Friday, April 4, 2014


     In military school, the chairman of the history department once indicated to me that he rated me the brightest military cadet in history ever to have attended that military academy. And I did get an A plus in history under him. When a senior in high school in military school, I took a history test given to top honor students across America and won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science off of this nationally sponsored history test while still in high school. As a history major at a major university, my own history professor there asked me if I wanted an immediate A plus or wait until the end of the semester to get it. And he then had me teach the next class on the clash between royalism and republicanism in 19th century Europe. The class said I electrified the class, I made this part of history so interesting and understandable to them. In a separate class where we were supposed to speak on a subject that we had researched, I spoke on the scientific principles by which the Nazi Party won national power in Germany. The teacher was in shock at what I presented and the class loved how I explained how the Nazis won in Germany. They said they understood now how they did it and I made this part of history very fascinating to them!
     History has always fascinated me why events turn out the way they do and I have a gift for digging out the hidden reasons why history turns out the way it does. Below now are historical observations of mine on what will make America and other nations either great or else mediocre as nations and races. I pull no punches and am not "politically correct," but rather historically honest on basic political guidelines that history indicates to me should be observed by nations that want a bright future for themselves. 
     Welcome now to a world of historical principles I came up with not taught in the schools of America. These are the historical principles that will decide what future world you will live in whether good or bad, whether mankind survives on earth due to good leadership or else gets wiped out on earth due to bad leadership.
      Political Guidelines For Nations:
     A tyrant is one who has no respect for the rights of others. Tyrants are created by the people when the people become weak in character. Tyrants disappear when the people become strong in character and will not tolerate tyranny over their lives.
     Actions are needed to make ideas a reality rather than just idle  words. This is true in religion, economics, science, military, political movements, businesses, and other ideas turned into reality. It took a dreamer to come up with the idea of building the Suez Canal, but acting on this dream, the idea became reality once support for the dream was found in society. Same for the Panama Canal, Hoover Dam, and all sorts of other great things built that benefit mankind on earth today.
     A good soldier is made by belief in his cause. Soldiers fight because of belief in their cause whether national or political or religious reasons, etc. They also can fight because of ambition, steady job or for other reasons including that they got drafted!
     A true soldier is not afraid of death, only dishonor. When soldiers fight too well, they are driven by honor and not base reasons. They may fight for the wrong cause, but believing in it, they give the fight their all and nothing can stop them except defeat or else death. 
     To be afraid stops one from doing what one wants to do or needs to do. Prudence is not fear but common sense in a practical way. But when a person is too dominated by fear, they make life no longer worth living as they are afraid to do anything good or worthwhile in their lives. A person dominated by fear does not develop anything but a shallow character and does not win the respect of man on earth nor the respect of God in Heaven! 
     Only petty governments are afraid to have their people be free or become great. Petty leaders create petty nations. Great leaders create great nations out of their people.
      Without practical leadership no war can be won by an army nor a business amount to anything without practical leadership in charge of it.
     Soldiers are made afraid by loss of confidence in their leaders.
     Mediocre and petty governments are afraid to have great military leaders, political leaders, etc. to lead the nation. Great governments and their people are not afraid of using great men or women and letting their talents shine forth to save or improve the nation and its people.
     As President Teddy Roosevelt once commented, "When a government becomes treasonable against the people, then it becomes treasonable of the people to continue supporting the government!"
     Morale is created by selling an idea, concept, loyalty, etc. to soldiers, political followers, religious followers, citizens of nations, etc. that they will believe in and want to support!
     Tyrannies want to suppress so many of the talented in a nation because they fear these talented citizens will create too much freedom in a nation with their great inventions, business ideas, political reforms, religious revivals, better ways of teaching in schools, etc. And the birth of such freedom created by the talented will shrink or collapse the power base and support for tyranny in a nation.
     God wants the destiny of man to be one of greatness, not pettiness, but along standards approved of by God.
     Whatever government thinks that it should not openly honor God or obey the laws of God in its national laws is a government not worthy of respect or patriotic loyalty to. It is not worth being in power and should be destroyed and replaced by a real Christian national government. Christianity established the college and university system of higher education in the world. Sir Isaac Newton, "the Father Of Modern Science," was an ardent Christian and spent half of his studies on Bible prophecy and the other half advancing science in the world. The Christian concepts of the God-given right to property and contract gave birth to high powered free enterprise in the world and the freedom for inventors to arise in society who could skyrocket wages and national prosperity including business profits by their inventions which created these new national industries needed by man on earth.
     Children are the hope and future of any nation. Therefore, their education should be geared to develop their potential worth, greatness, and talents, not teach them to be petty, shallow, immoral, and godless.
      True education is application in life. This applies to both the technical side of knowledge and sound moral values for citizens to have in their daily lives. All else is academic farce and a waste of time. Much more wealth and good times can be built into the economy by national ethics than by national corruption running the economy.
     In a pagan world, the only true basis for obedience to laws is the threat of force either open or disguised. Police, courts, and armies are the force behind laws whether in America, Russia, or elsewhere.
      When tyranny uses force to oppose ideas or causes, only force backing the involved ideas or cause can overcome tyranny. However, also moral force can win for good so violent force is not the only way to win against tyranny.
     It is the political nature of any government to evolve into a tyranny once it abandons God.
     No nation without ideals or a national dream can possibly become great.
     Those who do not have honor or worth in themselves do not know how to respect or honor their fellow citizens who deserve the respect and honor of the people of the nation.
       Show me the heroes of the people and I will know their true character. Their heroes show who represents their beliefs and loyalties in life. This also leads to the position that a petty people support petty leaders and a great people support great leaders for their nations.
       A great nation cannot be made by making the people petty and shallow in character.
       Great people respect talent, merit, or greatness in others in their local or national society. A petty people not really respecting themselves therefore do not know how to really respect others. It is in the nature of too many petty people to destroy and not build up what is good and sound in society.
      Pettiness is created by personal laziness and the refusal to develop personal talents and characters to standards of excellence. God did not make man either stupid or petty. Only moral corruption accepted instead of sound standards of life to live by can turn a man or woman into being petty when they were born with the traits from God that could make them great and smart to brilliant in society. There is so much talent and potential greatness in almost anyone born on earth and I hate to see people cheat themselves by being ruled by unsound values in society that hold back their potential in life rather than see them rise to their potential brains and greatness in life. When the military can take ordinary people and turn them into professional soldiers capable of much manhood in character and much professionalism in military service, this means the potential for greatness is basically in the people as a whole. Give them the right education and good moral and sound values to govern society by, and our nation will be composed of great people and not petty and worthy of the respect of all nations and races on earth.
      The only correct foundation to create a great nation upon is true loyalty to God, true intelligence, true common sense in practical matters, wisdom, true justice for all, truth instead of lies for all, and hard work applied in practical ways can build up the economy and nation to any heights we want America or other nations to be raised up to.
      As the the Bible teaches, "Listen to the truth and the truth shall make you free!" The opposite message would be, "Listen to lies and lies shall make you slaves and ruined in life."
     As the Bible teaches, back a prophet of God and share in his reward before God for all eternity.  The reverse would be back an evil leader and you share in his punishment before God for all eternity. Back with what finances you can that good leader or movement that you can and God smiles on you as rising to be a total Christian before God and not a lukewarm Christian not looked kindly upon in the Book of Revelation. Jesus said that he who keeps the words of Jesus in his life is showing his or her love for Jesus and approved of before God. And the Bible says for you to raise your children in the knowledge and ways of the Lord. Originally America did this through prayer and the Bible in the public schools of America. But you let the enemies of God lie in legal issues and claim this was illegal under the U.S. Bill of Rights. You did not oppose them but let them win in legal decisions by default of your support for the legal rights of Christianity in America. Albert Schweitzer said that "Christianity must be founded upon thinking!" And an old Jewish proverb, "It takes intelligence to serve God well!" And Sir Edmund Burke said the famous words, "All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing!" When President Thomas Jefferson pushed that the Bible and the Watts Christian Hymnal be the two required textbooks used in all schools of America, how did his words get twisted around to where in his name the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America? This is pure legal con from the U.S. Supreme Court and lacking legal integrity on their part! Pass my proposed Omni Law on my website and we will restore the U.S. Bill of Rights back to their original status under enforced law!
     Back a prophet or movement by promoting it to others. Back it with finances and you have a moral claim before God that you were promised in the Bible that you also get at least some of the same rewards as the prophet will receive from God for all eternity. By the way, prophet has more meaning than just giving out prophecies about the future. John the Baptist was called by Jesus Christ the greatest servant and prophet of God on earth in his time and he was exposing moral corruption in the government over Judea then. His only prophecy was that the Messiah was coming soon and be ready to accept Him when He came! A prophet is mainly a servant of God bringing a moral message to mankind that God wants mankind to hear. He is authorized or anointed to bring this special message to mankind that God approves.
      The New Testament said that Christians would be a peculiar people zealous of good works. And Jesus said that those who kept His word meaning they read what Jesus said and kept it close to their hearts, they were considered by Jesus and God the Father to have shown their love for Jesus by this act. And Jesus promised the greatest reward in Revelation to Christians keeping His Works On Earth meaning keeping the early Apostolic Christianity brought to earth by Jesus and His Apostles after Him. And Jesus repeatedly in the New Testament told all Christians that would be His true disciples on earth to carry their crosses as followers of Jesus Christ. This means that you carry the cross of Jesus on your backs by carrying true early Apostolic Christianity to others as you help bring true Christianity to all you can reach. This is what makes you a true disciple of Jesus in our age or any other age. True Christianity is both preached and practiced by actions in our lives. I have given to others the ammo they need to storm America for Christ. I gathered together stunning Miracles of God to show others and enemies of God do not know how to answer these examples of stunning Miracles of God.
       Those that want to be cross-bearers for Jesus Christ, join my movement as we win back America to serious Christianity. Does it matter if America is Christian or not? An economic study around 1987 concluded that it cost American labor around one trillion dollars a year in lost wages to have outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. And American business sells to a trillion dollar a year smaller national market because prayer and the Bible had been outlawed from the public schools of America by a fraudulent decision issued by the U.S. Supreme Court which took the teaching originally suggested by the Communist Party of America as the new version of American law and made the Communist version of the U.S. Bill of Rights now the ruled decree of the U.S. Supreme Court. Pure Fraud! And because most Americans did not care if the federal government ceased to be a Christian based government in America any longer, your leaders in Wash., D.C. were mainly not serious Christians or even Christians, so you got swindled through Wash., D.C. maybe up to 1,000 trillion dollars since 1913 of money going to secret central banker you didn't know were confiscating the main national wealth of America and most of your pay from your jobs and profits from business. A prominent London financial writer suggested that the American people had even been swindled over 1,000 trillion dollars using Wash., D.C. as the front for the corrupt elite secretly ruling America at this time. When America tried to outlaw God from America and legally divorce America from God, it cost you dearly to think that you thought you would be financially blessed by kicking God out of American society, government, and law! God blesses His people, not His enemies as taught in the Bible!
     Pass this report around and free Americans from the enemies of God who also keep you poor, unemployed, underemployed, earning only a fraction of what you would under an honest national government not anti-Christian in character and law, and profits for business would be much higher under an honest government instead of this at least partially Satanist controlled government which does not want good for the American people today. As the Bible teaches, "Know your enemies!" which is smart wisdom!
     Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders sent in by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether a product from our Product listings section or for our Omni Law Loan Program which also helps finance our Omni Law Drive to pass our coming Omni Law for America. In capsule form, our Omni Law sets up a legal oversight committee of 10 modeled after the 10 ancient Civil Tribunes of ancient Rome and have legal powers to protect and serve you including calling national referendums when you want them to in order to pass laws you want passed and cancelled laws rammed down your throat by Congress and White House when they are trying to not represent you but serve other interests instead who have bought them off, etc.! When our Omni Law is passed, the government becomes honest again! And the economy can then start booming like it should! You have the talent to make America boom! Only a badly managed national government is holding you down so America does not skyrocket in prosperity and jobs as it would under a free, honest national government! I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein years ago and know how to skyrocket free enterprise in America once we get the Communists and socialists in Congress, etc. checkmated and true free enterprise restored to America! The Omni Law restores true freedom to America including true freedom under soundly run and backed free enterprise in America! Enough said! Time For Your Support As The Coming National Election Gives Us National Power If You Back Us Now!
      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American actually daring to tell the truth to the American people. Again stated, As The Bible Teaches, "'Listen To The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free!")

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