Saturday, July 4, 2015

Record 93,626,000 Americans Not in Labor Force (July 4, 2015) 11:00 AM


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Subject: Fw: re:Record 93,626,000 Americans Not in Labor Force (July 4, 2015)

----whether you went to school or not----or, whether you understand this stuff or not----it doesn't take a genus to figure out that you can NOT have  94 million (not working) and have an unemployment rate of  5  or  6 %---------truth be told.....the real true unemployment rate is well over  20%----these repeated lies from this admin. are starting to get to me.....what gets to me more is that people believe this crap.....

that is because our gov't lied about the rates...

Found this interesting link on the Drudge Report:

Record 93,626,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines  to 62.6%  

COMMENT BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA - I have no argument with Mexicans or other foreign races wanting to move to America as they think they can live better in America than their native country now. However, with our current vast unemployment in America that Obama is trying to hide from the American people by George Orwell 1984 style government lying propaganda and calling it the truth to gullible Americans who do not know how to research and find the truth when lied to by the Obama White House, we are not in position to support by welfare now millions of illegal immigrants already in America. And in addition to that , the ten million or more illegal immigrants that Obama wants to bring into America now while the American people are not watching. For example, among them Obama and Democratic allies they want to bring in potentially hundreds of thousands of Muslim terrorist refugee immigrants to America so America can be rocked from coast to coast with countless bombings by Muslim terrorists trying to overthrow America from within and turn it into an Islamic nation by massive violence until America collapses.

      I think that we need to return to the Eisenhower immigration policy which worked fine while national policy of America. Illegal immigrants when located were to be shipped out and returned to their native lands. Also, our American borders were seriously watched which made it very difficult for foreigners to try and smuggle themselves into Ameica as illegal immigrants. If approved for permanent residence here or issued a green card to work in America, then foreigners could come to America legally to immigrant to here. Then they were not illegal immigrants and could go through the processes until they got approved and became naturalized citizens of America. They had to learn English and the political principles that America was founded upon. If they wanted to be loyal to the founding principles of America once made an American citizen, then no problem! They became American citizens and were loyal to the same basic principles as the native Americans were. They were assimilated into American society now thinking like the rest of the American race does on important issues of common belief. If the national economy was growing and we needed more workers to help run the American economy, then we could always let in more immigrants legally to America to help solve the labor shortage now in America, and through the process become American citizens later on if they wanted to.

     The Eisenhower immigration policy was sound and good for the future of America. The Obama immigration policy in defiance of Congress, etc. is insane, unsound, and can likely end up in the destruction of America from within if not stopped before it is too late to stop the destruction of America as a nation. I have seen fine people from various nations of Europe to move here, fine Cubans, Mexicans, and others coming from Central and Latin America to move here, fine people from other nations across the world to move here, but immigration policy must be run soundly so as to help the economy and future of America, not harm the economy and future of America. There is a right and a wrong way to handle the national immigration policy. Once the Omni Law is passed, we will by national referendum see that the national immigration policy of America is restored to sound principles and not wild fanaticism of people who would destroy America by immigration policy if we allowed them to such as Obama and radicals in the Democratic Party of today.

     When alive, Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party of America, commented at their annual Communist national picnic, that the Democrats were now running on the same platforms as the Communist Party of America had, so no longer needed to run independent Communist candidates for political office. The name Liberal was the new name for Communists in America according to Gus Hall. And when the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev came to America after exile from Russia, he sent a private letter to Communists in America telling them to back the environmental movement in America as this movement was led by Communists  and was the front by which America was to be turned into a Communist government and nation through propaganda on "Global Warming," etc. I got a copy of his letter after it had been sent and it mentioned that the Communists controlled the EPA of the federal government in America at that time. That letter was in some conservative hands but the news media with its usual censorship on news items which discredit the liberal movement in America would not report on it nor reprint it in the news sources of America. You the American people are controlled on many issues by censorship and propaganda to keep the truth hidden from you.

     If the main news media played along with Obama's fake propaganda figures on national unemployment, then they are a propaganda rag sheet for the liberal cause in America and not that honest of a national press, etc. to you the American people.
     What is the solution to the leftist propaganda and news censorship intended to keep you the American people deceived on key national issues so they can control you by their propaganda lies and news censorship? Pass our Omni Law as national law. It is shown on our national website and full name shown on our website for it is "THE OMNIBUS CIVIL RIGHTS ACT FOR AMERICA." It gives you the American people the legal right to control Wash., D.C. by passage or rejection of proposed laws and policies by national referendum which Wash., D.C. must obey your will once you vote by national referendum. This makes government your servant instead of your intended master.
     Our national website is  Our national website is  Our mailing address for orders and payments not going through our website is NIFI, P.O. BOX 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make check, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether products on our website or a loan payment to the Omni Law Loan Program also on our website. All net money raised helps to pass the Omni Law and sooner! Pass this report around. This also helps speed up passage of the Omni Law in America.
      Since the true real unemployment is so high in America and not low unemployment as Obama and allies try to trick you into believing, here are a few encouraging words for you. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and know many ways how to skyrocket free enterprise in America. I once was written up by a prestigious Who's Who organization of America and Europe as "The Einstein of American Economics." I know a lot more economic science and economic history than does Obama at the White House who only studied Communist economics and even in that, he doesn't know how to make Communist economics work in America. His only economic studies were under Communists and a key Communist in Chicago launched him into national politics as the Communist hope to take over America and make America Communist.

     Weird situation here! The Muslims also financed him and launched him into American politics to make America an Islamic nation once Obama was done with America. I suggest the hope for America's future is passage of the Omni Law and fast in America now, not Obama to "solve" the problems of America the Communist and Islamic way. An American who had lived in Kenya for years told me how Obama proudly let the word out when he was visiting relatives in Kenya that he was a Muslim also. When he got back to Chicago, he raised the money to finance a Muslim relative of his in Kenya to burn down Christian churches in Kenya and had a Muslim mob waiting at one church when burning down so they chopped down the black women and children when they were trying to flee the Christian church burning down from Islamic arson on it. Maybe around 100 Black Christians were chopped down and murdered with this massacre in Kenya having been financed by Obama who raised the money for these Muslim terrorist attacks on Black Christians and burning down of their Christian churches in Kenya. He raised close to one million dollars once he got back to Chicago to finance this savage attack on Christian churches in Kenya by his Islamic terrorist relative and Muslim mobs he led into murder of Black Christians in Kenya. Sources from Kenya reported on all this to me after it happened.
     Is Obama the leader you want to trust to shape the future of America with? I think not. Back the passage of the Omni Law by finances when you can and passing of this report to all of America which most of you reading this should be able to do. This report shows good reasons why the Omni Law should be passed in America and now.
      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen Name for that American Christian Leader who thought that we should not just sit still while the enemies of Christianity plan how to mass destroy Christianity if not stopped in time and want to kill huge numbers of Christians in America and worldwide if we Christians allow this by doing nothing. We must stop these lunatics who unfortunately have heavy money backing their side and connections to high power in government at this time. I spent eleven calender years in military academies and also have a heavy background in military intelligence. I know the plans of the other side how they plan to mass kill Christians in America and throughout the world. It is time we stop them and disarm them from power!)

Image result for quote of ronald reagan on economy   Inline image 1  Image result for quote of ronald reagan on economy

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