Tuesday, July 19, 2016

BREAKING: Congress Bypasses FBI, Moves To Charge Hillary With Federal Crime

It looks like there could be some good news on the horizon for anyone outraged that Hillary Clinton has not been held legally responsible for any of her crimes against the American people.

According to reports, in a letter to U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips signed by Chaffetz and Goodaltte, Congress has asked the court to open an investigation to determine whether Clinton committed perjury.

The letter is included below:

Dear Mr. Phillips:

We write to request an investigation to determine whether Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed perjury and made false statements during her testimony under oath before congressional committees.

While testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey stated the truthfulness of Secretary’s testimony before Congress was not within the scope of the FBI’s investigation. Nor had the FBI even considered any of Secretary Clinton’s testimony.

Director Comey further testified the Department of Justice requires a criminal referral from Congress to initiate an investigation of Secretary Clinton’s congressional testimony. We are writing for that purpose.

The evidence collected by the FBI during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony.

In light of those contradictions, the Department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

During FBI Director Comey’s testimony before Congress, he admitted that statements made by Clinton under oath were “not true” and that her handling of this nation’s classified material was “extremely careless.”



Anonymous said...

Trump is very GOOD news for American politics.
I admit, I don't normally vote. In the past I voted for judges.

When I saw Obama on the scene, I knew his anti-establishment rhetoric was just that...rhetoric. I could tell that by looking at their prior history, and each of these candidates had a long resume in politics. So I knew there was no change there.

I liked the message anyway, but I did not vote for Obama or anyone like Greenfield. For example, a few years before 2008 Obama being a career politician had voted for the Patriot Act and National Security Authorization Act. So I knew right at the getgo he wasn't trustworthy and wouldn't be capable of doing what he wanted.

Green, well he voted in favor of the anti-minimum wage enforcement act so I knew right away he wasn't anything they claimed he was. They made some good gestures, but wouldn't ever be capable of changing things in washington.

So I saw myself as smart and well studied. I supported the Gary Johnson platform but did not vote for Congress, unless it was someone Ron Paul or Hayes had recommended.

I feel like after this madhouse I likely dodged a wave of bullets. But anyway now that I see this guy Trump on the scene, I am very pleased with the result. With Trump, I see someone who has never been in politics or been a senator's son or anything else.

It is great to really look at the progress here. When I look at Trump it's nice to see he doesn't have a voting record, he also knows what to do with foreign policy and means what he says. So at the very least I know this man is sincere, and truly will change things in Washington. He also will be more than capable of doing so since his background is clean and has a Gerald Ford vibe.

I'm proud to say that all my relatives are voting for Trump in large part due to his sincere demeanor and power to affect change. I'm also proud to say my brother will be voting for him. I'm glad that in the future we truly will see some big changes, and even on a long and rocky road I do believe America will truly get better.

Most importantly of all, I'm grateful Americans have woken up. I'm glad the discussion has moved far past just the surface things about politicians, and moved towards real change. I'm also pleased that most of them can see Obama was never truly sincere, by looking into their prior votes. They have shown they have the leadership needed to truly change things in this nation, by ensuring men with principles like Trump get into the highest seats of power. I for one welcome it, into all the halls.

Anonymous said...

Misleading title is misleading.

Anonymous said...

The bullshit dog and pony show continues and it's just all business as usual.

Anonymous said...

I know no one believes it anymore, but I'm glad to see Trump at the front. He will truly make many changes.

Most importantly, he's showing a pathway for awakened americans to get out of this prison cell and get out of the corporation. His speeches will definitely spur others to high office, who begin dismantling this whole rodeo for good.

I don't normally talk politics. Trump though is a great move forward for politics, and the cynics should applaud that.

Anonymous said...

In regards to trump it would be good to see first lady Melania get a lot more free press. Women are one demographic the Trumps need, and that shouldn't be hard by exposing Saudi Arabia's Clinton support.