Friday, January 23, 2015

The one element that can alievate almost any illness....

Introductory Ozone Therapy Articles
Advanced Ozone Therapy Articles
Ozone Studies
Coming Soon! As many Ozone Therapy Articles that we can find, in English. If you have any official Ozone Studies you would like to send us so we can post them on this site, please email them to us! Thank you!
Ozone Therapy Information, Ozone Therapy Articles, and Ozone Therapy Studies
Ozone Therapy Summary:
Ozone Therapy is a medical therapy that has been used worldwide for over 50 years with dramatic success and safety. In North America Ozone Therapy has not yet been fully recognized by the medical authorities, however if you review our ever growing list of Ozone Doctors, you will see that it is being adopted more and more by formally 'traditional' medical practitioners. It is clear that Ozone Therapy works, and it is becoming one of the most useful tools in medical clinics across America and around the World. (See "A Review of Ozone Therapy Applications" to learn how ozone is being administered). If you are completely new to Ozone and are wondering what all the fuss is about, read our new section Ozone Therapy Basics and then come back to these articles.

What does it do? To breifly summarize, ozone accomplishes these very important tasks in your body:

1/ Ozone is AntiAging (some of those AntiAging effects can be attributed to the following list of actions...)
2/ Ozone Increases Oxygenation of your Cells (it has been proven that cancer and disease grow in poorly oxygenated tissues in your body).
3/ Ozone Modulcates your Immune System (for those with a weakened immune system, Ozone will boost the immune system. For those with Auto-Immune Disorders, Ozone will modulate the immune system to help to stop it from attacking healthy human cells.)
4/ Ozone Increases Energy Production in your Cells (your cells need energy to be healthy; low energy levels mean that you and your cells will not be healthy and will age)
5/ Ozone Increases the Activity of your "Anti-Oxidant Enzyme Systems". This means ozone will reduce the oxidation levels of your body.
6/ Ozone Reduces the level of acidity of your body (never mind the Alkaline Water...use Ozone!)
7/ Ozone kills Bacteria, Viruses (and virtually all other disease causing organisms) on contact
8/ Ozone Kills Cancer cells on contact

The IOA - The International Ozone Association holds International Ozone Congresses every two years in various locations around the world. AEPROMO - The Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy also holds World Ozone Congresses every two years. The recent Ozone Congress held June 2012 in Madrid Spain attracted Ozone Therapy Doctors from 25 countries around the world! Countries such as Brazil, Germany, Russia, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Austria, and even the USA all have their own Ozone Thearpy Associations which hold yearly conventions (Congresses) where physicians from around the world attend to present their new findings, new procedures, and results of new studies. In 2009 there was a very public announcement in Toronto Canada, an announcement that shook the world when everyday "allopathic" medical doctors openly announced that Ozone not only can ozone be used to successfully treat herniated discs, but the studies indicate that Ozone Therapy works far better than traditional surgery!

The word is out and the door is open. Whether you are already knowledgeable about Ozone and know its value in medicine, or whether you are a skeptic, you will enjoy this site on Ozone Therapy. Review the articles posted here, learn about how ozone works, take a course from one of our many Ozone Courses. Learn.
Read the articles in this section to find out how Ozone Therapy may help you!
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Disclaimer: Information posted on this website has not been reviewed or approved by the FDA. Oxygen Healing makes no claims regarding the equipment, instruments, books, or courses advertisers on this website may advertise. The Supreme Court has also confirmed that websites posting advertising or links to other websites are not responsible for the information posted on the other websites. This area and these pages are for information only, and should not be considered as medical advice. We are an information source only, and are making no health claims regarding any medical benefit or outcome to any disease state. Ozone Therapy, EWOT Therapy, and UV Therapy are not approved for human or animal use in USA, Canada, nor in many countries around the world (which is rather unfortunate because they are approved in many other countries such as Germany and Italy..but we digress). This information is supplied so that you can make an informed decision regarding altervatives. Please consult with your health practitioner before considering any therapy or therapy protocols.

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