Sunday, March 15, 2015

WELCOME TO 2015, the year of depopulation in mass.

It’s not madness; it’s not out-of-control; it’s not stupidity; it’s not ignorance....IT’S THE PLAN.
We are today where people in mass throughout history have always been, it’s just that most of the people don’t know it because they have indoor plumbing.
Said the rulers, “We only need enough slave population to serve us, and just enough “slaves of slaves” to serve the slaves that serve us. Too many slaves waste resources, and inspires rebellion.”
THAT’S OUR LOT TODAY. It has always been the lot of the masses. It’s the natural state of affairs on planet earth.
If you’re not useful to the rulers, you’re of no use...except perhaps as an example of the terror they can bring to keep the useful slaves inline.
WELCOME TO 2015, the year of depopulation in mass.
Oh...and as to the delusional “NO NUKES CAN GO OFF” alien-channeler-believers, there have been FOUR nukes detonated. One just the other day (check it and you will find...).
REALITY–things as they were, are and will be–is a lot more interesting when paying attention to the now of things (all illusions to the contrary).
“ENJOY THE RIDE. It’s the only one available,” said the carny.

Depending on your point-of-view perspective hope belief faith feelings or delusion, you may not appreciate what I have consider not reading this post.

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