Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The State of Things - Commissions, SS Numbers, Statuses, Criminal Corporate Government 8-18-15 - Response to reader's email

The State of Things - Commissions, SS Numbers, Statuses, Criminal Corporate Government 8-18-15 - Response to reader's email
Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 18-Aug-2015 13:50:24

The State of Things - Commissions, SS Numbers, Statuses, Criminal Corporate Government 8-18-15 - Response to reader's email
August 18, 2015
To the reader who emailed me -
In keeping with your request I will not post your email, but will post the following so that others may benefit, also.
Criminal Government
I don't know what the "proper jurisdiction" which you mentioned would be. What I do believe is; since the corporate government is the fake substitute for a real de jure government, the hirelings and minions of the criminal corporate government are probably behind a lot of murders and suspicious deaths.
I am saying this without having to look further than the number of observations available in the news and online news sites. In other words, many or most of those posing as government officials in this criminal corporate government may likely exert a one-on-one attack against any individual or group that appears to be challenging any of their pseudo-authority. Think of the bully at some illegal toll booth or the thug running a protection racket and you have a good parallel to that thug-official who demands full cover-up and no challenges to his/her office and pseudo-authority.
In short, there are probably many who are aware of what is going on with this, but the few who attempt to step up and show the public are likely targets for immediate assassination.
Just as police and other law officers have no right to structure a person's life, no right to structure a family's life, neither does a corporate pseudo-government have the right to structure lives, no right to issue edicts under color of law, and no right to force immunizations and vaccinations upon 'We, The Forgotten People'.
But you don't see the pseudo-officials looking at it that way. Instead, they have recruited the powerful corporations, even phone companies, telecoms and DMVs to force customers to issue a Social Security number (therefore to take a number upon themselves) which indicates a 'status of credit' before customers can open accounts, drive a vehicle 'legally', etc.. It also applies to banking. Therefore, by forcing all onto a 'status of credit' and into the 'corporate subject' category, we are robbed of our actual rights, at least to an extent, on the face of things. They have despicably shoved Americans off a gangplank and into waters filled with sharks where belongings and properties are afloat to be seized and plundered. The criminal Supreme Court upholds the criminal presidents and criminal corporate government - UGH!
My Common Law book states that the Social Security number and the use of is foreign to the U.S. Constitution and Constitutional Law and "grants jurisdiction" ( to prosecute! ).
The criminal government position appears to be - there's a dungeon or grave for you if you do not wish to comply, otherwise no one is forcing you to drive, and for that matter no one is forcing you to open a bank account, have a place to live, be able to communicate, hold a job, and live a basically normal life.
I once paid a rather large traffic fine which was more than three decades old. The criminal corporate government intends to wring every cent they can force out of 'We, The Forgotten People'. They are, in effect, turning those of us who are poor, crippled, older, etc., upside down with the rest of society and emptying our pockets. The ones who assist it are the dispatchers sitting over there behind the emergency services consoles. They probably smirk at the evil they've done over the weeks as they accept their paychecks.
Some filthy operator sends another phony derogatory statement in about a disabled person who wouldn't harm anyone and the dispatcher probably jumps right on it and logs it down as real, not challenging it in court, with no oversight as though the subject of the report is already 'guilty as charged'. Then the subject can be further irradiated with so-called surveillance frequencies, made ill and eliminated. After all, the dispatcher doesn't care about the possible culpability of the subject, just the paycheck she, the dispatcher, receives.
My roof was blown up again ( shingles blasted into a conical configuration - ruined ) in one area of my roof - with law enforcement present on or about in the neighborhood, and in full view of neighborhood watch and the special infra-red cams on the utility poles, the 'electric eyes'. It happened immediately following outages of both my internet devices after I posted about the man killed in the Dallas County Jail Lobby. If you file that stuff you may become suddenly aware that someone is checking you out, so you would want to go in groups. With their artificial intel computers and other stooges they have an industry just to track and assess each and every person. They do not have the right to gather such critical data on each and every citizen, and especially not while illegal immigrants run loose and murder people! They spend zillions of our so-called tax dollars for this domestic spying and whatever else they want, be it child porn or child prostitutes or adult porn and adult prostitutes and they are evil beyond your wildest imagination.
One lady who filed a bunch of paperwork against officials up in one state recently drew seven years in prison. That is likely the result of the criminal corporate government's refusal to recognize Common Law. One clerk of court in Louisiana allegedly committed suicide rather than continue following a judge's order to ignore Common Law filings. He just couldn't take the injustice of it any longer. So the bottom line is; those who are telling the truth about this stuff are paying a horrible price, and those who may develop a 'sudden attack of honesty' may pay the ultimate 'final' price.
Best Regards,
14 Doctors Now Dead Or Missing In The Past 6 Weeks. What Is The Connection? [VIDEO]



Anonymous said...

Part 1
I feel their frustration.
When I 'have' to use something of theirs, and I can't change what they put on it. I look at what I can change.
old poem.
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change --> serenity [ peace of mind ]
The courage to change the things I can
AND the wisdom to know the difference.

This hung over the bar of a very impoverished home I grew up in.
I read it every day wondering what it meant.
Got older, learned to read the dictionary to figure out what it meant.
Got older, repeated it whenever something difficult came my way, not
knowing how to use that information.

One day, it clicked.
I can change my signature.
I can change my words I speak.
I can change what I tell them I do in their world.

I do not drive, that's a privilege. I travel by right.
I read their code, where is there an exemption to driving?
I find in their code, the exemption is when I'm using the public roadways for noncommercial activity.
I learn how to sign, when someone forces me into a contract, they WILL see the words
Under Coercion before they get my signature, or Under Duress if they are already keeping me from
where I should be, before they get my signature. [If I enter a contract that has undisclosed terms]

- back in the day people signed a driver's license Without Prejudice giving the UCC number to go with it.
I sign my driver's license to indicate I am a state of life.
They try to say, you can only sign first and last name.
I reply, NO ONE tells me how to sign anything.

The state is the people.
Whatever powers are not given to the government remain with the state.
state is undefined, but people assume it's the fiction STATE OF FLORIDA or
STATE OF NEW YORK, but there are other states, liquid state, gas state,
state of conscience, state of life, state of authority, state of being,
those are things I can change.

As for deaths, in my observation, and realize the world is big, minutes are in the thousands
per day, and what I can see at any given time is what's in front of me and peripheral, and
my mind has been trained to see certain things and ignore others, and I spend a lot of time
opening my mind to all possibilities so I can learn from things I like and don't like.
Like tasting all kinds of foods before finally deciding I don't like the taste of certain foods,
or deciding I will like the taste by making it an acquired taste like drinking coffee black, or
tasting some alcoholic beverage that few consider a favorite.

Back to the point, my observation is their world is based on rules (as Morpheus stated in the Matrix),
and if they operate outside those rules, THEY get into trouble, but it's not immediate. They have a
window to get you to contract to agree to accept what they do to you. For like Rod Class kept
getting kidnapped and held in jail, but when he signed bond, that's an agreement, and then he
would not accept their representative, so he filed his own documents which appeared to get
them into trouble, as they moved from one group to another to try to get a solid contract, and
he was under bond - can anyone see bondage in there - to do as they say, including be where
they say be on a particular day. When he 'failed to perform the obligations of the contract he
was in with them, he breached the contract' and they enforced it by getting him and making
him 'appear' where they wanted him when they wanted him to appear. Then he signed an
agreement with them, and they sealed the prior case, and all the things done in it, and he had
representation with the new agreement and they accepted no new paperwork.

Anonymous said...

So they hold the obligations of contracts very strict, whether they let you know nor not.
A nondisclosure agreement is a contract.
An oath is a contract.
Until one dissolves or breaks the binds of one contract, they cannot fail to perform the obligations.
A doctor disclosing something to someone not under nondisclosure, well they are going to disclose
it and the doctor will be found to have failed to perform the obligations of contract.
-- that's in the constitution so many people want to have as the document that gives them rights.
No law impairing the obligations of contracts, shall be made.
So if you work, you signed a contract to be at work whenever you are supposed to be there,
and then some corporate thug accuses you of something and you sign a contract to be free for
a price [ransom] (you are free, you just can't use the freedom you have because they kidnapped
you [no pre-written warrant naming the person to be taken or the items to be seized] and offer to
hold you in a location until the issue is resolved. You accept their offer by paying a consideration,
[you tell your friends they 'arrested you' going along with their activity, when the fact is you were
kidnapped; without using proper terms when you speak, you agree what they did to you was within
their right and power - whereas kidnapping is human trafficking and not within their right an power]
you pay a ransom to be free again, and obligation upon you is to be where they tell you to be
whenever they tell you to be there. That is in conflict with your work contract, first in time first in
line, [work contract came first and no one can make you fail to perform the obligations of that contract but
you] [if you are married, the marriage contract came first, but no one can make you fail to perform the
obligations of that contract but you] but you make the agreement because you are old enough to contract.
What could you have changed? Well no law impairing the obligations of contracts...so you claim to want
the paper called the constitution to enumerate your rights, and then you run around and give them away
at every turn and then get mad that they don't follow the very paper you claim gives you rights.

That paper will never protect you, that's why it's a goddamn piece of paper.
The only thing that will protect you, is you knowing your rights and protecting them yourself.
no galactic is going to come down here and terminate any agreement you made with anyone to be where
they say be, when they say be there.

As for killing people, my observation and I love these people and never met them, but my observation
is contracts are written, verbal, and gesture.
There are people that I have and have not communicated with who have gotten on the wrong side of
the people who do some form of control, or want to control the release or non release of information.
These people I have seen with my own eyes, write things that say
"They know where I am."
"They know how to find me."
"Fuck em, if they want to come at me, let them."
Any number of similar 'offers' to engage in conflict.
As with any contract, verbal, written, or gesture (putting up your fists to fight), can receive an acceptance.
They just accept in more silent ways, using technology to cause immediate sickness or heart attack or
death after entry into a hospital to try to recover from what they did to send you there.

So violating an NDA, violating an oath, or opening gesture or verbal over to contract, can bring them to your door.

Last observation.
The Creator in me is the same Creator in you.
The constitution states all men are created equal.
They know this, but they also know equal men can contract away any right they have to another man.
And they accept your right to contract, and they enforce your right to contract, and they enforce the
obligations of contracts you enter into.

Anonymous said...

Part 3
Some people want to 'keep the powder dry', and 'get a rope', and they know who wants a contract
of conflict, and they are willing to oblige those people, who think they are going to knock on their door
and say, 'hey, it's me you have a fight with', but no, if you want to fight to the death, to them, it's to
your death. They are unknown to you when you make the offer, they are unknown to you when
they accept the offer, and they are unknown to you when they give you consideration and complete
the terms of the agreement to fight to the death of someone, [you].

Those are my observations.
What can you change? How you sign checks, or legal documents.
Whether you say you belong to them or not, people born here used to say they were US Citizens, they
can work in the United States, but the I-9 has other status that can work in the United States as well.
People think just because someone says they travel they think they are above someone else who
feels like they have to drive.

drive, operate, motor vehicle, transportation, are all commercial terms, use any of them and you are
using the public highway for commercial activity and YOU ARE NOT EXEMPT.
travel, private property [ something that is private, not registered in the public] those are things that
you can use on the public highway for noncommercial activity.
Texas drivers handbook is for driving, so don't expect them to use the entire handbook discussing a
right when it's purpose is to discuss a privilege.
I USED to have a written entry about 6 or 7 pages in the handbook, one sentence, long removed from
the book.
It used to state
" Texans have a right to travel on Texas highways in their private property or farm equipment."

I does still have the statement further in:
If you want to drive one of these! [showing an 18 wheeler] you can use one of these
[showing a car, truck, van, etc] to take the test.

People get angry when other people tell them things, but we really aren't supposed to tell things, it's
supposed to be 'seek and ye shall find'.
Seriously, everything we find, we share a piece of it, we are okay, we share all of it, we violate some
universal code that says we are not anyone's God as they can get information from the same sources
we got it from if they want it, because we are all equal.

Equal has no power over equal.
Some believe they can use a power they do not have to make you contract with them against your
free will.
The system moves slow, and if you disclose to the departments that regulate them, as they are in
a position of trust, they do get into trouble.
But as with any game, if you fight, they can fight. If you want to go to war, they can go to war.
Do you realize we sent our men over there and they could not shoot until they were shot at?
Don't you realize how it works? They can say whatever they want, like a bully saying they are going to
kick your butt, but if you throw the first punch, you started the fight, regardless of what the presumed
threat was, it was mere words.

They use words to their advantage because people are 'gullible'.
I'm reminded of a pledging incident where they blind folded the pledges and had them eat raw
overcooked spaghetti and told them they were eating worms. It was what the pledges believed that
gave them the experience.

They tell you they GMO'd food, or sprayed chemicals in the air, or you have cancer and you are going to
die, and people believe it. They say gum causes cancer, or smoking weed kills, and people that believe
that experience that.
How many people do you know eat out of a trash can and aren't in the hospital with food poisoning, or
smoke for 40 years and didn't die of lung cancer, or smoked weed and never had a sick day in their life.
It's what they tell you that you believe.
Also, they do need as much of the population to focus on the events they schedule for mass programming.

Anonymous said...

Part 4
This mass programming spills over into your everyday lives and for
experiences I am not able to discern because I don't participate in the mass programming.
I know people who join with others to see awards shows, or superbowl halftimes and it's commercials
with everyone else.
Pope does something everyone has to see it with everyone else.
We know what they do, and yet we comply, and then when things happen later that affect you, you don't
know how to tie it into your participation.
I am not frustrated because I know, all are equal.
We can give up rights by contracting.
We fail to reveal our desire to not contract when an opportunity arises either in word or writing.
That's why allocution is important. Rod Class used allocution to reveal he was coerced to contract and
instead of their wanted 10 years, he got 1 year probation.
Rod would have had to sign himself into jail, how would he have signed?
The contracts he did sign, we tried to find out how he signed, and he never revealed. It may be his signature
never showed disagreement, never showed duress or coercion.

Have the serenity to know the things you cannot change.
Have the courage to change the things you can
Have the wisdom to know the difference.

They can't kill you without an agreement.
They know the Creator within you has every right to experience life, and they need you to forget who you are
within so you will believe they are better or stronger than you. Most of you ignore this information and
still want to fight. I'm not sure if you care to know, or spiritually you are not ready to know, and that's fine
because I'm conveying you are experiencing what you do because of what you do.

I do not have time for their enter-tain-ment [ ment would be ment-al as in enter the mind]
I don't want to give them uncontrolled power to enter my mind.
I have family and friends, but I study and listen to a lot of unlikely things.
We all have access to the same information that 'illuminated' them.
They join groups and give the information freely to each other under an oath of agreement they are not
violating each other's right to not know.
Out here, we have to be careful what is revealed because people have a right to not know.
Someone taking the information and using it the wrong way, is like giving a loaded weapon to a child.
They will cause more harm to their selves than the good you tried to give them.

Case an point. A group figured out how to exit the matrix. A man joined the group, did the paperwork to exit
the matrix, went back into the matrix, beat up his ex wife and her boyfriend and tried to show the paperwork
that he was out of the matrix to get away with it. NO WAY, it doesn't work like that. YOU DO NOT trespass
against anyone's right to their life, no matter how much you disagree with it. They have the right to find their
way, with our without you...so pushing people to wake up, you are violating their right to sleep until they want to wake up.

Case an point, someone figured out how to not pay taxes. Someone else jumped in trying to do the same thing
without exiting the contracts that made them an employee of the coporation and bound to the tax laws.
Sitting in jail because they don't know how to defend what they did, and being in contract as a US Citizen, they are an employee of the corporation, but they didn't study, they want it handed to them.

So no matter what I have stated, it's not enough without you doing your own research and learning things for yourself.
You cannot take my words for anything because I am equal, and no gods shall be before you.
As such, do not threaten to take my life, as it's not yours to take, and arguing with me about what I have written
is mute point because I have not forced anything upon you, so any anger would be you and your mind and
whatever is going on within you....nothing to do with me.

Anonymous said...

Dude, save the essay for your college thesis. This is for comments, & nobody will read this, despite your good intentions. LJ

Anonymous said...

If you read it, you'd know you didn't have to, access your spiritual, you could use the connection.

Anonymous said...

I Read It, and I Get It

That is Very Thought Provoking & Helpful Insight to many who haven't yet 'arrived', as some here seem to think they have;

TY, Anonymous August 18, 2015 at 8:14 PM !