Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sabotage at Fukushima Disaster Site !


Friday, 18 April 2014 12:58
April 18, 2014 -- (TRN) -- Someone has deliberately sabotaged the Fukushima nuclear disaster site, by turning on pumps in several different buildings thus forcing 200 tons of highly radioactive water to be pumped into the basement of a building on site.  While some think it was a mistake, others say it is clearly deliberate -- sabotage.

According to Japan's NHK media outlet, Workers at the Fukushima plant inject water into damaged reactors to cool melted fuel. The water becomes highly radioactive in the process, and is supposed to be held in storage buildings before being sent to a decontaminating facility.

On Monday, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)  learned that more than 200,000 liters of highly contaminated water was mistakenly pumped to the basement of a building in the compound. The company says 4 pumps for emergency use, which should NOT have been turned on, directed the water to the wrong place.

Nuclear Regulation Authority Commissioner Toyoshi Fuketa called for stronger measures at a regular meeting of the group on Wednesday. He suggested steps such as setting up security cameras and locking the pumps' switch boxes.

This latest incident comes on the heels of another in February, when more than 100 tons of contaminated water leaked from a tank due to a deliberately opened valve. TEPCO officials have interviewed about 100 workers, but have yet to find out exactly what occurred.

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