Friday, July 18, 2014

UK Gov’t Reshuffle, Mass Arrests….660 arrested so far


UK Gov’t Reshuffle, Mass Arrests….660 arrested so far…

Oh, this is rich!
AK’s got this listed in a long string of articles (thanks, Bill!) and I thought our friends in the UK would particularly appreciate this organization. It’s really happening. Finally…
MASS ARRESTS. Isn’t that music to our ears?! Mass arrests! Mass arrests! Mass arrests! I can’t hear it enough.
I’ll give you the link to Bill’s blog and you can pick and choose which ones you want to read. Very juicy. Like out of the tabloids, but it’s what should rightly be mainstream news.
But of course, once they start talking about the Brits… the dominoes begin to wobble and it would then lead to the House of Windsor, Holland, the Vatican, Canada, Australia… and it would just get too messy… so… not exactly headline news across the pond here.
But no matter! WE know and I can hear the cabal’s knees a-knockin’!
OH–almost forgot. Yesterday I had to try four times to deposit a cheque and since none of the local ATMs worked for me, I had to go to my branch… a long way away. However, while in line for a teller (their ATM was down, too) I got a peek at the world news.
I had to chuckle, because the main headline was that Germany’s Angela Merkel is turning 60 and has decided to retire. There’s a shocker, and it was worth the drive.
So… the house of cards is coming down rapidly now and we know there’s more going on than we’re privy to at the moment.
Hmmmm… Who do you suppose will step down or get arrested next?  ~ BP

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