Wednesday, July 16, 2014

MacJedi at TNT: "Computer-Which One and Why"

MacJedi at TNT:  "Computer-Which One and Why"

MacJedi:   COMPUTER... Which one and why?

I have been a media producer for over 25 years.  We have dealt with so much in this business that I will be glad to walk away from Hi-Tech...  But with that I am seasoned in the computer industry and I will offer my advice for what it's worth.  You may not agree at all with me and that is OK because everyone has their own opinion and desires.

I have had to deal with security at high levels and low levels as well.  There was a question today as to what to do in the computer area after RV.  I will only tell you what I will do and you may share a completely different opinion.

We have dealt with many many computers at once and different security issues and needs for protection.  Windows, Mac, Linux etc.  I am not going to offer a technical support scenario here but this is my plan.
Windows is notorious for being an easy target.  The system is easily hacked into, it is easy to plant evil goodies to side step security and it has a reputation for needing constant supervision.  Meaning , anti virus, malware, firewalls and more ...  I will not go into details as the terminology starts to go over the average persons head but, to keep it simple, Windows based systems will bring home the "Look what the Cat dragged in" moment. 

The Internet is ripe with various methods of planting key loggers and phone home softwares that will capture your personal info. 

You will also get various calls from India offering to fix by connecting to your computer, the many issues they are having reported to them.  A crock is what these services are as you volunteer to allow them access to your computer to fix issues that are not there...  DON'T DO IT!!!

Macintosh has been bad mouthed for years as being a toy.  It may not be the friendliest in running Windows software but it can do quite well when using Parallels or VM Ware and the nice thing is when using that method to access windows, you can have multiple versions of Windows to boot into for using just for one purpose and you can also terminate a single version of Windows without destroying the other versions on the same computer.

Macintosh will also allow you to boot into a completely different system that you might use for only one purpose and this will allow you to keep separate the possibilities of security breeches if one system becomes corrupted. 

Mac will allow you to keep your highest security system on and external drive and when plugged into your Mac at that point you can boot only off of that hard drive which will completely bypass any issue that might exist on the machine on it's internal drive.  Macs are also easy to restore from a perfect preserved system back up drive.

Another reason for using Mac for Internet transacting is that it is the lowest form of computing as far as how many viruses that have actually been created to infect these machines.

Nothing is perfect as the very best may actually one day find a way to break your security measures...  But...  Why not use the safest platform out there to avoid the mass jungle of evil actions against your computer.

Don't trust the Cloud to vital information.  Learn how to set up your own machine and Mac will allow an easy learning curve.  Why?  Because if I were slightly operating under a dark cloud, it would only take me less than 15 minutes to plant in your computer that which would report back to me,  your passwords, logins, financial status and sooooooo  much more.

If you have set up your own external boot security system drive, you never have to trust your vital info to anyone even if you have to send your Mac in for some repair...  Remember also once your computer comes back from repair...  If it is your security Computer...  Wipe the drive anyway and install a clean system .  This is simple to do on Mac...  So learn it.

There is so much more to talk about but this is to at least get you thinking.  Everyone of our Windows machines have eventually had issues in security as we use them in an abusive way as A LOT!  so just my 2 cents worth...  By far less issues in corruption and security when considering a stable system ...  Think Mac.  

Eset has been highly rated for Windows security as it not only works against viruses but also malware, spyware, adware and phone home security breeches.  Bit Defender is another that is rated high. 

Stay away from free anti viruses or the free and then pay later popular ones as there are not many that can deal with deep rooted Trojan viruses which quietly turn your computer into a broadcast house of your personal information.

There are other things you can install on your machines which will run quietly in the back ground undetected and log every keystroke and screen shot so you can see if someone is fooling around with your machine when you are not around. 

Spector Pro works on Windows and Mac and is your computer babysitter when you are not around.

Too much to say and offer but maybe this will get the thinker primed and moving in forward thought.

MacJedi out!

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