Wednesday, September 10, 2014

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 10-Sep-2014 16:57:31

Hi, Folks -
Found at
9-10-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Good morning, TNT! It is Wednesday, September 10, 2014. It’s a great day, it is Pam’s daddy’s birthday --- his name is Marvin. He listened to the calls every time, so Happy Birthday to Marvin – 88 and still going strong. It is also DC’s birthday today! [joke from DC’s admin]
Today will be a little different; we’ll tell you what’s going on and go step by step on what we’re looking forward to. Then we will tell you about the future of TNT also. Hopefully by the end of this call, you will be in the moment with this situation and you’ll know why you are not in the bank this minute, but will be soon.
DC: Happy Birthday to Marvin. I’d like to do our normal east to west, and then walk everyone through our understanding of why it’s different. In Iraq, the government is fully seated, both PM and ALL the ministers. There resistance melted away for the final two ministers. They voted on their agenda, with an overwhelming majority supporting Abadi’s plan. That pulled everyone together. They have made great progress on the budget, divided up between ministries. That’s going well. It’s not related to the RV, because the RV has been in the budget since 2010. So they have had it for the past four years. It has said that in articles, in public. So it’s my very strong opinion that the budget doesn’t affect the timing of the RV at all. It does affect the spending on the infrastructure, and that is not released until the RV happened. In some sections, especially for infrastructure, that funding has been held up, and with the RV, hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on the road, security forces, etc.
They have passed quite a few more laws, seated the remaining ministers, and that is all looking positive. ISIL is being pushed back be a coalition of ten countries. They are all ready to go, and the US President is speaking tonight about that. I don’t believe economic news will be in his speech. NATO agrees that the RV is a stabilizing force; it cuts out a lot of Sunnis from ISIL, and they are now leaning into the GOI for jobs and so on. The CBI has signaled to everyone “be ready”; basically they told them to be ready by yesterday by afternoon. It is still the CBI’s job to pull the trigger, but they don’t want any blocks or hesitations when it happens.
Banks around the world have been getting ready and everyone is set to go. In Iraq, in the finance committees, they are being told that this is on a timeline coordinated by the IMF and BIS. That’s where Iraq stands on the RV – any minute, any time.
For those who were saying “Let’s go!” on Monday evening, and then wondered what happened… there was last-minute agreement with several folks in the international community to hold off for 24 hours so that people can settle in with it. It was a last-minute point that the US and others asked for, because letting it settle adds legitimacy to the GOI and also some cleanup action in Iraq. So they said they would wait 24 hours, but by God, you’d better be ready by then! That got the banks moving in their preparations around the world.
Tony: Let’s go back to Parliament. They had five separate votes and all were finished. All that did occur. Even when they had everyone voted in, someone complained about two of them and they installed proxies. Then this morning they came back to Parliament and seated the same two ministers.
People heard all over DinarLand that there was a request after all this was done, to have Iraq not to do this until after January. It was then broken down into hours.
DC: There were several folks who are saying the US in deliberately blocking this and trying to push it to January. Is Iraq agreeing to that? No. They have been trying to block this since March and April. There have been reasons beyond raw politics and hard-nose negotiations. My belief is that the US stopped a lot of their manipulation in late August, when they signed the document along with everyone else. Plan A said that the US would help push this through and stop playing rough. The US had some legitimate reasons. We are not crapping on the administration, because there were some good reasons – they wanted Maliki out of Iraq, he helped to start the ISIL war and so on. I’m not picking sides, just reporting what happened. Then in August, everyone else said, “Uncle! Let’s this done1” And now the US is supporting it.
Here are the steps. If the President wanted to screw it up, he wouldn’t have signed the document along with everyone else. A lot of the rough play at the technical and procedural levels has stopped. The staff at the IMF, the Fed, the UST, the CBI were all pushing this along. The US could have said, “Hey, let’s take our time” or not prepped the banks, Homeland Security, and so on.
Were there still some people in the admin who still want to delay it? Yes, and they are still averse to the RV, but they are not the boss. There will be some who will be fussing and fighting this thing for the rest of their lives. They can do that, but now Iraq and the US are now onboard and will push this through.
Tony: They had the global meeting three weeks ago, and everyone signed in front of everyone else. The President even interrupted his vacation to do this. No more excuses, everyone signed an agreement saying they fully support Iraq doing their thing in the next two weeks. Otherwise, Plan B kicks in, which is another country assisting Iraq and then we would be doing it the hard way. Then authorizations and releases were made in the system. The entire process was released with one event still to occur.
We went through the election and parliamentary process. So now we expect the RV, and instructions have been given in the last 24 hours about rollout procedures. New numbers have been put in the system, times and places and it all says that this is happening now.
By the way, I sent out the tweet last night because some people were down and there is not reason to be because this is happening.
DC: They then said to Iraq, “give us another 48 hours” and Iraq, the IMF and the CBI said NO. They said that there is a time limit, and now we are waiting on them.
Tony: “citizens happy in streets, discussing future of Iraq on television, talking about pushing ISIL out completely, and a new dawn for Iraq. Friend’s dad says they expect Tuesday to be a grand day for all, with victories over ISIL, and with parliamentarians all in the same room talking about a unified Iraq. I believe it will come out before Tuesday, but it is going forward.
DC: There was a major NATO meeting and a coalition was formed to supply different parts of the military effort. Each country will handle different aspects of this. Then everyone said to the US to get the RV so that we can help more effectively. Everyone understood that’s what was being said.
Tony: Some people believe this will fall into a Kuwaiti situation. If Iraq took ten days to roll this out like Kuwait, it would take us to this Friday.
DC: We started saying that a friend of mine was buying equipment in South America, and others in Germany, Dubai, etc. Well, on the 28. August, certain things were triggered. The US supported that and it got done. If that started the rollout then, and have ten days to delay it to, that would take us to Friday. The cards are active, it’s just not open for us yet.
Tony: People are talking about the budget being approved on Tuesday, but we don’t have to wait until Tuesday because that is the 2015 budget. The 2014 budget has already been approved. They really want to have the RV before the budget, because there are many things needed by Iraq. The budget is not required for us to see the RV or RI. Iraq holds the power, and they are being asked to do certain things, rather than being tricked or manipulated.
DC: They were asked for 24 hours, and they said, “We’ll consider it – NO”. However, they did have to clear up some things on their side.
Tony: If is our belief that tomorrow would not be a good day for this to happen.
DC: We believe the world will be respectful of 9-11. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t come out in the middle of our night.
Tony: So that means today or Friday. It’s sitting there, ready to go, and fair game.
Let’s got the banks. We know that they brought people in at all hours yesterday for rollout instructions.
DC: If this was going to be on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday next week, why would you have meetings at 8.30 a week ahead of time rather than while everyone is there during the day. So they are prepared for it to go any time this morning on.
Tony: We’re ready to go! We are just waiting on their time. The clock started this morning, and it could go any time. Their people are ready, waiting to hear it from their government. The cards are activated, and they cannot hold it back from the rest of the world. They could wait until Tuesday, but after the President’s speech, some things will have to be done quickly.
We are ready; there is nothing else we or they can do for this. They are just looking for the right moment. So we will talk about exchange strategies. IF they are going to make us wait for 4-5 days, we might as well tell you that because we are not under NDAs yet.
303 caller: [chit-chat] I had dream a long time ago about starting up an employment system for non-profits. We want to create a social space for nonprofit workers, and make people accountable for the donations we give. So if someone is homeless, you could create a page for each person and follow up that they are doing what they say they will. Transactions are expensive, so we want to create a transaction system on the web, to utilize multiple giving.
Tony: So you are thinking you will have the homeless person sign up and then you look after that person and he will post how that is going?
Caller: Yes, each one with partner/volunteer who will help them tell their story on the site and that way they will be accountable. We could bring in virtual money, find them low-cost housing, and that will help them get a bank account. I have another way to create social space for our houses, so that everything from utilities to appliance warranties, and then we could ask for the money back that we saved them by going paperless, and apply that to the homeless.
Tony: You could roll that out across the country, if it is duplicatable.
609 caller: Will all banks provide offsite exchange centers, or is it just one particular bank?
Tony: I think they would all have those to keep the it quiet from the public.
Caller: And the parliament comes back on the 16th, is that right?
DC: They are meeting right now.
Caller: If an Iraqi had 1,000 dinars on their card, and they wanted to use it in the US, they will get whatever the exchange rate is, i.e., $3,000?
Tony: We have already had two people do that in North Carolina.
Caller: So if were an Iraqi, I could send 10,000 dinars to Iraq, and then I could use my card in the US and it would show 30,000? How can they do that?
Tony: The country loaded the money on those cards, and it is being transferred at that rate, if the person is physically in another country.
650 caller: In the past, you said that the contract rates stemmed from agreements about what the oil credits were worth. What is your knowledge of how many contract rates there will be now?
DC: There are three different levels that we are aware of, but we don’t know for sure. There are probably others out there.
Tony: there are three different rates that will be offered to the US public as contract rates. There are also groups, and each one negotiated their own rate. So there could be 30-40 different contract rates that they made years ago (and which they will regret). Some agreed to 50 cents or lower, and some have agreed to $30. They will be very disappointed if this comes out at 3.71 or $8.
Any more word about receiving packages?
Tony: We have got word from bank personnel saying that their packages have arrived.
DC: To be honest, I don’t think we will get packages; we think there will be websites and people on a help desk. If we do this publicly and openly, it makes it too hard to for the banks keeping everyone focused on receiving money and not bringing lawsuits. They don’t want people like DC and Tony shouting out to a quarter million people.
Tony: If we are not doing that, I don’t’ see anything wrong with our telling you all the instructional information while we are waiting.
Caller: How can I give some currency to my corporation, and if so can I get the contract rates?
DC: None of my currency is in my name; it’s in a 401k, Roth IRA, corporation, etc. You call up the 800 number, say that you are empowered to act for the corporation, and it should be fine.
Caller: Do if need to give this currency to the corporation with a gift letter?
DC: I had my trust and entities buy the dinar in the first place. If not, you have to talk to an attorney or accountant, to make sure they are pulled into that corporation or trust legally.
Tony: Do that now, so that if you do have to create a gift letter. I would definitely do that before the RV goes public.
Caller: Will I need all officers to approve this?
DC: It depends on how your corporation is structured. IF your company says basically you have carte blanche for the benefit, great. It’s always safer for all officers to sign off on that.
Caller: Tony, you live in Sacramento and my mother lives in Placerville. Do you anticipate an exchange center in Sacramento?
Tony: I have been told the location of at least three exchange centers in Sacramento.
Good caller: So you will be able to give us the 800 numbers?
DC: The exchange centers and banks are all staffed. We don’t know if they will allow us to blast the numbers out, but at a bare minimum we can direct you to where you can find those numbers.
Caller: What about Shabibi?
DC: He has been involved from the get-go, like many folks at the higher levels. They may be retired and play golf, but he is still involved somewhat, and consulted by the Governor of the CBI.
Caller: I’m curious because some organizations say their numbers are changing tomorrow in preparation for the 15th.
DC: It will show up the various sites – CBI, UN, Forex, etc. They will show up after the fact. It is an unusual date for the UN because it’s earlier than the 15th.
Tony: They had to make some changes that our people asked them to make, and they are doing that right now in Iraq.
Caller: I do hope we can do the get-togethers.
Tony: I’m still hoping that WF will do the training sessions at those events.
269 caller: Any new information on the contract rates as far as being only at WF or will they be at others banks?
DC: We just don’t know.
Caller: There are no WF in my state…
DC: We believe that other banks will have it, but it’s all going through WF anyway, so any bank should support that rate. They will probably have a sister bank or tier 2 bank lined up to do exchanges. That will be told to you on the 800 numbers.
Caller: Is there new information on the Zim? Will all denominations RV?
DC: We don’t’ know anything new on the Zim. I don’t know which denominations are good for the Zim.
Tony: I only know that the 2008, AA series, 50 tril and 100 tril. I don’t know about the others.
Caller: Is there any new information on caps for contract rates on the dinar and dong?
DC: Basically, our information is the same as before: we don’t know for sure, but we believe there is a cap of 50m dinar and 100m dong. But we are not sure.
Text: Is the 5/3rd Bank still involved? Yes, we believe so.
815 caller: Sounds like we are good today!
Tony: We are good today, every day. We are complete, just watching the tick-tock of the clock for when this will go.
Caller: If you had great inside information and could go back and adjust your portfolio, and your wife says “you’re crazy” but lets you have $10,000, how would you split that between rupiah, zim, dinar and dong, what would you do?
Tony: I would buy more gong and zim. There are also currencies out there that will be great deals. The dinar started this, but there are others.
Tony: I would load up on dong, and buy some dinar because that’s what I’m comfortable with and it’s the foundation of it all. Everything else is speculative and out there. It makes sense to get all four. Definitely get dinar and dong. We are not financial advisers, but that is what I would tell a friend over a beer.
907 caller: I am looking at reinvesting in other currencies post-RV. I’m currently looking at some that I’ve evaluated according to their resources. WF only offers certain currencies through their bank, and Sterling is the same. There are some currencies that stand out like a sore thumb; can you suggest anywhere else I can get these currencies?
DC: If you want physical money, go to Travelex, or you can go to the country and buy currency there. You can also go to Forex.
Caller: I was avoiding Forex because there are limits on what you can transfer in and out. I would like to buy up to a million USD of each of these new currencies.
DC: You have to be careful, because taking that amount of cash to another country is a major trigger for law enforcement everywhere. So I would strongly urge you to talk to a legal person, because moving that much currency around is painful. Sterling has to have everyone sign off and approve what he brings into the country. You would have to do the same, and it’s a pain in the neck because it looks dirty even thought it’s not.
732 caller: The rumor going around is that we may have to go to exchange centers rather than the bank. Listening to the answers today, will the banks still exchange?
DC: The exchange centers are run by the banks, and some are IN banks. Sterling will also be able to exchange, but they will not offer contract rates.
Tony: They may send you to a back room at the bank that they have set up as an exchange center, for instance.
Caller: I heard that you can give $14,000 to any individual. Is that per person, per year, per lifetime?
DC: That is per person, per year. Let’s say you want to support your son; they don’t want you to give him $100,000, because they want taxes to be paid on that. Get a tax attorney to help you figure it out, because every state is different.
Caller: I am in New Jersey now and will move to Texas after the RV. When this happens, my friend and I will be able to marry, and we want you all to come! We will go to an island and invite a lot of cool people. Also, we want to open an animal sanctuary as a place for neglected animals to live out their lives in safety. I want to play Secret Santa, too. Many are affecting by drugs as well, and I’d like to help them after they have been to rehab. People don’t want to hire them, and so on. I would like to set up a program to these people who want to get their lives back together.
You mentioned something about the future of TNT…
Tony: Because we are where we are, and what we are waiting for, it makes sense to talk about the exchange process itself. We want to go through explanations of Who Moved My Cheese, etc.
Caller: Due to 9-11, was it agreed that the RV would not take place then out of respect. Is that correct? In Iraq it’s now nearly midnight…
Tony: We don’t know that such an agreement has been reached.
Caller: So we are looking towards Friday? Like you said, it could be any minute. Is there a chance it could happen tomorrow?
Tony: Some people are saying that this RV is vindication for all that we lost and all the money spent. It was a bad day for the US, not for the rest of the world, and some think we should make something good out of something bad that happened. People lost their lives involved in this, and I think it would not go over well if the people here saw those in the Middle East celebrating and dancing in the streets.
DC: It’s a memorial day, just ten years ago and there have been other wars and conflicts. I don’t think that it would give it much credibility, and I think it is likely to happen in the middle of the day.
Tony: They could do it this afternoon! They could do it over there tomorrow without celebration because their cards are already loaded. It’s just not likely.
DC: I know some folks who involved in planning celebrations, and personally I would expect to get paid before going to a party.
Caller: Is there a way I can reach out to you guys to send you a wedding invitation.
Tony: I am writing down your number. You are moving to Texas – you do know that it’s hot there, right? And you have to live with Texans… [chitchat]
719 caller: I was from Texas, too. I picked my husband up in a bar outside Austin TX. I have a good friend who is a part of this with us, and he has a bankruptcy due on the 15th. I send out an email to him saying we thought it would be done by the 9th or 10th. Then RK says it won’t be out until the end of the year, and others saying that we are 2-3 days later than we expect. I voted for Obama, and I don’t see why they would want to keep delaying this.
DC: Why would they want to delay it until 1. July? To get better numbers in the third quarter, which runs from July to October. Also, ISIL has too much power and money and Maliki got Iraq into a bigger mess. The Boss has a group of advisers who want to push this out until next January, and they can hardly believe that they got it delayed this long. In terms of raw politics, this positions them better for their own goals. They want Iraq to focus on getting stable, and then focus on the mid-term elections. So their reasons are basically a cross of raw politics and Iraq’s stability. It swings back and forth every day. My goal is not to pick a side but to report as best I can. After the middle of August, they have got behind the Boss, and they are now pushing it out (cautiously). The vast majority of those who have been delaying it and playing rough have now switched into supporting the RV, including actions they have done.
Caller: People were getting upset on the forum last night, and there are many are up against a wall now. If they don’t let this go, they won’t fix the economy and we won’t have money to donate. DC, you said, “This would never go past Labor Day”; do you now think it will be done by the weekend, or before the weekend?
DC: I don’t think we have to wait for the budget or political policies. They have sent notifications to banks all over the world, saying they need to be ready because this could go at any time, that they are ready. Personally I believe everyone is absolutely ready, and amount of staff, equipment and money is in place to get this done quickly, and I don’t believe they would move all that just to wait for more days. In Iraq they are done; the changes have been requested by others, and they don’t influence the time line. It’s more like “okay, good idea, we’ll clean that up”, and NOT “the RV cannot be done until that is cleaned up”.
Caller: Do you think that will all these agreements Iraq is celebrating?
DC: They did have a celebration on Friday. In fact, most people have been happy and partying for the last two weeks.
Caller: We have contacts with WF, and they told us that if you deposit foreign currency in a bank account, you won’t have access for 24 hours.
Tony: It’s up to the banker’s discretion, but even if it does happen like that, you can know that you have a million dollars that you can spend the next day!
There were times this could have gone without a hitch and they could fix everything afterwards. It would have been uphill but it could have been accomplished. There were time when it should NOT have gone because it would affect the economy, the country and so on. Sometimes they had legitimate reasons, and sometimes they didn’t. I have been doing this for four years now, and that whole time people have been blaming Obama for stopping it! Most of the world wasn’t prepared four years ago – things have now been put in place to track it, and all the rest.
Yes, you didn’t get that new house or car, or you lost your house or car, but it was not about us – it was about a global economy. Did people have their person agendas – yes, of course. But Obama has already had two terms, so it doesn’t benefit him to keep delaying. Look at the details, as a country, as a globe, as the future of the economy. They now have banking laws that you would not have liked if we had got this four years ago. Even though we have our personal issues, we have to look beyond that and think about the bigger picture as this goes through. But we are definitely there for it to go through.
570 caller: Are we still on Plan A?
DC: Yes, the US is helping everyone push things along, and everyone believing that the US was doing what it is supposed to do. It was supposed to go within a week, and it’s now the third week, but a lot of that is about what was happening in Iraq.
Caller: The Kurds are saying this is a three-month trial for them, and if they don’t like it, they will pull out.
DC: Politicians say things like that – not very helpful but it helps make them feel better. It’s a lot of talk, not much action. It’s not a major deal.
Everything looks very, very good. Iraq is ready and has told everyone else to be ready because it is their job to call it and everyone is jumping on board. Everyday banks as well as the big banks and security guys are all getting ready. There were administration guys holding it back in the past, and they are now supporting it. There will be folks fighting this thing long after it’s complete. Iraq is taking hard actions to bring that in quickly. “We don’t’ have to wait for anything else, we’ll go it when we’re ready.” I agree with Tony’s opinion that they will not do it during the day tomorrow, out of respect for 9-11. Some legal actions were taken on 28. August that puts it on a tight timeline. Thank you, Iraq, for all you have done.
Tony: On the bottom of the screen, it is screening “A new Iraq, ready to be taken on to the next level.”
Pam: Be kind on the forum and the Mods, and don’t forget what you know.
RayRen: Its all been said. Get ready!
Tony: We are here, and we’re happy and satisfied. Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Everything that needs to be accomplished is accomplished. If we do have to do a call on Friday, we will talk about rates and timing, and investment options. We’ll work it out for you, and tell you what I would do. Other than that, I don’t expect it tomorrow, so that may be the day it happens. We know the gates are wide open as of this morning, and we were told not to get ready, but to BE ready. Enjoy the rest of your day. What I said last night still stand: Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Don’t let it kill yours when we are right here at the end.

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