Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bundy Ranch protestors: Nevada Prosecutors are Looking to Arrest You

!!! ALERT!  

Nevada Assemblywoman: If You Were at Bundy Ranch and Had a Gun, Nevada Prosecutors are Looking to Arrest You within the Next Few Days

Tim Brown 

In an exclusive interview with Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore on Friday, she told Oathkeepers News Media Director Jason Van Tatenhove that Nevada prosecutors mentioned the fact that there was another round of "mass" arrests of American patriots who showed up in Bunkerville, Nevada at the Bundy Ranch siege in 2014 with a gun.

"The Nevada prosecutor that was in Oregon last week, told an Oregon attorney today, Friday March 18 through the upcoming Tuesday, they will be doing another 'mass' amounts of arrests of anyone that was in Bunkerville with a firearm in 2014," she the Nevada Assemblywoman.

Pick up the video around the 9:00 mark for Fiore's comments on this issue and take time to educate yourself with the entire video on the updates she brings as she has really represented her people there in Nevada like no one I've ever seen do. 


Fiore added that she had received a call from someone that had been in Bunkerville with a gun, and according to her, "the FBI stalked him for I guess a few weeks, stalked his house, his 12-year-old daughter was home, pulled up right behind him, and he was polite and he invited them in."

"He was cautious," Fiore added. "But I advise everyone … if the FBI or the police want to question you, absolutely not without your attorney."
That is wise advice and also a right you have under the US Constitution, which states in part in the Fifth Amendment, "No person...shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself."

Of course, many people want to be friendly, but they are naïve to the workings of how manipulative certain people in authority positions may behave. I'm not saying all of them do, but the fact of the matter is your silence is a right that is protected under the Constitution and you do not have to comply with questioning in such a manner as it could be used against you in a court of law.

Fiore echoes this sentiment. "We don't have a problem with law enforcement, but their intention is to entrap, and their intention is not pure. So I would highly suggest that no one speak with the FBI or the police without your attorney because they do not have good intentions at the moment."

So, how many people are we talking about in this latest round of arrests? According to Van Tatenhove, "There were hundreds, if not thousands of people there."
Fiore confirmed that there were over 2,000 people at Bundy Ranch at one time.

However, when are the American people going to stop buying the lies of the state-controlled media and begin to look past the propaganda and see the truth and the violation of the Constitution by the DC government and the Bureau of Land Management?

When are they going to see how this is trickling down from DC to the governors, sheriffs and even to local prosecutors?

When are their eyes going to be opened and their strength renewed and deal with the criminals in their governments?

Will it take a mass round up of arrests based on unlawful, trumped up charges, or will the people wait until it's too late and they are the ones being arrested and hauled off to jail, and the propaganda machine rolls right over them defining them as terrorists and criminal?

This is nothing but the heavy hand of government attempting to silence dissent, undermine the First Amendment and the rights of the people to peacefully protest (yes, even with guns on their sides or in their hands... after all, the government had trained snipers lining them up in their sights!), and basically attempt to control the people from speaking out through fear tactics. We cannot let this stand!

Patriots, be vigilant and ready!

Finally, for anyone who was at Bundy Ranch and is targeted by these lawless thugs, several top lawyers are providing pro-bono representation for you.

All you need to do is download this form and fill it out.


Anonymous said...

There were never "over 2000" at the Bundy Ranch in 2014. Every other report puts the number at not more than 500.

When you know that Fiore did not tell the truth on that issue, can you believe anything else that she says?

Anonymous said...

That Laborers International form does not offer to give free legal advice. If a significant number of employees in one company or organization sign those cards, the union will attempt to negotiate a contract with that company. The negotiation service is free until the contract is signed and implemented, then the members start paying dues.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone keep talking about their constitutional rights when the constitution does not even exist in the minds of these bastard tyrannical criminals disguised behind the illusion of authority and respectability, black robes, suits and ties??
All they do is laugh their twisted ass off and continue with their plunder and crimes against Americans as business as usual. The only real law left that they would not be able to deny is at the end of a barrel. The same they give to everyone else when you do not comply with their demented treasonous criminal threats and agenda.

Anonymous said...

That CONstitution is a charter! Has nothing to do with We THE People! I was created in my creator's image! Nobody tells GOD what to do and nobody tells me what to do!

Anonymous said...

Deny yourself, and they will deny you too, as Anonymous 1:59pm states, created in the image of the Creator, and if they were created the same, from the same Creator, that makes them equal.
Only a contract can alter equality.
If I am your equal and you contract to be my citizen, then stop trying to tell me what to do, because by contract I represent you and what I say you want, goes.
If they had a gun and are a citizen, they need to shut the h-up.
All people who contract to be the citizen, and are watching these debates and discussing these supposed candidates and acting like when there is an election it's for a government need to shut the h-up, or sing the praises of what they are contracted into.

I care neither way, just know where you stand, and stand there. Be you. If you deny you, you have agreed to what another has in store for you. No one tells me what to do, makes me sign any paper I don't care what they say they are for. If you need my signature, then it's a contract. As soon as they 'so call' arrest these people, they will need their signature, and these people will give it to their enemy and be bondaged to them and claim injustice.

Having a gun doesn't make anyone's brain work better.