Thursday, January 1, 2015

Urgent Pleiadian Message – Holographic Universe

Pleiadians our benevolent space brothers and sisters have an urgent message for all of humanity.

Know your place in the Universe. Know your place in holographic Universe. You are the One.


Anonymous said...

Mind control. This is not of God and needs to be bound by the Lord. We are not illusions, you are calling God a lier.

Anonymous said...

And why is this message so 'urgent'?
Why is there a need to get as many people to hear it at the same time to 'change' something 'urgently.'?
If they can do things, why did they wait until the message was 'urgent' before releasing it?
Whose urgency is the message referring to?
What must be changed with urgency and where is it now that it's urgent it be changed?
What could be frightening if I cared, is that people claim to be awake, but awake to what?
They claim to have discernment but what does that mean to you?
Just because something is alternative, and yes all having the same ONE INFINITE Creator before all the other Creators below it, even we who are co-creators, just because we hear something alternative doesn't mean it is something we need to hear, have to know, or must do something with. Discernment is 'not caring' that someone tells you something is urgent, but knowing within if something is urgent.
If they can get the information externally, you can get it by way of a subconscious knock and still have the same information without using your 'free will' to hear their message.
What's your power? How do you use it? How will you use it?
What is your discernment and who do you let tell you what to discern and what to hear and what to know?
I'm not sure many know how easy they give their power even in being told to hear or see something and taking the time to hear and see it only to tell others whether it is true or not.
Sometimes discernment is 'taking no action at all', in this spiritual war, what goes in has an effect on you whether you realize it or not.
It's like tasting something because someone said so and telling everyone don't taste it, it's poisonous.
Did you not let that be taken into your own body before telling others it is harmful?
What have you done to you?
Discernment can be a joke placed upon the naked who think they wear fancy clothes because they believe they have on fancy clothes.
If you don't know..............will you know, that you don't know?
What questions are you asking?
Are you listening to answers to questions not asked?
The power is yours, but if you wield it carelessly, it can be used against you.
Blame who? Blame you. It's yours to give and you gave it.
Much love.