Friday, November 7, 2014



Rod Class DC Gun Case Exposes the War Powers Act of 1917
The Rod Class DC Gun Case, 1:13-cr-00253-RWR, took an unexpected turn the morning of November 6. Former World Bank Lawyer Karen Hudes showed up at his hearing, along with a former FBI Agent, and several members of the AIB Radio Research Network.
Hudes, and those in attendance, were so outraged at the actions taken against the popular Legal Scholar that Hudes intends to file an Amicus Curae into the case to demand that the Judge set bail for the 60-year old Class. Hudes, and other concerned networks, want all interested parties to attend the Status Conference set for (Mon) 11/10/2014 at 11:30 AM in Courtroom 9 before Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts.
Sacha Stone, London, England, founder of New Earth Nation, co-hosted an interview with Rod Class about the upcoming Case a week before he was arrested under bizarre circumstances October 28, 2014, and held without bail in a DC jail.
That interview is available here:
Rebecca Cope, Co-host, Adventures Into Sovereignty, Andrew Bartzis, Galactic Historian, New Earth Nation and Rising Life Media have in the works a documentary and E-Learning Series to present the SOURCE DOCUMENTS that Class has uncovered in his ten-year research. It is this information that has caused the system to go into over-drive to shut Class up, any way they can.
Class has been embroiled in a DC Gun Case since May, 2013, that should have been dismissed the first time Class filed his pro-se paperwork. The gun law he is charged with violating was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the Heller v Palmer case he cited in the first go-round.
Before his arrest, Class filed proof in a Superior Court of Record that he is a private citizen. He gave notice of this change to the DC Court. They denied it. He filed an Amicus Curiae to show cause on October 3, 6, 7, in the private to the judge and they ignored that as well. The Judge has Registered mail sitting in DC that they have refused to accept.
Rod Class stands mute on his Amicus Curiae to protect the public. The Judge and the Prosecutor and the Public Defender have used every ploy, including Diesel Therapy, riding him around in a bus until he is exhausted and demoralized, before they bring him before the Judge.
Think this can’t happen in America in 2014? What does Rod Class know that has caused the Judge to violate Article 100 of the Lieber Code? The Judge has breached the International Law Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal. The Court does not seem to care.
Class’s efforts to hold corrupt officials accountable to the rule of law are legendary.
It was Class who forced the North Carolina Courts to admit, on the public record, that the Administrative Agents posing as “Public Officials” are NOT. The ruling from the Judge was clear: They are “private entities, in fact, CORPORATIONS.”
To make sure he understood what the Judge meant, Class asked for an Administrative Review. He placed evidence from the Governor’s website listing the various offices of “government” for North Carolina.
The ruling by Judge Ridgeway, 11 CV 1559, in 2011, proved what Class had uncovered through his research: The “Agencies”, including the elected Governor, are NOT ‘Public officials responsible to the people. They are not organized under the Executive Branch.’
Class now had the proof he needed: The Administrative Agencies posing as government answered to the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. An unscrupulous International Banking Cartel under the thumb of the Vatican had taken over every function of government in the United States and forgot to tell the people. (And at least 118 other countries worldwide.)
The DC case has revealed the dirty little secret the Cartel has taken great pains to hide for 100 years. The War Powers Act of 1917 as amended was used by the Banking Cartel to set the people up for an extortion racket that makes the Mafia look like Sunday School teachers.
The War Powers Act, Aka Trading with the Enemy, was amended in 1933 via the Amendatory Act to set the people up to be charged as an Enemy of the State. The DC Judge has invoked this Act as his authority to charge Class.
There is one major problem: the Judge had to be appointed under the Constitution in order to preside over an Article III Constitutional court. It is the only way he and his cronies can gain access to the accounts set up for the people’s use under the provisions of the War Powers Act. Charging Class as a War Criminal allows them access to the accounts. They can partake of the “spoils of war” and believe they have no accountability for their crimes against humanity.
Article III of the Constitution, backed up by the 11th Amendment, limits the power of Judges to preside over Civil cases only. Criminal cases must be presented before a Jury. The Judge is a neutral blind observer. There must be an injured party before a case can commence. The jury must find the accused guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The Judge declares the appropriate sentence. Robbery and murder are criminal offenses requiring a jury verdict, for instance.
Rod Class, a disabled veteran, did not injure anyone. He didn’t even break a law. Instead, he is accused in a set-up that is well-documented; he faces a possible prison sentence of 10 years for a Statutory violation that has already been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
What type of court has the presumed authority to charge Class in a Civil action that carries a felony penalty that could land him in jail for years?
There is only one place in Statutory Law that gives a Judge any authority to preside over such a case: 50 USC Chapter 3, Section 23: War and National Defense. The War Powers Act of 1917, as amended, has been invoked.
Class understands this Act. His history lesson starts with the Civil War. The Banking Cartel funded the war efforts for the South. Lincoln refused to borrow money from them, preferring instead to conscript the resources of the American people as collateral to back his currency, the greenback. Lincoln was assassinated for his efforts, but he had given the bankers the perfect method to overthrow the fledgling Republic.
In 1913, during a Christmas Recess, the Cartel bribed enough Congressmen to pass the Federal Reserve Act. They set themselves up to print the currency for the USA. They started World War I in 1914. In 1917, they got the War Powers Act passed.
Understanding the ramifications of this Act 100 years later will make it clear why the Secret Shadow Government wants Rod Class shut up.
Reading the Act reveals how cleverly the American people were set up by the bankers and their agents. They stole the resources of the people, kept them as the spoils of war, and set the people up as war criminals. This Act explains why the Bankers and their cronies, the 1%, control all the resources, while the 99% struggle to survive, lose their homes to fraudulent foreclosures, and get railroaded before a War Crimes Tribunal on trumped-up charges.
During World War I, under the War Powers Act of 1917, and in full force and effect from that time forward, all private property belonging to the people was conscripted for the use of the war effort. To conscript means “to draft for military service.”
This Act imposed restrictions deemed necessary “during a time of war.” What was formerly a right – to trade with anyone anywhere – now became a “privilege” requiring permission. One had to apply for a license to “trade with the enemy.” License and Registration procedures were put in place to keep up with the property the people contributed to the war effort.
The Alien Property Custodian, Agent in charge of registration, was required to keep up with the contribution of the people. This Agent had authority to create war bonds, or death bonds, or other means, using the people as collateral to fund the war debt.
Under Power of Attorney Appointment, the Agent was appointed Trustee of the Trusts set up for such purposes. All rights, title, and interest to manage the people’s property as if it was owned by the Government was placed under the Agent’s control.
EXCEPT: The Alien Property Custodian had to settle any claims brought before him resulting from the use of the people’s property. Under Section 7, “No person shall be held liable in any court for anything done or admitted under this Act.”
Courts were not allowed to hold peaceful inhabitants accountable for failure to pay a debt. The people had no choice in the matter, all property belonged to the State, under Section 9 of the War Powers Act, the Alien Property Custodian was required by law to settle the debts. All one had to do was present the claim under Oath, via signature, and it had to be settled.
UNLESS: a person was guilty of War Crimes. If one was even suspected of aiding and abetting the enemy, all such property could be confiscated and permanently turned over to the State, and no such compensation would be required.
Please read that last paragraph about ten times. It provides major clues why neither you nor your grandparents nor great-grandparents ever saw any debts paid or resources returned “after the war is over.”
World War I was over in 1918. How can the War Powers Act of 1917 still be in force?
Most people do not know their history like Rod Class does. They are not aware of the National Banking Emergency declared in 1933 that has never been lifted. They do not know that a price was put on the head of every newborn through the Social Security Act of 1935. Section 501 set a price of $1.8 million per live birth, and Section 502 gave the government mandatory funding of $1 Million for every year thereafter, in 1935 dollars. This funding was conscripted from the future labors of the offspring and placed in trust. The Alien Registration Act of 1940 set up the method to assign a unique name and number to each child. The Birth Certificate, issued in the given name of the newborn, provides proof that a trust was set up, and a Government Copywrite Trademark issued, in order for the Custodian to have a means to settle any debts.
Rod Class, 60, has provided, at minimum, $61.8 million, to “the government” to settle his debts. His paltry military disability check will not even pay for the rising costs of his defense in the DC case. He has to depend upon donations. If he goes to prison, his pension will be pulled and his wife, who is also disabled, will not have funds to live on. Yet someone had access to those funds and more.
The provisions passed in 1917 set the people up to be used as collateral for the currency. In exchange, the Federal Reserve Board, a for-profit, private enterprise with no more “federal” standing than Fed-Ex, had agreed to pay the debts of the government. That included the needs of the people.
Need a new car? Present a bill with your signature to the Custodian. The Banking Cartel had agreed to settle all debts in exchange for the rights to print the currency.
Today, the Department of Motor Vehicles claims the right to conscript the Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin when a new vehicle is purchased. The auto dealer is told to send it to STATE OF (home state). The private party who paid for the vehicle receives a Certificate of Title from DMV, “equitable title,” a “beneficial interest” to use the vehicle. Proof of Driver’s License is required for permission to use what was thought to be the private property of the one who “bought” it.
The Register of Deeds converts real estate transactions into a fee-simple Warranty Deed. The former owner is now subject to a Tenant (property) Tax to use the property. Building permits, restrictions, and fines accrue if one fails to maintain the property as specified by the owner. Fail to pay the Property tax for two years and the “tenant” can be forced off the land even if there is no mortgage.
“The Agents” are conscripting and claiming ownership of the people’s resources like clockwork for some undisclosed party. Why is the Agent not paying the debts of the people as required by law?
Title 31, Judiciary, traces how it requires the Judge, the Prosecutor, and the Public Defender in order to access the account in the “Defendant’s” name. Rod Class filed his paperwork to require the Prosecutor and the Public Defender to act as Trustee in order to honorably settle any accounts that were required in order to settle his DC Case. The Judge “denied” his paperwork, as he has denied countless pages which expose the grand swindle.
When a Judge accuses the “Defendant” of a war crime, the Judge can gain access the accounts set up to settle any debts. He can preside over the creation of court bonds, prison bonds, and gain access to municipal funding as “legal” bribes for looking the other way when he knows that a man is not guilty of any crime. He pads his retirement account as an agent for the Cartel.
As a War Criminal, Class has no rights and no remedy. The Judge can deny him access to the accounts, no matter that he files proper protocol, proves that he is not an enemy of the State, and places proof of the accounts. He has no means, method, nor duty to access the accounts. That is the Fiduciary Duty of the Judge and the Court acting as Bank on behalf of the Cartel.
A Judge does not have to prove that Class is an Enemy of the State. The charge itself is enough for the Judge and his cronies to access the accounts and put the spoils of war in their own pocket.
So Rod Class utilized the only choice left to him. He served notice that he is not a “US Citizen” under presumption of authority to the Corporations Posing as Governments. He filed proof of his Private Citizen Status.
The result: The Judge knows what Class has filed so he circumvents justice by failure to pick up the Registered Mail.
The comedy of errors has been well-documented by Class and his band of Researchers. The Trailer for the Documentary Series will be released in the coming days. The Source Documents Class teaches from reveals the truth of the methods used by the Cartel to take over every function of government while the people weren’t paying attention. For more information, contact Request information on the E-Learning Course that is in production to reveal the Source Documents from the Congressional Record, from various Acts, and from a deep understanding of the Statutes and Codes that have allowed a Judge to treat himself and his cronies to the “spoils of war” at the people’s expense.
Class has placed his paperwork in an archive that is readily available on the internet. His teaching is freely available on the AIB Radio Network on Various international organizations, including New Earth Nation, have his back. An International Tribunal is under organization to hold these illegal Agents and the Corporations posing as Government accountable to the Rule of Law.
This article was written with help from the Rod Class Research Network by Rebecca Cope, Co-ordinator, New Earth Nation Law Academy. For information about the International Tribunal for Natural Justice contact


Dan said...

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it Mention United States Citizen?
Posted on November 7, 2014 by Dan
In Article 3 Section 2 it talks about a State Citizen or Another State Citizen, but then how can you be Another State Citizen if you are a UNITED STATES Citizen?
Then the 11th Amendment did NOT Change to make UNITED STATES Citizen, but referenced the United States as States NOT as a Citizen of the Combined States at Ratification, 1795!
U.S. Constitution – Article 3 Section 2

Anonymous said...

Only the POPE can stop what is happening to Rod Class and free him without retribution! You should all be writing to the POPE, especially in his recent condition to make things right.

Dan said...

When was Rod Class Considered a War Criminal?
Before or After the FBI gave him the Approval to carry a GUN?
Before or After the D.C. Police Arrested him in May 2013?
Before or After Judge Roberts found out the Extent of what Rod Class was doing?
Why hasn't the FBI gone after Rod Class at ANY Time for having a GUN, as well as being a Private Bounty Hunter, as the FBI can make their OWN Arrests?
Why has ANY FBI Agent given We The People Permits to carry GUNS if We The People are 'Enemies of the State' and War Criminals?
It comes to my Attention that the Failure of Judge Richard Roberts to Pick up his Mail and Read it, as he would have to sort thru it or Reject EVERY Piece of Rod's Mail, thus Declaring that There is NO Bribery Money in those envelopes for Judge Richard Roberts to Claim Rod gave him, and that Documents from other Government Officials that Rod was to sign and give Judge Richard Roberts is NOT received, and much, much more!

Anonymous said...

Remember that slavery doesn't always mean physical labor. Many slaves throughout history were lawyers and teachers and so forth. There are accounts of slaves who were so well-dressed and mouthy simply because they knew that nobody could hit them since the laws would punish a man for stirking another free man. So nobody would strike anyone.

The irony is when I hear people talking about that movie ten years a slave? I forget the title. I see a crowd of people watching a movie about their own condition. What a terrible irony Americans have become.

Anonymous said...

The foundation of American Statutory Law is Roman Law. The POPE has the authority to over ride everything the American Courts do. He can ever over ride the President and the Supreme Court. The POPE is currently attempting to change the face of the Roman Catholic Church and so this would be an opportune time to perform a letter writing campaign to FREE Rod Class.

tlrpower said...

The truth is coming out.

Anonymous said...

What you need to think about is this: what is the one trust that everyone has heard about? Do you recall having heard about the temporal and spiritual keys given to the vice gerent of God? Have you not heard of the shepherd who claims to watch over the flock as well as the ram?

His trust is granted him by God for the benefit not of any one man, but for that of humanity.

Think on that, and your answers will come.

Little Sister

Anonymous said...

Keep it up; the walls are cracking! ! !