Sunday, August 16, 2015

Rule of Law W Va Live Stream 7 24 15

(You need to look at this video and make your own decisions on where we are at with the Government Corporations and what Thomas Deegan and his friends took action on in West Virginia, and they need your HELP to make this get established in WV and then Nationwide)

Rule of Law W Va Live Stream 7 24 15 

Published on Aug 11, 2015
Because all branches of government are incorporated as private, for profit corporations, three men petitioned the West Virginia Government for return to the rule of law thus honoring their oaths that they be government servants of, by, and for the people, not of, by, and for corporations. Gene Stalnaker, Phil Hudok, and Thomas Deegan then filed legal action in the state supreme court of appeals. This is Thomas's portion of the live streamed public address that was broadcasted from Thomas's Parkersburg home on July 24, 2015. Find out why West Virginia's constitution is unique and why this state now pivotal in the quest for freedom. The webside: has a continuously updated complete explanation of their actions with videos, interviews and all filed documents. We are on the verge of a holocaust every bit as mind boggling as any of the past. Look around at the evil building. What will the people do? West Virginia is in default and dishonor. We've exposed their machine. Everyone will answer for what they did and what they didn't do.
With no apologies...Phil Hudok


Anonymous said...

I am almost positive if others were as knowledgeable as you they would be a force to be
reckoned with, most people do not have the time, but mostly, do not believe our "corporate gov't"
would do such a thing as scam us and steal from us. I hear what you're saying and I agree 100%, but you will not succeed with just 3 people. This info needs to go viral, and there needs to be education for those participating so all can be on the same page and these "entities" can all be attacked at the same time. As you said, each state is different and my guess would be to get the militias involved as they are very aware of the structure of our Defacto Gov't. and support and communicate closely with one another. Thanks for the video, I will pass it around and Good Luck... I hope at least you succeed in West Virginia.

Dan said...

Go to: UPDATED 8-4-2015 - WON!!!!! Case in West Virginia that opens door to creating a constitutionally compliant structure, a civil authority that can require the military to ‘stand down’ against ‘We the People’. ~J
to get more info and read the comments and watch videos, and then go to their site to get more details as they have a lot more to show you.
But We The People need to stand up and soon or else there will be actions taken by the Cabal in September.