the America would fall financial because of their insane fiat money printing activities. The yanks had their chance to change their government what 18 months ago and failed to do so. Both the Democrats and Republicans appear to be busted arse no-hopers only in government to fill their own bank accounts. Sack the bloody lot and start again with genuine caring people. Too bad the genuine people don't understand that their government is worse than any 3rd world dictatorship. I understand the IMF has already has a "currency" that stands in digital form (non-tradeable) that will be the reserve currency. What happened to the Amero? Has it died? While we are talking digital, make voting compulsory in the USA and go back to pen and paper at the ballot box where counting irregularities hardly exist against computerised voting and counting. The USA has become the arsehole of the world, not the shining light it used to be. Take back control of your country and your pride.

Anonymous said...

Not only do we the people need to go back to paper ballots but we also need to get rid of the MONEY that BUYS the offices ... politicians need to go and the power of the people through their local communities and the states need to rise up...and all LOBBYISTS need to be banned, abolished, and imprisoned if caught BRIBING ...along with the public servant that accepted the bribe..meaning it wasn't revealed when offered. Truth, Honesty, and a SERVANT's heart for the people will not happen without repentance of what we've allowed to take place in this country....first matter to attend to... repentance and a return to God Almighty's law...the TEN COMMANDMENTS... and abolish all UN constitutional laws and statues that rebell against our natural common law. We...the people need to step up... repent, pray, defend!