Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Here is the video /// Yet another fraud by the federal government!

July 8 2014

Here is the video

Here is the video where a Mexican who works at the train yard in Guadalajara tells all - no children have ever come through on the trains.

The only children coming up are stolen and sent up by people operating to destroy America. These children even in their own countries need parental consent to come up to America, and the mothers are warning the children to stay away from white women who are working for charities and other so called "outreach programs" because once the children get involved with these people, they vanish.
The real story is that these children who are arriving are stolen and shipped up on white buses and flown up, they are not finding their own way through Mexico. There are no children on the trains AT ALL, no children walking the roads (I just spent 3,000 KM riding all the roads on a motorcycle and never saw a single child walking the roads, no packed rest areas, NOTHING. So if they are not on the trains, and nowhere to be seen on the roads, yet they are vanishing there is ONE ANSWER and it came directly from someone in Nicaragua:
"During this research, I've been asking expats how 'gringos' are treated and a woman from Canada who is in Managua, Nicaragua replied back by email and said that this past 6 months or so, Nicaraguan mothers have been warning their kids to stay away from gringos, especially women and ESPECIALLY ones claiming to work for NGO's or missionary types. Apparently, there have been a lot of "runaways" and young pregnant teens going missing and the locals there are 'very suspicious' that they're being taken by these people. After thinking about it, I believe this would be a perfect plan - go to Central American countries, set up orgs to help children, once the kids are under their legal guardianship, they can then take them out of the countries and ship them to the US."

This, in a single statement, says it all: The children are not leaving Central America on trains, they are being taken and shipped up to America by so-called "relief workers" who steal them and put them on buses and have them shipped directly up to America. There are no "trains of death" or huge waves of people walking the Mexican countryside, and Arturo himself, in the video, clearly states that the police would not tolerate having them on trains, so such an exodus is impossible.

This is a social catastrophe involving stolen children that is bought and paid for by your tax dollars, which are funding a black op run by enemies of America who are working in America's government to destroy America. And what about all the broken families being created in Central America? It is that simple, take everything else being said about this and trash it because it is irrelevant and based on absolte B.S. being fronted by those who are running a huge child theft ring to bring America a social disaster.
SOURCE: www,

Jim Stone is Ex-NSA!

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