Wednesday, August 20, 2014



Posted by Oldschool on August 19, 2014 at 9:59 pm EDT

I do not know the logistics of why they stopped it. And I do not know Carden personally, but his (her) sources were right that it should have gone. 

Iraq is not the hold up. 

We still look really good this week. Hopefully we will have some answers tomorrow on why they needed more time. We will just have to wait and see how this all plays out. 

I will not give a window because we always blow through those. I will give what I call hot days. 

The next four days are hot daysWe should see a lot of movement in those days.

Pray we are finally about done with this ride.

Donna Skinner: How long does it take, once the button is pushed to go through the Algorithm?

PS... I think Exo's intel was right - that the button was pushed and should have happened yesterday.  Now I"m supposing EXO will have to go through all that pic intel again, letting us know when the button is pushed.

Oldschool :Donna Skinner ,You are right we were looking at Monday and Tuesday last week and they just keep kicking the can down the road. 

Exo is probably cross checking the info I sent him now to see if it lines up with his sources. 

Hopefully it does!!
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 10:05

8-19-14 donzi41: I am in a small group and have an NDA but they are changing it because the rate went up this week.

(Has your group been exchanging? How did you get an NDA?) I have NDA in hand now. NDA is from the
bank. I was told this week or next week.

I would never let dinar
out of sight. Never go to a place that wants to send off currency.

(Anything interesting in the NDA you received? Any major restrictions?) I can say it is no big deal….
It does not say anything about keeping my money in that bank for a time. 
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 10:06

The new government before parliament next Tuesday
تاريخ النشر: الأربعاء 20 أغسطس 2014 Date Published: Wednesday, August 20, 2014
هدى جاسم (بغداد) Huda Jassim (Baghdad)
أكدت مصادر سياسية عراقية موثوقة مقربة من رئيس الوزراء المكلف بتشكيل الحكومة العراقية الجديدة أمس، أن الثلاثاء المقبل سيشهد تقديم تشكيلة الحكومة الجديدة لمجلس النواب العراقي (البرلمان)، الذي أرجأ جلسته الاعتيادية إلى يوم غد الخميس، كما أجل التصويت على قانون المحكمة الاتحادية، بعدما استضاف وزيري الصحة والتربية ووكيل وزارة الهجرة للوقوف على كيفية مساعدة النازحين.
Confirmed Iraqi political sources reliable close to the prime minister-designate to form a new Iraqi government yesterday, that next Tuesday will provide the new government for the Iraqi Council of Representatives (parliament), which postponed its regular-to-day on Thursday, also in order to vote on the law of the Federal Court, after he hosted Ministers of Health and Education and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Immigration to determine how to help the displaced.
اشتعلت الأوساط السياسية بالتصريحات المتباينة عن حصص الكتل السياسية في حقائب الوزارة الجديدة.
Caught in political circles divergent statements about the stakes of the political blocs in the bags of the new ministry.
وتداولت بعض الأوساط السياسية والإعلامية أنباء عن الإفراج عن الفريق سلطان هاشم وزير الدفاع في حقبة الرئيس الراحل صدام حسين، وخروجه من العراق.
And deliberated some political circles and media news release about the team Sultan Hashim, Minister of Defense in the era of Saddam Hussein, and his exit from Iraq.
وقالت المصادر السياسية لـ«الاتحاد» أمس إن العبادي أبلغ مقربين منه وبعض رؤساء الكتل السياسية أنه بصدد تقديم التشكيلة الحكومية الجديدة يوم الثلاثاء المقبل.

The sources said the political «Union» yesterday that al-Abadi told those close to him and some of the heads of political blocs that are going to make the new government formation next Tuesday.
وأشارت المصادر أن من بين الأسماء المطروحة لشغل منصب نائب رئيس الوزراء هوشيار زيباري من الكتلة الكردية، بينما تواترت أنباء مختلفة أن« كتلة الأحرار التابعة للتيار الصدري تنوي ترشيح محافظ بغداد علي التميمي والقيادي في الكتلة بهاء الأعرجي لمنصب نائب رئيس الوزراء، فيما تؤكد مصادر أخرى أن ذات الكتلة سترشح أحمد الجلبي لهذا المنصب وستدعم ترشيحه داخل التحالف الوطني».
The sources pointed out that among the names put forward for the position of deputy prime minister, Hoshyar Zebari of the Kurdish bloc, while there were reports different that «Liberal bloc of the Sadrist movement intends to nominate the governor of Baghdad, Ali al-Tamimi, the leader of the Bloc Bahaa al-Araji, the deputy prime minister, while other sources confirm that Related bloc would nominate Ahmad Chalabi for this position and would support his candidacy within the National Alliance ».
كما ذكرت المصادر أن من بين الأسماء التي رشحت لكابينة الوزارية الجديدة، علي الأديب لوزارة التعليم العالي وهي نفس الوزارة التي كان يرأسها سابقا، بينما ستؤول وزارة المالية لمرشح من كتلة المواطن، وسط أنباء عن مطالبة الأكراد بها كتعويض عن وزارة الخارجية التي ستخرج من أيدي الكرد، حيث تردد اسم زعيم كتلة مستقلون عضو ائتلاف دولة القانون حسين الشهرستاني للخارجية.
The sources said that among the names that have been nominated for the cabins new cabinet, Ali al-Adeeb of the Ministry of Higher Education, the same ministry, which was headed by the former, while Stúl the Ministry of Finance for a candidate of the mass of citizens, amid reports claim the Kurds out compensation for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which will emerge from the hands of the Kurds , where the frequency of the name of the leader of the independent member of a coalition of state law, Hussein al-Shahristani of Foreign Affairs.
ولم تؤكد المصادر أو تنفي نية العبادي تكليف أحد أهم كبار الضباط العسكريين في زمن النظام السابق، وزارة الدفاع لخبرته الطويلة في قيادة العمليات الميدانية ووزارة الدفاع لفترة معينة، وقد تداولت بعض الأوساط السياسية والإعلامية أنباء عن الإفراج عن الفريق سلطان هاشم وخروجه من العراق كمرحلة أولية لإعادته إلى البلاد وتوليه منصبا مهما في الحكومة ، لكن هذه الأنباء لم يتم التأكد منها بعد.
Did not confirm the sources or denies intention Abadi assigning one of the most senior military officers at the time of the former regime, the Ministry of Defence for his long experience in the leadership of Field Operations and the Department of Defense for a certain period, has handled some of the political and media circles news release about the team Sultan Hashim and out of Iraq as a first stage to return to the country and taking an important position in the government, but these reports have not been confirmed.
وكان مكتب العبادي نقل عنه في بيان أمس «سنرفض أي مرشح من الكتل السياسية لشغل المناصب الوزارية ما لم يتمتع بالكفاءة والنزاهة والخبرة الجيدة، إضافة إلى البرنامج الذي سيدير به وزارته».
The office of Al-Abbadi was quoted in a statement yesterday «We will reject any candidate of the political blocs for ministerial positions unless a competent, integrity and good experience, in addition to the program, which will be moderated by his ministry».
إلى ذلك قال مصدر برلماني إن «رئاسة مجلس النواب رفعت الجلسة التي عقدت أمس برئاسة سليم الجبوري وحضور 217 نائباً، إلى الخميس»، موضحاً أن «الجلسة شهدت استضافة وزيري الصحة والتربية، ووكيل وزارة الهجرة للوقوف على كيفية مساعدة النازحين»، كما أجلت التصويت على قانون المحكمة الاتحادية.

To the parliamentary source said that «the Presidency of the Council of Representatives meeting rose, which was held yesterday under the chairmanship of Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 217 deputies, to Thursday», adding that «the meeting saw the host of the Ministers of Health and Education, and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Immigration to find out how to help the displaced», also postponed a vote on Federal Court Act.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there are arrests ongoing, they are certainly missing 3 - 5 biggies who, until arrested, will continue to kick this RV can down the road. It is pretty obvious by now, there are no back dates. There are no magical "7" dates (CL really? Cabal's mouthpiece big time). Maliki = US patsy not unlike Osama. Iraq, dictated to by UN/IMF/US is a distractor, stall game. Those calling the RV every other day - or worse, saying "it was set to go last nite" (how many times now???) are wreaking havoc on everyone's emotions, big time. Rather than bringing hope these announcements only bring more disappointment, despair and frustration (dare I say, anger?). Hmmm, sounds like something the PTB who are expert at orchestrating despair.

I would hope this is not done intentionally but with all the PsyOps going down one never knows for certain. And now rumor has it that the Chinese are trying to pay off the Bad Boys??? Reward w/ payoff vs a much DESERVED arrest? Or is this all more rumor, speculation? On their (the last 2 UScorp of UK pResidents) watch and nod: 911, torture, 1,000's deaths thru PsyOp drills; "convenient accidental" deaths of whistleblowers/hackers/reporters, OK bombing, Waco, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Fukishima (ongoing), Katrina, BP Oil Spill (ongoing), Malaysian A/L (2x), on & on ad nauseum. Then, you've got the WWIII exploits Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, now Iraq (again, really? come on).

As if ALL these are not EVIL enough, together w/ other Eugenicists launching Ebola, bringing it into the US and now the racial conflict PsyOp Ferguson, MO. Why doesn't anyone call this AS IT IS? Plain and simple, just one of these is CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Altogether, this is pure evil. And rather than get their just due, evil gets rewarded w/ a $30+ billion payoff? REALLY???

We desperately need another Kevin Annett and the ITCCS to come to America's rescue, serve these bad boys/girls, put 'em on trial. Three day w/e, a stable gov't, back-wall dates, glitches, a process, Tony giving out info stops the whole thing (rite? hahaha), biggest thing ever done in history,... come on, ENOUGH already! Just like in the Emperor's New Clothes, everyone going along to get along. Someone has to say it, "this EMPIRE is ROTTEN, EVIL" in need of some serious house cleaning, exterminating. There, this little kid has said it for all to hear.