Sunday, October 5, 2014

Reader Comments On "The SDR Magic Circle"

Reader Comments On "The SDR Magic Circle"

Reader Comments On "The SDR Magic Circle"  By JC Collins

•  n3angus >> here comes the defection from the dollar and acceptance of the SDR

BRICSPost: Analysts hail yuan-euro direct trading announcement

•   daneackerman  >>  Masterful JC! And confirmation to boot! You are cutting edge truth man. POM is awesome!  Thank you for keeping us just ahead of the wave JC.
 •   makanda62958  >> Here is a list of nations and how many SDR they hold as of the end of last August, from the IMF website.

•   kbnow >>  For the five country’s currencies which will be used to facilitate the SDR, will those have vast advantages over other countries in the world from an economic perspective? I know the SDR seeks a multi lateral balance of world economies.

1.   JC Collins >>  Yes, I would assume so. I would imagine that foreign reserve accounts will continue to hold sovereign assets as well as SDR’s.

2.   n3angus >> The key word in your phrase is “Balance” and combined with Multilateral means less for the USA and that will be hard to sell to a society thats been led to believe that their life style is in recovery and that the returns of the past are on the way . Once the truth about a lower standard of living is the new normal the revolt will be seen .

•   matt (@speedspirit42) >>  I question that since Congress has delayed signing the IMF reforms and that oh so wonderful Obama has made it clear that he acts without the permission of Congress to wage wars that maybe Congress will not sign the reforms. Just maybe things are not so “peachy” with finalizing the SDR.

•   John 'Buck' Allemond I came upon this sight recently and enjoy it. I particularly like the Taoist , interconnectedness of all things, feel to the posts and comments. Thanks. John

•   deejj87 >>  Okay, so this Magic Circle with addition of the Remimbi and Gold will have 6 sides. A hexagram is represented on the Israli flag. Saturn (satan) is also the 6th planet from the Sun (cult of Saturn)

I did some searching and found this site:

JC… Help me out with the significance of this Magic Circle and 6.

1.   daneackerman >>  Hello Dee. Here is another avenue of thinking for the “magic circle” and it ends up being directly tied to money. Perhaps they are tied to the cult you mention.

Offshore magic circle:

Elite UK law firms outpace….:

“The “magic circle”, the elite cadre of firms with headquarters in London and a large international client base, have reported record rises in revenue for the 2013-14 financial year, with profitability up at least 6 per cent across the board.”

1.  daneackerman >>  One could conjure that these are the law firms moving offshore money around when they are getting close to being found out.

I was turned on to the book Treasure Islands (if you search for it make sure you put the “s” after island) from one of this blogs commenters and it speaks volumes about the movement of money to avoid disclosure and the contracts that are written to do such moving.

The increase in revenue they report is no surprise. It would be expected with the new tax laws making offshore banks report account information being implemented.

2.  daneackerman >>  Here is an article stating why it would be good to work for a magic circle law firm.

“If you’re lucky enough to secure a training contract with a magic circle firm then you can expect to work with some of the biggest and best-known corporations, banks and governments.”

2. JC Collins >>  Dee, this is a loaded subject and not easy to segment into comprehensible and digestible parts. But lets try.

The significance of Saturn is found in the principles of transformation. Or lack thereof. Saturn is not only the 6th planet but it also represents the cube, or the black cube from which the material world is given form.

I would direct readers back to the beginning of the post SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods Part Five. And reread it in light of what we are discussing here.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and as we know Capricorn is half goat and half man. In the post Reflections of Perceptions I mentioned how the goats in the story Three Billy Goats Gruff were in fact the first three degrees of masonic initiation. The purpose of the goats was to cross the bridge to the lush grazing fields on the other side.

The bridge of course represents our journey to obtain heaven, or transform ourselves into the physical immortal body. This transformation accounts for the long years of life as detailed in the bible.

The pagan Pan, who is half goat and half man also represents Capricorn, and as such is a symbol of Saturn. Pan had horns and this is likely were the Christian concept of horns and Satan comes from.

What everyone seems to miss with Pan is that he appears as if he is stuck in the middle of a transformation. Half goat, half man, a representative of the heavens, but unable to escape his animal desires.

Pan played a flute which symbolizes the “music of the spheres” and it is through a method of light vibration that matter comes into existence.

In the story titled The Sentinal by Arthur C. Clarke, consciousness in primitive man is brought about by the sudden appearance of a black rectangle, which also has six sides.

 In the future man again encounters a black rectangle sentinal orbiting around Saturn. Man journey’s to Saturn and the main character, upon entering the rectangle, is transformed into what is called the Star Child. Perhaps this is his physical immortal self. The transformation is complete.

In the movie version directed by Eyes Wide Shut director Stanley Kubrick, titled 2001: A Space Odyssey, the planet Saturn is replaced with Jupiter, the star that didn’t ignite, but all other factors of the story remain the same. It is interesting to note that in astrology Saturn and Jupiter stand in opposition to each other.

The significance of the 6’s is symbolic of the cube, which represents the construct of the material world. As consciousness, we are held within the physical and the path inward to move outward is not very clear. The 666 of the bible simply represents man, or man’s imprisonment within the material world.

Saturn represents the initiation aspect, which isn’t easy or achieved by many, to release their consciousness from the material world while developing, or rebuilding, their temple, which is the physical immortal body.

Saturn eating his children is symbolic of the failure and repeated attempts to complete this transformation. As is represented by the simi-solid state of the planet.

The rings of course represent the magic circle, which acts as the symbolic womb, from which the cube is manifested. Remember how we have been discussing the brain as an embryo attempting to become?

Now think of all the halos around heads in ancient art. Like all things there are multiple purposes, and the halos represent the sun, but they also represent a womb which holds the embryo attempting to become.

So to answer your question, Saturn represents our failed attempts at transformation. It all sounds more complicated than it really is. The use of the term “magic circle” in the briefing likely is a veiled connection to our attempts at transformation. Think of base metals and gold, the process of alchemy where base metal is turned into gold.

This is also describing this transformation. And of course gold represents a store of wealth with wealth being our time and labor in the material world.

I hope this answers your question and helps everyone begin to see some of the larger esoteric patterns unfolding here. Thanks for making me think about this Dee. I was going to rest some tonight.

1.   cramley >>  Frank O’Collins says the Mystery Cults hold gold for another reason. For them gold represents the human soul. By accumulating the metal they gain not so much material wealth, but leverage into the spiritual realm, greater ability to commune with djinn/demons/angels. So the Hoards in the catacombs of the Vatican, Kremlin, Sisters of Isis, The Blue Wolf, all this Black Gold really poses no threat to be dumped on the market.

2.    Roger Parness >>  Brilliant. Thanks JC.  We are viewing, as best we can, a world wide macro initiation even as we each apprehend our personal micro initiations. Gold remains a vital symbol for both.  Silver glitters too. :)

3.   dripfood >>  Very interesting, JC. It also sheds some light on the word ‘incubation’. I never understood why the proces of incubation was ethymologically tied to a cube.

Furthermore, I suspect the circle to also represent a seal. The circle seals the proces of magic (=transformation) from the larger system surrounding it. This sealing seems to be a necessary element of transfomation, for the maternal system is always poisonous to the embryonic system in development. (That’s why eggs have shells and mammalian ebroyos have embryonic sacs.)

4. deejj87 >> Thanks for taking the time to write this post. Part 5 makes a lot more sense now.   Need to mull over the idea of the brain being a fetus and a halo like a womb… Perhaps the pineal gland is the soul?

3.   Ozymandias 3 >>  You are getting closer!

•   Luis Magno >>  I perceive omitting the ruble and the real and the other BRIC currencies as jeopardizing the “multilateralism” of the SDR unless including the yuan is a first step in a process leading to a multilateralism that includes every nation-state currency in proportion to its GDP or perhaps some other more appropriate financial metric. (Note: I am not an economist).

•   deejj87 >>  And this grand daddy of astrotheology, Jordan Maxwell talking about the Cult of Saturn:

•   Luis Magno >>  I find the use of the term “socioeconomic” problematic. I would think that an appropriate term would be “geoeconomic” analogous to the use of the term “geopolitical”.

To me the term “socioeconomic” refers to the intersection of the social category with the economic category on a nation-state level and not on a “world” level.

1.  JC Collins >>  We are moving past the nation state. As such the term is perfectly applicable for the blending of socialism and economics which is taking place on a global level. Same as the geopolitical term.

1  n3angus >>.  Bank of China (Hong Kong) partners with UnionPay International to pioneer the RMB Settlement Service of UnionPay Card for Hong Kong Merchants

2.  Luis Magno >>  JC, we are talking past each other. The only way that I see to resolve such surface disagreements is to organize as earth humans at the level of the soul.

•   irrelevant111 >>  Hope this reaches those that understand. Best Always…

Don’t Let That Sun Go Down ~ Dan Fogelberg:

1. daneackerman >>  Beautiful Axx. The guilt of this genocide that my forefathers committed still lingers in my heart. From time to time I still shed a tear in memory of the truth. It’s a guilt I’m not sure I can release. And yet the genocides still continue to this day.

1.irrelevant111 >>  Thank u Brother,

Never feel guilt for transgression of past generations. We live, learn n adapt. Mr.Collins in a subtle way, is the master of the story of life as we journey on…:)

2.  n3angus >>  history repeats itself because the alliances always fall apart because of the greed for power between the allies . Greed is the most powerful sins of the 7 Deadly Sins .

They the Elite , struggled with immorality or lust, materialism , a driven desire for more Greed and the pride to not see that their immorality is as bad as their speech against it , they struggle in the same way that we do , and this is why our leaders always fail and we see history repeat after the effort to right the wrongs fail .

What happens to some like the past historic events of genocide are due to the failing to keep supply ahead of demand while these political periods of so called economic equalities are tried

•   Steve Henningsen (@Stevephenni) >>  I have been reading and interacting with Ben Hunt for awhile now, as, similar to yourself, he makes me “think”, albeit more on the investment side of things. (I may have sent you an article of his in the past?)

His latest is posted here

but you can sign up to receive his writings for free. Anyway, I beleive you will find his last few paragraphs interesting in his reference to gold and a sense of monetary “change” on the horizon.  Sure seems like the pace is picking up…

•   Luis Magno >>  We can be the grand architects of our own lives. – JC  If and only if we are able and willing to organize as earth humans at the soul level where unity consciousness is an off-the-shelf technology.

•   irrelevant111 >>  Always look on the bright side of life….

Monty Python – Meaning Of Life (Fighting Each Oth…:

•   Jose Johnson >>   Great as always JC   I always though that Eyes Wide Shut and particularly Space Odyssey was hiding a lot of esoteric secrets in plain site. Bowman versus HAL.

HAL in charge of all the other humans in the ship, with Bowman eventually out-manuvering HAL – a difficult feat and eventually transforming after seeing himself dying and coming back to earth as a “child” but now with a “functional eye” or AKA the higher functions of the mind that most of us in the planet have no access to.

Have you ever read the book by Phylotus – “esoteric masonry or the storehouse unlocked” .The process it talks about is intense taking roughly 14-15 years to accomplish and talks about saving the “fish” monthly to build the temple of Solomon within.

It sounded very similar to what you were talking about with regards to building the physical immortal body. It however seems very difficult if not nearly impossible based on what he laid out in the book.

1.   JC Collins >>  Thanks Jose. I hadn’t heard of Phylotus but just looked it up. Seems like my type of read

2.  George >> I just want to thank you personally for this material. I will continue to seek the truth until the day I die. But the highest levels secrets to unlocking the greatest capacity of the human spirit will always be hidden to man by the royals. It is their mission to contain the secrets from long ago tightly to themselves and to never share.

1.   kbnow >>  I found your comment rather amusing. There is truth to what you say, however it lies in the most unlikely of places. Most have never thought to look within themselves.

Simplistic yet complex depending on ones viewpoint. Objective truth is all around us 24/7, most can’t recognize it. Collectivism kills, maybe one day the individual will be heralded. And the beat goes on…

2.    n3angus >>  the call for collective socialism is coming from these kinds of technocrats ,
3.    George >>  To advise one to look within themselves is generic, near useless advice. Without a guide it would be a fruitless endeavor. There’s a reason the royals guard those secrets, it’s because they hold value, they are a guide or map to a destination that is otherwise near impossible to find without. Knowledge is power. One cannot put together the dots if they don’t know what they’re looking for or the meanings or location of such things.

4.   JC Collins >>  But yet here we are, not royals, and exploring such things.

•   irrelevant111 >>  The intellectual dialogue of all is one of wonder. The achilles heel will always be, “what if”…Food for thought.

•   irrelevant111 >>  Along The Road ~ Dan Fogelberg [ CC ]:

•   D Mac >>  With how cozy we are getting with Mexico (High speed rail into Mexico – What are your thoughts on the old conspiracy theory of The Amero?

I know this is old news and mostly forgotten but it makes me wonder why we re getting so close to Mexico. Virtually open borders… And now high speed rail on the table.  Hmmm…

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