Sunday, December 7, 2014

Farrakhan - “We’ll Tear This G*dd*mn Country Up"

Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan:
 “We’ll Tear This G*dd*mn Country Up"       

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, was in Baltimore last week speaking at Morgan State University. He told the mostly African-American crowd that violence wasn't just justified, it was required to deal with situations like the one in Ferguson, Missouri. As he spoke he grew more animated, and at one point even dared to threaten that, if the demands of the black community were not met, they would "tear this g*dd*mn country up!"

The speech was mostly a tirade against "white America," as well as a call to violence from minority communities. Farrakhan has long been a race baiting, violence-promoting hate-monger, and this speech continued that long tradition. Not only did he attack white people, but throughout his speech he consistently attacked both President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder as well for their lack of action to support black America.

Perhaps the most discouraging part of the video of this event… all of the applause lavished upon the not-so-honorable 'Reverend' Farrakhan.

"As long as they [whites] kill us [blacks] (???!!!) and go to Wendy's and have a burger and go to sleep, they'll keep killing us (???!!!). But when we die and they die, then soon we're going to sit at a table and talk about it!  We're tired! We want some of this earth or we'll tear this g*dd*mn country up!
Tonight in Ferguson everybody is on edge. White folks have never been on edge after they killed a Black man. Tonight they're on edge, so on edge that our (USA private corporation) 'president' has come out from behind the curtain to ask young Black people: 'Cool it. That's not our way."   I heard you, Mr. 'President', and I asked myself a question: What brings you out of the shadows?
And you preachers: Your day of being the pacifier for the white man's tyranny upon black people, you got to know they're [young blacks] not going to hear you anymore!"
He made a point to attack President Obama for not doing enough for the black community.
"Why the hell don't you stand up and tell them that your killing of Black youth and Brown youth is not going to hold no more."

Editor's Note: Farrakhan is a rebel rouser and insurrectionist, supporting the communist agenda to take this nation down from within - the plan being literally TO START A DELIBERATE RACE WAR. HE CARES NOT FOR THE BLACKS (OR BROWNS) BUT TO MAINTAIN HIS POWER POSITION AND BENNIES FROM THOSE PAYING HIM TO DO THEIR BIDDING.  There should be calls to the Department of Justice to arrest and charge Louis Farrakhan with inciting insurrection with his comments. However, we all know what that would bring from this administration …. nothing. They are in bed together. Therefore, it is up to citizen militia to make put down insurrections per the Constitution. We should be ready to lawfully bring the hammer down hard for the protection of the people on the likes of Farrakhan and those that would heed his message.


Anonymous said...

If I did that I would be arrested.

And the reason he wasn't arrested ????

Anonymous said...

Well said editor well said , and he needs to be the first to go, stretch his neck period

Anonymous said...

I thought Hate Speech and Inciting Violence were crimes? I guess those are only "White Crimes." I'm pretty sure if I stood up on a stage and shouted the things Mr. Farrakhan or the little Hispanic head of La Raza, Antonin Cebada, have, I would be locked up somewhere. At a rally in California, Cebada urged his listeners to buy guns and ammunition and kill whites. And the local sheriff's officers were there to make sure nobody interrupted his speech. Racism? What racism......Well, we just have to wait for the house cleaning to begin. Cebada is right, stock up on provisions.

Anonymous said...

What an utter jerk, and EVIL, too. Can you imagine a white person saying such inflammatory things? They'd lose their job and be censured by the militant Godless media for HATE SPEECH. Why not this piece of trash Farrakhan? Oh yeah, because only white males can be guilty of racism, hate crimes or hate speech. And just what should be done with the FACT --- the FACT --- that there is vastly more black on white killing, rape and crime in general than the other way around, hmm?? What a sick, Satan controlled country this has become.

jay w. said...

Farakahn has been working with the cabal all along duh.........which demands , which black community , the muslim communist's ??? Is Farahkan for black criminals ? Is he for black on black crime ?? Who and what does he speak for ?? "By their Actions Shall YOU KNOW them" Quite simple really..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Frikin Farakhan needs to be shipped to the middle east where he can be a muslim in peace.????

Tracey Cooke said...

Why would the university invite a nut to come and talk unless they were trying to start an uproar??? We don't need anyone trying to divide anymore these goones have been trying to do...for a long time now...We need all races to wake up to how they are being fooled.. By a evil ones in sheeps clothing,,, if you see any color on tv or at a university speaking their mind...they are working for the cabal/aka illuminati...come on people you know if you spoke that way or any way like that you would get arrested....