Monday, January 19, 2015


Meet Fatima Noor, President Obama's latest appointment to a high level position in the Department of Homeland Security, the post of Assistant Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration.
Obama Appointment                    Fatima Noor Asst Director for U.S. Citizenship and                    Immigration. Really?? If you are not concerned,                    people, you sure should be...see a pattern here?
Ms. Noor has little, if any, experience in the compliance or enforcement fields. Her total experience in government related work is limited to volunteer work with World Relief Memphis and as activities coordinator the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition.
She majored in psychology with minors in Spanish and Arabic international relations. She recently completed a month-long research fellowship in Muslim psychology hosted by Carnegie-Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh.  Her research will be ongoing as part of her work the DHS.
No, this is not a joke.


Anonymous said...

At least it appears that she is not a Christian extremest like all the ones who condemn all the other religions. All religions are about power and control just like governments. Especially Christianity! So you can take all of your religions and put them where the sun don't shine.

Anonymous said...

Yeah about as much experience as Obama had elected president. That is why the country in in the crapper.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Noor is the newest member of the OCC's USG branch in Washington DC and that ain't no joke. Just in case you get asked to name Muhammad's mother's name she was called Amna. There was also Thuaiba, Halima and Fatimah that acted as foster mothers.

Some religions get real trigger happy if you cannot tell the name of Muhammad's mother and they just like the Jesuits consider anybody, even non-believers a threat to their dominance and tyranny. Historically the Muslim faith is an offshoot of the Roman catholic faith. You might see the the two faiths working as one in America but please don't wish for it.

Remember these names as it might save you or earn you special privileges in Nazi Fema camps.

Anonymous said...

I can get where you are coming from based on the lack of experience. Most of all the folks in those positions have no experience. But going for the Muslim argument is senseless. Muslims are not terrorist. I wish folks would stop posting this Muslim against Christian stuff. We know this is a trap used by the cabal to keep the focus off of them....

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention Barakah, Amna's slave one of four woman that fostered Muhammad. She was set free by him and consequently became a follower of his faith.

Anonymous said...

Please describe the lack of experience.

Anonymous said...

The Muslim brotherhood and her are controlled by Israel and a few crackpots in the Vatican and Lutheran Church, that is nothing to scream about. She's harmless as long as people get the corrupt out of there i.e. the zionists.

Anonymous said...

I am basing the lack of experience on what the author states. I get that a lack of experience is of concern for this position. I do not agree with a persons religion being a red flag....