Thursday, April 16, 2015

PENTAGON: The Bible, Constitution and Declaration of Independence are ‘SEXIST’

Obama’s Pentagon Says The Bible, Constitution And Declaration of Independence are ‘SEXIST’


by Gina Cassini | Top Right News

Obama’s Pentagon wants you to know that our founding documents are filled with evil, sexist, stuff, OK?

This is what we’ve come to with all this politically correct garbage folks. Now our founding documents are being deemed to be evil by our own government.

According to the Defense Department’s mandatory “sexism course,” the Bible, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence all contribute to modern sexism, and have been “harmful” to the development of the nation.
Those three cherished texts all count as “historical influences that allow sexism to continue,” according to a presentation prepared by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, whose mission is to give a ”world-class human relations education.”
According to the course, the Bible has “quotes” which can be interpreted as sexist by readers.
The Declaration of Independence is also an historical cause of sexism, as the document refers only to ”all men” — not “men and women.”
And the Constitution, the Pentagon argues, is an historical source of sexism because “slaves and women were not included until later in history.”
Why are they forcing this down the throats of our service members?

How does this boost morale?

Or is the objective to degrade morale, weaken patriotism and indoctrinate?

This is a sign of how far Obama’s government has gone to destroy our past.

And it is just the latest outrage in Obama’s Progressive takeover of our military.

Just last week, Top Right News reported on how Army soldiers were forced to sit through a presentation on “White Privilege,” which singled out and bashed Whites alone.


Anonymous said...

This sounds to me like these bozos are looking for U.S citizens to agree with them as a reason to rid our nation from these laws that were written to keep the govt off
the peoples backs. When and if enough people begin to agree with these psychopaths, then the game is over and the sovereignty of America dies forever.
The Bible was written to show us all that every man, woman and child above the age of accountability needs a saviour. Those people whol lived and died during the Old testament who worshiped God were told by God in orfder to cover their sins with lambs blood, the were to use animal sacrifices, unblemished lambs up to 5 days old as a forward reference to Jesus Christ, the final sacrifice, the lamb of God, who takes away thins of the world. I guarantee this country, if our nation rids itself of Christianity, and outlaws the Holy Bible, the end of America will be inevitable. The blessings will cease to exist as an angry God will show his wrath on those who threw away the only hope for salvation. You slap God in the face when you reject the shed blood of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. You think you have Jade Helm to fear, that will be a fart in the breeze compared to what will be coming.
Serious problems will arrise that no one will be able to explain of cataclysmic proportions. Heed the Word Of God America, turn from your wicked ways while there is still time before you perish into the fiery depths of hell. The Bible states, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Jesus said, If anyone comes to me, I will give him rest. You want peace and rest? Then seek out Jesus before it is too late. No one can stop Bible Prophecy. The one world govt that shall be upon us soon was predicted over 2,000 years ago. Like it or not, believe it or not, we are living in the end of the end of days and the only way to beat the new world order is to die free man, where you end up in eternity depends on the decision you make now. You can ridicule me all you want, and that's fine, I really understand. I was once a great lover of sin, it felt good until I saw that it was just a demonic plan to keep me away from the only one that can truly free me of all sin and unrighteousness, Jesus The Christ. I hope all of you think long and hard and examine yourselves before you throw all of this away.
Christianity is NOT a religion with rules to follow. It is a very intimate relationship between the the believer an the Father God, creator of all things in heaven and on earth. Be well.

Jackie Blue

Anonymous said...

In context, I have learned that the term man is generic to all human beings. I look at it to mean men, women, children of all races, creeds and ethnicities. We can always see things the way we want them to be. Obama and the socialst movement, as is proven by the likes of ISIS, where women are chattel rather than human beings. Obama wants to take the Constitution and shred it to pieces while the Sharia laws expounded by a group of people who are willing to kill those who would deny their point of view and so-called religion. In Christianity and other faiths, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is taught. Respecting each other's religion; whether we agree with it or not is what the Contitution and our respect for one another is all about. Freedom of religion is within that Constitution. Sharia law abolishes that in their system. AND the Consitution basically states our right to whatever religion we choose to follow. Killing to push one form of religion upon another is not truly a religion but an act of barbarism. One has to study the history of this one "faith" to see its growth and decline throughtout history. When one tries to force somethng upon another through coercion and threats of death will only strengthen those of us who are already unified in our beliefs in God. The only rules that have been created that all mankind has been told to abide by are the Ten Commandments. It is obvious that Sharia Law does not abide by them. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is one of them. They choose to ignore it. Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother is another. Sharia Law ignores the mother. Yet how is a child born if it isn't the mother who plays the key role in the birth. Without them, man cannot exist. But then, that is what the Illuminati wants, isn't it? That would include all people, regardless of standing or religion, must be reduced to a half billon people worldwide. This was decided several centuries ago. Looking at what technology has been developed since then, the wars we've had in all that time, we still keep increasing. Wars kill millions. yet we continue to grow. Diseases kill millions. Again, we still grow. Ditto for abortions, famine, injections, etc. etc. etc.. Oh, yes, I left out Neutron bombs. I've been told that many major cities have them in place to detonate when needed. That, again would wipe out millions. What a better way to: 1. reduce populations. 2. Create another major war or two. 3. Fill the pockets of those who created it all for their own benefits. Can it happen? Yes. Will it? That depends on what the minds of those pulling the strings want to accomplish. We'll find out when the time comes.